Convert percentages to fractions and decimals (terminating and recurring)

1. Compare a fraction: Choose the fraction corresponding to a percentage
2. Compare a fraction: Choose the fraction corresponding to a percentage
3. Compare a fraction: Click the fractions less than 79%
4. Number Detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number
5. Number Detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number
6. Number Detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number
7. Number Detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number
8. Number Detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number
9. The number detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number
10. The number detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number
11. The number detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number
12. The number detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number
13. The number detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number
14. Persistently Perusing Percentages: Write a percentage as a decimal number
15. Persistently Perusing Percentages: Write a percentage as a decimal number
16. Fearlessly fathoming fractions: Write 96% as a fraction in its lowest terms