Identify the value of each digit in numbers given to three decimal places and multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 giving answers up to three decimal places
1. | Size-Wise - Choose digit with smallest value | |
2. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 41.6 | |
3. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 21.7 | |
4. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 28.6 | |
5. | Your Place or Mine? Tenths, tens 64.2 | |
6. | Your Place or Mine?: Tens/tenths 5 824 906.07 | |
7. | Your Place or Mine?: Ten thousands/Tenths 563 852.14 | |
8. | Your Place or Mine? Tens/Tenths 741 395.28 | |
9. | Your Place or Mine? Hundreds/Tenths 625 346.17 | |
10. | Your Place or Mine? Tens/Tenths 331 407.35 | |
11. | Your Place or Mine? Ten thousands/Tenths 515 742.21 | |
12. | Size-Wise: Largest possible number with 1 dec. place | |
13. | Place Value Quiz: Thousandths, tenths, ones, hundredths | |
14. | Place Value Quiz: Thousandths, tens, ones, hundredths | |
15. | Place Value Quiz: Thousandths, ten thousands, ones, hundredths | |
16. | Place Value Quiz: Thousands, tenths, tens, hundredths | |
17. | Place Value Quiz: Hundredths, tenths, ones, ten thousands | |
18. | Size-Wise: Smallest no: 2 dec. places | |
19. | Place Value Quiz: 1000ths, 10 000s, 100ths, 100s | |
20. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 26.08 | |
21. | Your Place or Mine? Tenths, tens 16.03 | |
22. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, hundredths 89.76 | |
23. | Your Place or Mine? Tenths, hundredths 58.16 | |
24. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, hundredths 12.58 | |
25. | Your Place or Mine? Tenths, tens 12.8 | |
26. | Your Place or Mine? Tenths, tens 41.5 | |
27. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 48.6 | |
28. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 93.4 | |
29. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 50.1 | |
30. | Your Place or Mine? Tenths, hundredths 122.82 | |
31. | Your Place or Mine? Tenths, hundredths 846.97 | |
32. | Your Place or Mine? Tenths, tens 46.38 | |
33. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 917.91 | |
34. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, hundreds 385.4 | |
35. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, hundredths 199.94 | |
36. | Your Place or Mine? Tenths, hundreds 184.17 | |
37. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 65.03 | |
38. | Your Place or Mine? Tenths, hundreds 267.4 | |
39. | Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 183.5 |