Step 3

Difficulty 3

1. That One's Mine! - Plural compound nouns
2. That One's Mine! - Plural compound nouns
3. That One's Mine! - Plural compound nouns
4. Which Noun is Which? - Abstract and concrete nouns
5. No Comparison! - Adjectives without comparative forms
6. Pig's Might Fly! - Correctly punctuate sentences, apostrophes
7. Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns
8. Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns
9. Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns
10. Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns
11. Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns
12. Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns
13. Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns
14. Confessions of an Indefinite Mind - Correct/incorrect verb forms
15. Commas: A Case of Dates and Numbers - Separating adjacent numbers
16. Cut It In Two - Two sentences or one
17. Comma Invasion! - Using commas correctly
18. Humpty Dumpty - Using modifiers
19. Change in Person - Identify correct usage
20. Change in Person - Identify correct usage
21. Change in Person - Identify correct usage
22. To be, or not to be (correct)... - Capitalisation of proper nouns (Hamlet)
23. Jumbled World - Identify sentences with unclear meanings
24. Comma Invasion! - Using commas correctly
25. Comma Invasion! - Using commas correctly
26. Comma Invasion! - Using commas correctly
27. Comma Invasion! - Using commas correctly
28. Comma Invasion! - Using commas correctly
29. Uno or Duo? - Use of singular and plural verbs
30. Captain Sook and the Island of the Giant Toad - Identify and correct misspelled words
31. Captain Sook and the Giant Seal Queen - Identify and correct misspelled words
32. Colon the Grammarian - Identify mistakes in text
33. Verbal Irregulars - Present tense irregular verbs
34. Personified - Select predicate using personification to complete sentence
35. Personification - Identify personification in sentences
36. Verb No. 1 - Identify principle verb
37. For Whom Does the Bell Toll? - Use of relative pronouns
38. - Make corrections to grammar, spelling and punctuation
39. Here a Comma, There a Colon - Using commas and colons
40. Top Tales - Punctuation marks: ellipsis
41. Top Tales - Punctuation marks: underscore
42. Top Tales - Punctuation marks: asterisk
43. Relative Pronouns - Select list of relative pronouns used
44. Comma Invasion! - Using commas correctly (1)
45. Knick Knack, Paddy Whack - Identify correctly constructed sentences, conjunctions (1)
46. Mind-Numbing Numbers - Using singular and plural verbs (1)
47. Pig's Might Fly? - Correctly punctuate sentences, apostrophes