If you’re a super awesome teacher who has made your way here while looking for an online typing tutor to use in the classroom, so you can share the joys of 10-finger touch-typing with your students, then you’re our kind of person.
For starters, it shows you’re an educator who understands that, as technology continues to become an ever-increasing part of life, the ability to touch-type accurately and speedily is one of the most practical and useful skills your students can learn. We understand that too!
It’s why we originally developed the incredibly popular, Typing Tournament CD release, all those years ago. It’s also why we have spent years refining and perfecting our tutoring methodology and product through extensive classroom testing and research.
The product of all that research and refinement is Typing Tournament Online – a greatly-enhanced, entirely web-based version of the multi-award-winning Typing Tournament CD edition. We have taken our fun and effective ten-finger typing course, with its brilliantly-engaging medieval tournament theme, and catapulted it into the 21st century!
Typing Tournament Online combines fun graphics and an engaging storyline with a proven-effective tutoring methodology to produce one of the most educationally sophisticated 10-finger typing programs available.
The course is delivered incrementally, over 16 levels, to build skill mastery through repetition and controlled progression. Each level introduces the learner to a new set of four Focus Keys, beginning with an animated demonstration of the location and fingering of the Focus Keys and an interactive exercise.
This introduction is followed by practice drills, embedded games, and tests, which integrate the new Focus Keys with previously learnt keys in realistic text-type environments sourced from our massive vault of Sequenced Text Resources. These sequenced text resources have been carefully crafted to reinforce keystroke learning, build muscle memory, and thoroughly engage and motivate the learner with humorous and interesting content.
Drills, games, and tests help to teach new keys and associated muscle movements while reinforcing the muscle memory and strengthening the typing skills learned so far. Each new set of keys may only be attained by proving proficiency with the current set of keys, which is demonstrated by meeting carefully-researched parameters that are designed to optimise each student’s progress.
Learning to touch-type prepares students for online assessments, where efficient and competent 10-finger typing boosts the student’s chance of success. As more and more educational material is increasingly being delivered online – from short-term online learning-from-home to NAPLAN Online, from completing an online assignment or assessment task to full online delivery of tertiary and continuing education courses – students of all ages can benefit from learning how to touch-type.
Our lessons, games and drills encourage regular repetition of individual muscle movements, which develops muscle memory and builds new neural pathways. Every keystroke in every lesson and drill forms part of an intentional learning sequence designed to teach typing skills that will last a lifetime.
We have made it as easy and as time efficient as possible for you to teach your class to touch-type, to save you valuable classroom time.
Complete the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!