Step 3

Difficulty 3

1. Continue the Pattern: a , m a , ???
2. Continue the Pattern: a . b.. c ???
3. What's That Number?
4. Space Shuffle: Find the pattern
5. What's That Number?
6. What's That Number?
7. What's That Number?
8. Pattern Pieces: a+5=b, b+6=c, c+7=d, d+8=e, etc
9. Pattern Pieces: Decimal hundredths
10. Order! Order! 5-digit: Smallest number first
11. Round to nearest 1000: 12 211 36 950 104 401
12. Round to the nearest 10 000: 11 450 19 101 56 852
13. Here are the words.......where's the number?
14. Here are the words.......where's the number?
15. Here's the number: 36 589 63 589 36 958
16. Here's the number: 24 468 42 468 42 688
17. 1000 less, 1000 more than 6 325 478
18. 1000 less, 100 more than 2 135 698
19. 10 000 less, 100 000 more than 9 654 128
20. 1000 less, 1000 more than 6 598 696
21. Space Shuffle: Find the pattern
22. Size-Wise: Largest possible number
23. Your Place or Mine?: Ten thousands/Tenths 563 852.14
24. Your Place or Mine? Tens/Tenths 741 395.28
25. Your Place or Mine? Ten thousands/Tenths 515 742.21
26. Size-Wise: Largest possible number with 1 dec. place
27. Round to the nearest whole number: 25.61 39.42 96.91
28. Round to the nearest whole number: 95.11 42.34 64.24
29. Round to the nearest whole number: 65.95 45.76 63.77
30. Place Value Quiz: Hundredths, tenths, ones, ten thousands
31. Round to nearest 10 000: 112 369 419 837 665 789
32. Round to nearest 100 000: 1 159 362 4 379 258 8 402 928
33. Round to nearest 100 000: 8 789 025 2 458 023 1 367 528
34. Make a Number: 3 tens, 4 hundredths, 5 tenths, 8 ones
35. About Half: 5 125 321 10 205.68 8 200 458 60 501.36
36. About Half: 6 250 369 50 125.59 1 002 369 100 125.99
37. Pattern Pieces: Add 0.002
38. Pattern Pieces: Add 0.04
39. Pattern Pieces: Add 0.05
40. Order! Order! 2 dec places - Largest number first
41. Space Shuffle: Find the pattern
42. A Matter of Factors: Factors of 96
43. A Matter of Factors: Not factors of 18
44. Size-Wise: Largest no: 2 dec. places
45. See You Round: Round to the nearest hundred thousand: 250 987
46. Numbers Up: 412 340
47. Numbers Up: 18 426
48. Numbers Up: 143 137
49. Numbers Up: 706 589
50. Numbers Up: 799 313