Recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and related subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental strategies for computation

1. 1000 less, 1000 more than 4215
2. 1000 less, 1 more than 7999
3. 10 less, 10 more than 5990
4. 100 less, 100 more than 4900
5. 1000 less, 1000 more than 3690
6. Changing Numbers - 2458 to 2558
7. Changing Numbers - 9906 to 9996
8. Changing Numbers - 7899 to 7909
9. Changing Numbers - 4323 to 4423
10. Changing Numbers - 8999 to 9000
11. 1000 less, 100 more than 4035
12. 1000 less, 100 more than 1000
13. 1000 less, 1000 more than 1900
14. 100 less, 1000 more than 1795
15. 1000 less, 10 more than 8712
16. 1000 less, 100 more than 6995
17. 100 less, 1 more than 5999
18. 1000 less, 1 more than 8799
19. 100 less, 1000 more than 5000
20. 1 less, 1000 more than 8000
21. Add these 3 numbers: 9+10+4
22. Add Board: 60 + 23
23. Add Board: 30 + 70
24. Add Board: 40 + 60
25. Add Board: *0 + 20 = 100
26. Add Board: 63 + 20
27. Make 50: 20+10+?
28. Make 50: 20+10+?
29. Make 50: 20+10+?
30. Make 50: 20+10+?
31. Make 50: 20+10+?
32. Adding tens: 26 + ? = 36
33. Adding tens: 46 + ? = 56
34. Adding tens: 64 + ? = 94
35. Adding tens: ?+ 36 = 66
36. Adding tens: ?+ 73 = 83
37. Adding tens: ?+ 46 = 86
38. Changing numbers 136 to 140
39. Changing numbers 122 to 130
40. Changing numbers 154 to 160
41. Changing numbers 188 to 190
42. Changing numbers 177 to 180
43. Make 50: 20+10+?
44. On the board 963 + 5 = ?
45. On the board 242 + 6 = ?
46. On the board 781 + 8 = ?
47. On the board 427 + 2 = ?
48. On the board 113 + 4 = ?
49. Adding tens: 120 + ? = 140; 120 + 50 = ?
50. Adding tens: 24 + ? = 64, 24 + 50 = ?
51. Adding tens: 145 + ? = 155, 145 + 30 = ?
52. Adding tens: 57 + ? = 97, 57 + 20 = ?
53. Adding tens: 138 + ? = 178, 178 + 20 = ?
54. Use the pattern: 2+4, 12+4, 120 + 40
55. Use the pattern: 4+1, 14+1, 140+10
56. Use The Pattern: 4+3, 14+3, 140+30
57. Use The Pattern: 2+7, 12+7, 120+70
58. Use The Pattern: 5+4, 15+4, 150+40
59. Use The Pattern: 3+6, 13+6, 130+60
60. Use The Pattern: 5+3, 15+3, 150+30
61. On The Board 135+100
62. On The Board 254+100
63. On The Board 458+100
64. On The Board 765+100
65. On The Board 553+100
66. Number detectives: 80+?, 90+?, 40+?=100
67. Number detectives: 10+?, 70+?, 50+?=100
68. Number detectives: 25+?, 35+?, 55+? =100
69. Number detectives: 5+?, 45+?, 15+?=100
70. 100 Zone: 93 + 10, 94 + 10, 96 + 10
71. 100 Zone: 90 + 10, 92 + 10, 97 + 10
72. 100 Zone: 95 + 10,10 + 95, 105 - 10
73. 100 Zone: 98 + 10,10 + 98, 108 - 10
74. 100 Zone: 99 + 10,109 - 10, 10 + 99
75. Add it up: Addition with trading 52+9
76. Add it up: Addition with trading 46+8
77. Add it up: Addition with trading 22+5
78. Add it up: Addition with trading 26+17
79. Add it up: Addition with trading 38+14
80. Add Board: 45 + 34 = ?
81. Add Board: 67 + 12 = ?
82. Add Board: 32 + 65 = ?
83. 100 Zone: 70 + 40 = ? 90 + ? = 110, ? + 80 = 110
84. 100 Zone: 60 + 80 = ? 90 + ? = 140, ? + 100 = 140
85. 100 Zone: 70 + 80 = ? 100 + ? = 150, ? + 70 = 150
86. 100 Zone: 90 + 70 = ? 80 + ? = 160, ? + 60 = 160
87. 100 Zone: 95+7=? 101-?=99 ?+6=103
88. 100 Zone: 95+6=? 103-?=99 ?+6=104
89. 100 Zone: 98+7=? 105-?=98 ?+6=105
90. 100 Zone: 98+6=? 102-?=98 ?+5=103
91. 100 Zone: 98+3=? 101-?=97 ?+5=102
92. Add it up: 69+23
93. Add it up: 46+26
94. Add it up: 37+24
95. Add it up: 58+34
96. Add it up: 28+25
97. Changing Numbers 29 to 34
98. Changing Numbers 67 to 78
99. Changing Numbers 98 to 101
100. Changing Numbers 87 to 92
101. Changing Numbers 59 to 63
102. Changing Numbers 96 to 101
103. Changing Numbers 98 to 105
104. Changing Numbers 97 to 103
105. Changing Numbers 97 to 102
106. Changing Numbers 99 to 103
107. Changing Numbers 42 to 62
108. Changing Numbers 63 to 93
109. Changing Numbers 14 to 54
110. Changing Numbers 137 to 157
111. Changing Numbers 35 to 85
112. Number detectives 45+*=100
113. Number detectives 75+*=100
114. Number detectives 85+*=100
