Multiply and divide fractions and mixed numerals using written methods
1. | Fractured multiplication: Fraction multiplication | |
2. | Fractions multiply: Multiplying fractions | |
3. | Fractions Multiply: 3/4x2/9 | |
4. | Fractions Divide: 1/4÷1/2 | |
5. | Detective Duck | |
6. | Fractions Divide: 10 / 1/6 | |
7. | Where There's A Will: Express a relationship between quantities as a ratio | |
8. | Small Change - medieval time units, atoms | |
9. | Detective Duck: Solve a fractional number pattern | |
10. | Detective Duck: Write the fraction halfway between two other fractions | |
11. | Fractions Multiply: 4/7x21/32 | |
12. | Fractions Multiply: 3/5x20/33 |