Step 4

Difficulty 4

1. Finish the Sentence - Put the correct words into the spaces
2. Finish the Sentence - Put the correct words into the spaces
3. Same First Sound - Match pictures with the same first sound
4. What is the swan? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
5. What is the elephant? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
6. What is the dress? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
7. What is the dog? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
8. Which One Is A...? - Select the picture to match the word
9. Finish the Sentence - Put the words into the correct spaces
10. Shopping List - Identify each list item
11. Shopping List - Identify each list item
12. Truth To Tell - Identify statements as true/not true
13. Truth To Tell - Identify statements as true/not true
14. Start The Word - Write the correct starting letter
15. Change A Word - Change one letter to make a new word
16. Change A Word - Change one letter to make a new word
17. Change A Word - Change one letter to make a new word
18. Missing Letters - Write the missing letters so each word matches its picture
19. Sydney Harbour Bridge - Labellling activity
20. Swampy Lake - Labelling activity
21. By The Lake - Labelling activity
22. Left Hanging - Labelling activity
23. Hugo's World - Labelling activity
24. Fiona's Fairy Bread - Words with same beginning sound blend as 'plate'
25. Fiona's Fairy Bread - Words with same beginning sound as 'wings'
26. Collect the Eggs - Same beginning sound as 'carton'
27. Collect The Eggs - Same beginning sound as 'wings'
28. Town Mouse, Country Mouse - Label the picture
29. Location Words - Label parts of the picture
30. Lasso! - Same beginning sound as 'chew'
31. Baby Names - Name of a baby dog
32. Baby Names - Name of a baby pig
33. Location Words - Label parts of the picture
34. Lost For Words - Identify objects in the picture
35. Lost For Words - Identify objects in the picture
36. Lost For Words - Identify objects in the picture
37. Lasso! - Same beginning sound as "baby" (1)
38. Lasso! - Same beginning sound as "moo" (1)
39. Lasso! - Same beginning sound as "get" (1)
40. Lasso! - Same beginning sound as "twice" (1)
41. Lasso! - Same beginning sound as "chop" (1)
42. Start and Finish These Words - Write a beginning/ending (1)
43. Start and Finish These Words - Write a beginning/ending (1)
44. Truth To Tell - Identify statements as true/not true (1)
45. Which One Is A...? - Select the picture to match the word (1)
46. Same First Sound - Match pictures with the same first sound (1)
47. La-La-Ladybugs - Same beginning sound as 'lady'
48. La-La-Ladybugs - Same beginning sound as 'spots'