115. Number detectives 35+*=100
116. Number detectives 5+*=100
117. Number detectives *+109 = 113
118. Number detectives *+4 = 103
119. Number detectives *+5 = 103
120. Number detectives 235+6 = *
121. Number detectives 98+7=*
122. Number detectives 485+*= 493
123. Number detectives 515+*= 523
124. Number detectives 95+*=101
125. Number detectives 97+*=103
126. Use The Pattern 3+5 30+50 300+500
127. Use The Pattern 3+6 30+60 600+300
128. Use The Pattern 2+4 20+40 200+400
129. Use The Pattern 3+2 30+20 200+300
130. Use The Pattern 6+2 60+20 600+200
131. Make 200: 130+50+*
132. Make 200: 70+100+*
133. Make 200: 60+40+*
134. Make 200: 90+30+*
135. Make 200: 150+40+*
136. Addition Chains 21 + 3 + 6 + 5, 60 + 4 + 3 + 2
137. Addition Chains 33 + 4 + 10 + 5, 28 + 3 + 9 + 8
138. Addition Chains 23 + 5 + 4 + 9, 60 + 8 + 3 + 10
139. Addition Chains 95 + 4 + 2 + 12, 94 + 3 + 3 + 7
140. Addition Chains 100 + 5 + 5 + 7, 99 + 3 + 6 + 2
141. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 15+28
142. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 29+16
143. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 22+29
144. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 54+28
145. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 67+27
146. Beyond 90: 98 + 4
147. Beyond 100: 104 + 7
148. Beyond 110: 119+3
149. Beyond 120: 128+6
150. Beyond 130: 139 + 5
151. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 246+8
152. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 289+4
153. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 545+8
154. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 637+5
155. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 124+7
156. Changing numbers: 12 + 10, +11, +111
157. Changing numbers: 28 + 10, +11, +111
158. Changing numbers: 49 + 10, +11, +111
159. Changing numbers: 88 + 10, +11, +111
160. Changing numbers: 29 + 10, +11, +111
161. Number Detectives: 100 Pairs ? + 79 = 100
162. Number Detectives: 100 Pairs ? + 51 = 100
163. Number Detectives: 100 Pairs 63 + 37 = ?
164. Number Detectives: 100 Pairs 88 + ? = 100
165. Use the pattern: 6+3, 60+30, 600+300
166. Use the pattern: 2+4, 20+40, 200+400
167. Use the pattern: 2+6, 20+60, 200+600
168. Use the pattern: 4+9, 40+90, 400+900
169. Use the pattern: 1+7, 10+70, 100+700
170. On the Board 45 + 3* = *7
171. On the Board 3* + *5 = 98
172. On the Board 4* + 42 = *9
173. On the Board 3* + 62 = *6
174. On the Board 8* + *6 = 98
175. Add board 152+40
176. Add board 122+46
177. Add board 173+26
178. Add board 164+33
179. Add board 163+32
180. On the Board 63 + 32 = **
181. On the Board 33 + *5 = 7*
182. On the Board *8 + 51 = 7*
183. On the Board 63 + 17 = **
184. Adding Tens 167 + * = 197
185. Add Hundreds: 600+ * = 946
186. Add Hundreds: 200+ * = 580
187. Add Hundreds: 400+ * = 963
188. Add Hundreds: 100+ * = 319
189. Add Hundreds: 300+ * = 565
190. Adding Tens: 416 + 50 = *
191. Adding Tens: 542 + 50 = *
192. Add Hundreds: 500+246
193. Add Hundreds: 100+280
194. Add Hundreds: 300+453
195. Add Hundreds: 200+43
196. Add Hundreds: 800+163
197. Adding Tens: * + 726 = 786
198. Adding Tens: * + 314 = 394
199. Add Hundreds: * + 300 = 330
200. Add Hundreds: * + 200 = 241
201. Add Hundreds: * + 800 = 819
202. Add Hundreds: * + 300 = 345
203. Add Hundreds: * + 200 = 295
204. Number Detectives: 100 Pairs 85 + ?, 75 + ?, 45 +?= 100
205. The Nine Family: 53 + 9, + 19 + 29
206. The Nine Family: 47 + 9, + 19 + 29
207. The Nine Family: 38 + 9, + 19 + 29
208. The Nine Family: 55 + 9, + 19, + 29
209. The Nine Family: 42 + 9, + 19, + 29
210. Anyone for a burger?: $5+$4+$1+$2
211. Anyone for a burger?: $6+$4+$1+$3
212. Anyone for a burger?: $5+$6+$4
213. Anyone for a burger?: $5+$4+$1+$2
214. Anyone for a burger?: $5+$6+$1+$3
215. Bargain basement: $8+$4+$10
216. Bargain basement: $18+$6+$8
217. Bargain basement: $16+$6+$20
218. Bargain basement: $48+$6+$5
219. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 45 + 17
220. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 63 + 28
221. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 34 + 48
222. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 29 + 52
223. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 46 + 37
224. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 63 + 27
225. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 34 + 57
226. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 34 + 57
227. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 55 + 25
228. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 28 + 43
229. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 968+ 5
230. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 457+7
231. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 213+9
232. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 518+6
233. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 812+ 8
234. True or False?: 12 + 14 = 26
235. True or False?: 19 + 13 = 34
236. True or False?: 17 + 19 = 36
237. True or False?: 14 + 17 = 33
238. True or False?: 12 + 13 = 25
239. Use the pattern: 5+2,50+20, 500+200=?
240. Use the pattern: 5+4,50+40, 500+400=?
241. Use the pattern: 7+1,70+10, 700+100=?
242. Use the pattern: 2+3,20+30, 200+300=?
243. Use the pattern: 3+8,30+80, 300+800=?
244. Same or different:13-4,6+3,12-5,19-8,32-23
245. Same or different:13+6,34-15,43-25,32-13,58-37
246. Make 100: 50, 20 & ?
247. Make 100: 60, 20 & ?
248. Make 100: 10, 40 & ?
249. Make 100: 10, 30 & ?
250. Make 100: 60, 40 & ?
251. Mysteries of 30!: 20+?, 15+?, 5+?
252. Mysteries of 30!: 19+?, 10+?, 16+?
253. Mysteries of 30!: 12+?, 13+?, 14+?
254. Mysteries of 30!: 9+?, 5+?, 7+?
255. Mysteries of 30!: 26+?, 28+?, 22+?
256. Number detectives: 60+?, 50+?, 75+?=100
257. Number detectives: 65+?, 55+?, 85+?=100
258. True or False? 10-7=20-7
259. True or False? 15-2=2-15
260. True or False? 10-2=11-3
261. True or False? 9-5=8-4
262. Taking Tens: 90 - ? = 70
263. Taking tens: 40 - 30 = ?
264. Taking tens: 50 - 20 = ?
265. Taking tens: 80 - 40 = ?
266. Taking tens: 70 - 10 = ?
267. Taking tens: 70 - 40 = ?
268. Taking tens: 40 - 30 = ?
269. Takeaway board 87-53
270. Takeaway board 29-15
271. Takeaway board 45-21
272. Takeaway board 77-34
273. Takeaway board 18-12
274. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 63-9
275. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 45-8
276. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 51-5
277. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 43-7
278. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 34-8
279. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 62-8
280. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 41-6
281. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 63-9
282. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 45-7
283. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 56-9
284. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 45-9
285. True or False?: 12 - 2 = 15 - 5
286. True or False?: 28 - 8 = 30 - 10
287. True or False?: 25 - 5 = 25 - 5
288. True or False?: 15 - 5 = 30 - 20
289. True or False?: 30 - 5 = 28 - 3
290. Use the pattern: 9-5, 90-50, 900-500
291. Use the pattern: 8-5, 80-50, 800-500
292. Use the pattern: 6-2, 60-20, 600-200
293. Use the pattern: 9-8, 90-80, 900-800
294. Use the pattern: 5-3, 50-30, 500-300
295. Use the pattern: 8-2, 80-20, 800-200
296. Takeaway board: 65-34
297. Takeaway board: 48-26
298. Takeaway board: 3? - 14 = 23
299. Takeaway board: 2? - 13 = 13
300. Takeaway board: 4? - 22 = 27
301. Takeaway board: 6? - 12 = 55
302. Takeaway board: 5? - 26 = 32
303. Taking Tens: 44 - 20
304. Taking Tens: 68 - 30
305. Subtract.chains 32 - 4 - 7 - 4, 45 - 2 - 10 - 5
306. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 24 - 18
307. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 52 - 36
308. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 43 - 26
309. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 46 - 28
310. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 71 - 52
311. Changing Numbers 55-37=?
312. Changing Numbers 65-54=?
313. Changing Numbers 48-22=?
314. Changing Numbers 36-16=?
315. Changing Numbers 51-28=?
316. Changing Numbers 42-32=?
317. Write the missing number: 7 + ? + 14 = 30
318. Write the missing number: 15 + 4 + ? = 30
319. Write the missing number: 12 + 10 + ? = 30
320. Write the missing number: 15 + 5 + ? = 30
321. Write the missing number: 18 + 8 + ? = 30
322. Write the missing number: 5 + 5 + ? = 30
323. Number Detectives: ? - 15 = 10
324. Number Detectives: ? - 9 = 21
325. Number Detectives: 30 - 17 = ?
326. Number Detectives: 30 - 14 = ?
327. Number Detectives: 30 - ? = 12
328. Number Detectives: 40 - ? = 29
329. Takeaway board 152-? = 144
330. Takeaway board 547-? = 538
331. Takeaway board 553-? = 546
332. Takeaway board 291-? 285
333. Takeaway board 742-? = 737
334. Takeaway Board ?9-18 = 71
335. Takeaway Board 67-1?=53
336. Takeaway Board 79-?8=61
337. Takeaway Board ?7-17=50
338. Takeaway Board ?3-21=72
339. Take Ten 42 - 10
340. Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 21 from 5
341. Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 41 from 85
342. Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 31 from 77
343. Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 21 from 68
344. Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 71 from 96
345. Subtract 2, 12 from 100
346. Subtract 3, 13 from 100
347. Subtract 5, 15 from 100
348. Subtract 7, 17 from 100
349. Subtract 8, 18 from 100
350. Subtract 4, 14 from 100
351. Find first number: After I count back 5, the new number is 299. Where did I start?
352. Find first number: After I count back 4, the new number is 197. Where did I start?
353. Find first number: After I count back 6, the new number is 395. Where did I start?
354. Find first number: After I count back 7, the new number is 596. Where did I start?
355. Find first number: After I count back 8, the new number is 95. Where did I start?
356. Changing Numbers 84 to 63
357. Changing Numbers 100 to 44
358. Changing Numbers 40 to 24
359. Changing Numbers 124 to 98
360. Write the missing number: 25 + 3 + ? = 35
361. Write the missing number: 25 + 4 + ? = 35
362. Write the missing number: 25 + 2 + ? = 35
363. Write the missing number: 25 + 5 + ? = 35
364. Write the missing number: 25 + 1 + ? = 35
365. Write the missing number: 35 + 5 + ? = 50
366. Write the missing number: 35 + 7 + ? = 50
367. Write the missing number: 35 + 9 + ? = 50
368. Write the missing number: 35 + 13 + ? = 50
369. Write the missing number: 35 + 11 + ? = 50
370. True or False: 100 - 47 = 33
371. True or False: 200 - 28 = 172
372. True or False: 30 + 16 - 4 = 44
373. True or False: 30 + 16 - 4 = 42
374. True or False: 30 + 16 - 4 = 46
375. Use the Pattern: 7-3, 37-3, 167-3=?
376. Use the Pattern: 9-5, 29-5, 249-5=?
377. Use the Pattern: 6-3, 36-3, 166-3=?
378. Use the Pattern: 8-1, 18-1, 128-1=?
379. Use the Pattern: 6-4, 46-4, 286-4=?
380. Hundreds takeaway 350-**=330
381. Hundreds takeaway 697-**=614
382. Hundreds takeaway 457-**=425
383. Hundreds takeaway 596-**=543
384. Hundreds takeaway 875-**=865
385. Hundreds takeaway 997-**=971
386. Subtracting tens: 88 - ? = 48
387. Subtracting tens: 57 - ? = 27
388. Subtracting tens: 44 - ? = 24
389. Subtracting tens: 86 - ? = 56
390. Subtracting tens: 94 - ? = 24
391. The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=31, 40-?=33, 40-?=30
392. The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=51, 40-?=38, 40-?=32
393. The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=32, 40-?=29, 40-?=37
394. The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=29, 40-?=38, 40-?=39
395. The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=30, 40-?=33, 40-?=36
396. The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=29, 40-?=31, 40-?=33
