Step 4

Difficulty 4

1. Adding tens: 24 + ? = 64, 24 + 50 = ?
2. Adding tens: 57 + ? = 97, 57 + 20 = ?
3. Number detectives: 25+?, 35+?, 55+? =100
4. Number detectives: 5+?, 45+?, 15+?=100
5. 100 Zone: 70 + 40 = ? 90 + ? = 110, ? + 80 = 110
6. 100 Zone: 60 + 80 = ? 90 + ? = 140, ? + 100 = 140
7. 100 Zone: 70 + 80 = ? 100 + ? = 150, ? + 70 = 150
8. 100 Zone: 90 + 70 = ? 80 + ? = 160, ? + 60 = 160
9. Add it up: 58+34
10. Number detectives 485+*= 493
11. Number detectives 515+*= 523
12. Make 200: 130+50+*
13. Make 200: 70+100+*
14. Make 200: 60+40+*
15. Make 200: 90+30+*
16. Make 200: 150+40+*
17. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 15+28
18. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 29+16
19. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 22+29
20. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 54+28
21. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 67+27
22. Number Detectives: 100 Pairs ? + 79 = 100
23. Number Detectives: 100 Pairs ? + 51 = 100
24. Number Detectives: 100 Pairs 63 + 37 = ?
25. Number Detectives: 100 Pairs 88 + ? = 100
26. On the Board 45 + 3* = *7
27. On the Board 3* + *5 = 98
28. On the Board 4* + 42 = *9
29. On the Board 3* + 62 = *6
30. On the Board 8* + *6 = 98
31. On the Board 63 + 32 = **
32. On the Board 33 + *5 = 7*
33. On the Board 63 + 17 = **
34. Add Hundreds: 600+ * = 946
35. Add Hundreds: 200+ * = 580
36. Add Hundreds: 400+ * = 963
37. Add Hundreds: 100+ * = 319
38. Add Hundreds: 300+ * = 565
39. Double up & add: Double 12, + 4, + 10
40. Double up & add: Double 13, + 3, + 10
41. Double up & add: Double 13, + 2, + 10
42. Add Hundreds: 500+246
43. Add Hundreds: 300+453
44. Add Hundreds: 800+163
45. Add Hundreds: * + 300 = 330
46. Add Hundreds: * + 200 = 241
47. Add Hundreds: * + 800 = 819
48. Add Hundreds: * + 300 = 345
49. Add Hundreds: * + 200 = 295
50. Bargain basement: $18+$6+$8
51. Bargain basement: $16+$6+$20
52. Bargain basement: $48+$6+$5
53. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 63 + 27
54. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 34 + 57
55. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 34 + 57
56. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 55 + 25
57. Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 28 + 43
58. True or False? 10-7=20-7
59. True or False? 15-2=2-15
60. True or False? 10-2=11-3
61. True or False? 9-5=8-4
62. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 63-9
63. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 51-5
64. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 34-8
65. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 41-6
66. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 63-9
67. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 45-7
68. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 56-9
69. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 45-9
70. True or False?: 12 - 2 = 15 - 5
71. True or False?: 28 - 8 = 30 - 10
72. True or False?: 25 - 5 = 25 - 5
73. True or False?: 15 - 5 = 30 - 20
74. True or False?: 30 - 5 = 28 - 3
75. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 52 - 36
76. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 43 - 26
77. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 46 - 28
78. Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 71 - 52
79. Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 21 from 5
80. Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 31 from 77
81. Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 71 from 96
82. Anyone for a burger?: $20 - ($6 + $6 + $1 + $3)
83. Anyone for a burger?: $20 - ($4 + $4 + $1 + $3)
84. Changing Numbers 84 to 63
85. Changing Numbers 100 to 44
86. Changing Numbers 40 to 24
87. Changing Numbers 124 to 98
88. Write the missing number: 35 + 9 + ? = 50
89. Write the missing number: 35 + 13 + ? = 50
90. Write the missing number: 35 + 11 + ? = 50
91. True or False: 200 - 28 = 172
92. True or False: 30 + 16 - 4 = 44
93. True or False: 30 + 16 - 4 = 42
94. True or False: 30 + 16 - 4 = 46
95. Hundreds takeaway 697-**=614
96. Hundreds takeaway 457-**=425
97. Hundreds takeaway 596-**=543
98. Hundreds takeaway 997-**=971
99. Subtracting tens: 86 - ? = 56
100. Subtracting tens: 94 - ? = 24
101. Loraine's day out: $50 < or > ($22 + $18)?
102. Jamie's day out: $20 < or > ($12 + $12)?
103. Wendy's day out: $50 < or > ($34 + $14)?
104. Spot the Difference: Between 169 and 176
105. Spot the Difference: Between 239 and 242
106. Spot the Difference: Between 465 and 472
107. Spot the Difference: Between 327 and 333
108. Spot the Difference: Between 689 and 694
109. Spot the difference: 160 and 174; 346 and 360; 190 and 204
110. The Chicken Story: seventy-seven + twelve
111. The Chicken Story: thirty-nine + twelve
112. The Chicken Story: forty-one + seventeen