Step 3

Difficulty 3

1. Add these 3 numbers: 4 + 4 + 3
2. True or False?: 21 + 4 = 25
3. True or False?: 23 + 2 = 27
4. True or False?: 26 + 3 = 29
5. True or False?: 24 + 4 = 25
6. True or False?: 22 + 6 = 28
7. Same or different? Click all boxes with answer 18
8. Same or Different? Click all boxes with answer 16
9. Number detectives: Mysteries of 15
10. Number detectives: Mysteries of 16
11. Number detectives: Mysteries of 13
12. Number detectives: Mysteries of 17
13. Number detectives: Mysteries of 14
14. Now Add This! 52+20, 52+17
15. Addition Chains
16. Addition Chains
17. Addition Chains
18. Addition Chains
19. Addition Chains
20. 40s zone: 4 more than 38
21. 40s zone: 4 more than 39
22. 50s zone: Add on 5 to 47.
23. 50s zone: 48 plus 5
24. 50s zone: 5 more than 46
25. Bargain Basement: $3 + (2x$2) + $10
26. True or False?: 15 + 5 = 20
27. True or False?: 16 + 3 = 18
28. True or False?: 16 + 4 = 20
29. Number Detectives: 24 + 6 = ?
30. Number Detectives: 5 + 25 = ?
31. Make 50: 40 + 4 + ?
32. Make 34: 10 + 22 + ?
33. Add on tens: Add 10, 20 to 35
34. Add on tens: Add 10, 20 to 16.
35. Add on tens: Add 10, 20 to 36
36. Addition Chains: 4 + 5 + 6 + 8, 11 + 4 + 3+ 7
37. Addition Chains: 3 + 2 + 4 + 8, 4 + 3 + 7 + 4
38. Add three numbers: 11 + 14 + 5
39. True or False: 7+8=12
40. True or False: 17+2=20
41. True or False: 10+9=19
42. True or False: 22+4=23
43. True or False: 9+6=15
44. Number detectives: 22+9 = ?
45. Number detectives: 51+11 = ?
46. Number detectives: 35+? = 46
47. Add Board: 24 + 15 = ?
48. Add Board: 25 + 13 = ?
49. Beyond 40: 6 more than 45
50. Beyond 60: 8 more than 68
51. Beyond 50: 7 more than 58
52. N/D Mysteries of 40! 34+? 30+? 38+?=40
53. N/D Mysteries of 40! 31+? 36+? 30+?=40
54. N/D Mysteries of 40! 33+? 37+? 32+?=40
55. N/D Mysteries of 40! 32+? 39+? 34+?=40
56. N/D Mysteries of 40! 31+? 35+? 37+?=40
57. Leah's Fruit Salad: 25c + 40c
58. Roberto's Fruit Salad: 25c + 40c
59. Isabelle's Fruit Salad: 45c + 40c
60. Laura's Fruit Salad: 20c + 40c
61. Connor's Fruit Salad: 20c + 45c
62. The 1 Family - Add 1, add 11 to 35
63. The 1 Family - Add 1, add 11 to 27
64. The 1 Family - Add 1, add 11 to 49
65. The 1 Family - Add 1, add 11 to 57
66. The 1 Family - Add 1, add 11 to 83
67. Number detectives: ? - 5 = 10
68. Number detectives: ? - 7 = 6
69. Number detectives: ? - 8 = 4
70. True or False? 10-5=20-5
71. Put in the missing number: 9 + 2 + ? = 19
72. Put in the missing number: ? + 10 + 14 = 28
73. Subtraction Chain - 21-4 =?-1= 16
74. Taking ten: 46-10
75. Taking ten: 72-10
76. Taking ten: 39-10
77. Taking ten: 55-10
78. Taking ten: 81-10
79. Mysteries of Fifty: 50-?=42, 50-?=45
80. Mysteries of Forty: 40-?=36, 40-?=31
81. Mysteries of Forty: 40-?=33, 40-?=39
82. Mysteries of Forty: 40-?=35, 40-?=38
83. True or False?: 21 - 16 = 4
84. True or False?: 18 - 9 = 8
85. True or False?: 24 - 15 = 8
86. True or False?: 22 - 10 = 11
87. True or False?: 19 - 13 = 6
88. True or False?: 26 - 13 = 13
89. Use the pattern 16-7=? 26-7=?, 36-7=?
90. Use the pattern 11-5=? 21-5=?, 31-5=?
91. Use the pattern 17-8=? 27-8=?, 37-8=?
92. 100 grid: 76 take away 7
93. 100 grid: 54 take away 8
94. 100 grid: 64 take away 9
95. 100 grid: 23 take away 7
96. 100 grid: 71 take away 8
97. 100 grid: 34 take away 6
98. The 9 family: Take 9, 19 & 29 from 65
99. The 9 family: Take 9, 19 & 29 from 72
100. Same Difference - Difference between 10 and 40.
101. Write the missing number: 18 + ? + 2 = 30
102. Write the missing number: ? + 13 + 5 = 30
103. Write the missing number: 14 + 7 + ? = 30
104. Number detectives: ? + 23 = 30
105. Number detectives: ? + 18 = 30
106. True or False?: 30 - 8 = 22
107. True or False?: 30 - 25 = 20
108. True or False?: 30 - 10 = 20
109. True or False?: 30 - 10 = 15
110. True or False?: 30 - 7 = 23
111. Number detectives: 30 - 14 = ?
112. Count Down: 6 less than 41
113. Count Down: 3 less than 42
114. Subtract.chains 47 - 4 - 3 - 7, 28 - 8 - 2 - 5
115. Subtract.chains 23 - 4 - 1 - 3, 36 - 5 - 2 - 6
116. Subtract.chains 28 - 5 - 2 - 10, 50 - 5 - 3 - 2
117. Spot the difference: 60 & 40, 12 & 18, 100 & 95
118. Spot the difference: 100 & 30, 19 & 11, 30 & 24
119. Count down 52-4=?
120. Count down 43-6=?
121. Count down 61-5=?
122. Count down 36-8=?
123. Count down 72-7=?
124. Count down 94-9=?
125. Subtracting tens 55 - 20 = ?
126. Subtracting tens 48 - 20 = ?
127. Subtracting tens 72 - 30 = ?
128. Subtracting tens 87 - 60 = ?
129. Subtracting tens 91 - 60 = ?
130. Drew at the shop: $1 - 50c
131. Samantha at the shop: $1 - 10c
132. Barbara at the shop: $1 - 30c
133. Jenny at the shop: $1 - 40c
134. Charlotte at the shop: $1 - 60c