397. The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=28, 40-?=32, 40-?=18
398. The Mysteries of 30!: 30-?=26, 30-?=23, 30-?=27
399. The Mysteries of 30!: 30-?=23, 30-?=13, 30-?=3
400. The Mysteries of 30!: 30-?=18, 30-?=15, 30-?=12
401. The Mysteries of 30!: 30-?=14, 30-?=19, 30-?=9
402. Subtraction chains: 30-4-10-8, 30-5-10-7
403. Subtraction chains: 30-4-16-8, 30-5-3-11
404. Subtraction chains: 30-8-6-12, 30-6-3-5
405. Subtraction chains: 30-3-4-13, 30-6-5-7
406. Subtraction chains: 30-10-9-4, 30-5-9-7
407. Changeover: 7 less than 301
408. Changeover: 6 less than 904
409. Changeover: 6 less than 503
410. Changeover: 7 less than 204
411. Changeover: 8 less than 305
412. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 53 - 28
413. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 61 - 13
414. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 25 - 16
415. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 33 - 18
416. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 46 - 27
417. Same or Different: Answer 43
418. Same or Different: Answer 77
419. Same or Different: Answer 69
420. Same or Different: Answer 56
421. Same or Different: Answer 38
422. Same or Different: Answer 24
423. The Mysteries of 40! 40-14,23,19
424. The Mysteries of 40! 40-8,12,25
425. The Mysteries of 40! 40-20,15,9
426. A Day at the Fair: 3x$1 + 2x$2
427. Anyone for a burger? 3x$5 + 2x$5
428. Bargain Basement - 2x$4 +10x$10
429. Anyone for a burger?: 6x$5 + 5x$5
430. Anyone for a burger?: 5x$4 + 3x$1
431. Bargain Basement: 4x$3 + 10x$10
432. Bargain Basement: 3x$4 + 6x$2
433. What Was I Thinking? - find original number after operations
434. What Was I Thinking? - find original number after operations
435. What Was I Thinking? - find original number after operations
436. Make Five! - magic triangle puzzle, add to 5
437. Big Brother? - working backwards
438. Sum In A Circle - numbers in each group total 15
439. Patterns - Which operation? 95*5=100
440. Which Operation? - 60*4 = 56
441. Dr Dan's Number Operations - "x - 6 = 7"
442. The Busy Bus - students on and off bus
443. Dr Dan's Number Operations - "x + 2 = 10"
444. Number Quest - complete number sentence
445. Number Quest - complete number sentence
446. Build A Total - number sequence, 24
447. Tic Tac Two - use numbers 1, 2 and 3 to make all totals the same
448. Make Five! - magic triangle puzzle, add to 5
449. Number Quest - complete number sentence
450. Build A Total - number sequence, 30
451. I'm Thinking Of... - operations with length, whole cm
452. Weigh Ho, Me Hearties! - adding masses in g
453. Weigh Ho, Me Hearties! - adding masses in kg
454. The Chicken Story: seventy-seven + twelve
455. Crossing 100: Add 70 to 60
456. Crossing 100: Add 60 to 80
457. Crossing 100: Add 90 to 40
458. Crossing 100: Add 50 to 90
459. Crossing 100: Add 50 to 70
460. The Chicken Story: forty-one - thirty-three
461. The Chicken Story: seventy-six - sixty-five
462. The Chicken Story: thirty-nine + twelve
463. The Chicken Story: thirty-six + fourteen
464. The Chicken Story: forty-one + seventeen
465. The Chicken Story: thirteen + nineteen
466. The Chicken Story: twenty-four + thirty-two
467. 10 less, 100 more than 4508
468. 100 less, 10 more than 6577
469. 100 less, 1000 more than 2231
470. 1000 less, 100 more than 4550
471. 100 less, 100 more than 7323
472. 1000 less, 1000 more than 1001
473. 1000 less, 1000 more than 4035
474. Emma at the shop: 25c + 15c
475. Charlotte at the shop: 60c + 25c
476. Marjorie at the shop: 70c + 15c
477. Felicity at the shop: 50c + 45c
478. Amy at the shop: 50c + 10c
479. David at the shop: 45c + 30c
480. Alisa at the shop: 40c + 25c
481. Ayesha at the shop: 25c + 10c
482. Sherwyn at the shop: 50c + 30c
483. Fizah at the shop: 25c + 30c
484. Shyla at the shop: 25c + 70c
485. Reuben at the shop: (2 x 25c) + (1 x 40c)
486. Henrietta and Jay at the shop: (2 x 25c) + (2 x 15c)