Understand how to use banks of known words, word origins, base words, suffixes and prefixes, morphemes, spelling patterns and generalisations to learn and spell new words, for example technical words and words adopted from other languages

1. You Can Do It! - Write contractions using apostrophes
2. Scrambled Words - Unscramble and rewrite 3 list words
3. Scrambled Words - Unscramble and rewrite 3 list words
4. Scrambled Words - Unscramble and rewrite 3 list words
5. Scrambled Words - Unscramble and rewrite 3 list words
6. Scrambled Words - Unscramble and rewrite 3 list words
7. Row, Row, Row! - Finish the spelling rows for 'there'
8. Row, Row, Row! - Finish the spelling rows for 'would'
9. Sports Board - Identify and rewrite the incorrectly spelled word
10. Odd One Out - Select the word that does not rhyme: 'ise' ending
11. Odd One Out - Select the word that does not rhyme: 'ose' ending
12. Odd One Out - Select the word that does not rhyme: 'ere' ending
13. Odd One Out - Select the word that does not rhyme: 'ete' ending
14. Odd One Out - Select the word that does not rhyme: 'aid' ending
15. Keys To Learning - Add 'es' and 'ed' to words ending in 'y'
16. The Right Endings - Form plurals for words ending in sh, ch, s, x, z
17. The Right Endings - Form plurals for words ending in sh, ch, s, x, z
18. Tame A Word - Combine letter groups with 'sp' to make words
19. Tame A Word - Combine letter groups with 'sk' to make words
20. Tame A Word - Combine letter groups with 'st' to make words
21. Tame A Word - Combine letter groups with 'sh' to make words
22. Tame A Word - Combine letter groups with 'th' to make words
23. Tame A Word - Combine letter groups with 'ch' to make words
24. Odd One Out - Identify the different 'ai' sound
25. Odd One Out - Identify the different 'ea' sound
26. Odd One Out - Identify the different 'ou' sound
27. Mystery Words - Identify the words where 'oo' says 'u'
28. Fair Go! - Write plurals for words ending in 'f'
29. Fair Go! - Write plurals for words ending in 'f'
30. Odd One Out - Identify the different 'ie' sound
31. Odd One Out - Identify the different 'ou' sound
32. On the End - Add 'let' to words to make new words
33. On the End - Add 'ly' to words to make new words
34. Can You Help Heath? - Remove one letter from each word to make a new word
35. Can You Help Heath? - Remove one letter from each word to make a new word
36. Can You Help Heath? - Remove one letter from each word to make a new word
37. Can You Help Heath? - Remove one letter from each word to make a new word
38. Can You Help Heath? - Remove one letter from each word to make a new word
39. On the End - Add 'er' to words to form new words
40. Sorting? - Sort base words into rule groups for adding 'ing'
41. Sorting? - Sort base words into rule groups for adding 'ing'
42. Family Reunion - Complete the words and write the common ending
43. Family Reunion - Complete the words and write the common ending
44. Think Inside the Square! - Use letters from inside the square to make a word matching the clue
45. Think Inside the Square! - Use letters from inside the square to make a word matching the clue
46. Words Within Words - Write small words from clues
47. Words Within Words - Write small words from clues
48. Words Within Words - Write small words from clues
49. Like Mice to Cheese - Make compound words
50. Tool Time - Add letter/letters to make tool words
51. Words Within Words - Write small words from clues
52. Words Within Words - Write small words from clues
53. Words Within Words - Write small words from clues
54. Words Within Words - Write small words from clues
55. Words Within Words - Write small words from clues
56. Juggling Compounds! - Identify compound words
57. Words Within Words - Write small words from clues
58. Where Did I Come From? - Write adjectives for countries of origin
59. Where Did I Come From? - Write adjectives for countries of origin
60. Where Did I Come From? - Write adjectives for countries of origin (1)
61. Word Ancestors
62. Opposites Amass
63. Change a word to match the definition
64. level12+ 5. Word Origins (1)
65. Find the Words3 A
66. Complete the Sentence
67. Match prefixes A
68. Change a word to match the definition
69. Change a word to match the definition
70. Change a word to match the definition
71. Match prefixes 2
72. Match prefixes 3
73. Match prefixes 4
74. Match prefixes 5
75. How Does It Go? - Put each small word with its bigger word (1)
76. All Day Every Day - Identify the small word that uses letters from "every" (1)
77. A Tense Match - Link present and past tense verbs (1)
78. Long, Long Ago - Sort words with the long "e" sound (1)
79. Slip Slop Slap - Select the endings that blend with "sl" to make a word (1)
80. Follow On - Identify the words that are not following the rule for adding "s" (1)
81. Spelling Rules - Add endings to "happy" (1)
82. Truckin' Around! - Identify the missing letter group and write the words (1)
83. So Many Things - Find small words in "something" (1)
84. Magical Kingdom - Proofread and rewrite wrongly spelled words (1)
85. Mirror Image - Sort "ie" and "ei" words (1)
86. Fixing Suffixes - Write the base words (1)
87. End Words - Add "ness" to words to make new words (1)
88. Lovely Words - Add "ly" to words to make new words (1)
89. Almost Enough! - Click the letter groups in "almost" and "along" (1)
90. Think It Through! - Identify letter groups in "thought" and "through" (1)
91. Spell Stack - Write 5 list words using letters from the Spell Stack (1)
92. Spell Stack - Write 5 list words using letters from the Spell Stack (1)
93. Verily, Verily! - Add "ly" and "ness" to words ending in "y" (1)
94. It Keeps On Getting Better! - Add "ier" and "est" to words ending in "y" (1)
95. Adding Up! - Add endings to the base word (1)
96. Adding Up! - Add endings to the base word (1)
97. Funnier Farm - Write plurals for words ending in "f" (1)
98. Funny Farm - Write plurals for words ending in "f" (1)
99. Back to Basics - Write the base word for each word (1)
100. Back to Basics - Write the base word for each word (1)
101. Back to Basics - Write the base word for each word (1)
102. Mystery Words - Identify the words with a short "oo" as in "hook" (1)
103. Mystery Words - Identify words with a long "oo" as in "food" (1)
104. Together They Go! - Make compound words (1)
105. Together They Go! - Make compound words (1)
106. Roll out the Scrolls - Add a prefix/suffix to complete each word (1)
107. Roll out the Scrolls - Add a prefix/suffix to complete each word (1)
108. Roll out the Scrolls - Add a prefix/suffix to complete each word (1)
109. Roll out the Scrolls - Add a prefix/suffix to complete each word (1)
110. All Together Now - Find the "our" letter group (1)
111. All Together Now - Find the "ough" letter group (1)
112. All Together Now - Find the "aigh" letter group (1)
113. Do It By The Rules! - Write comparatives/superlatives (1)