Step 2

Difficulty 2

1. About Half: 89 590 926 17 680 1834
2. About Half: 59 730 53 030 5020 5902
3. About Half: 34 008 21 119 1987 3369
4. Changing Numbers - 2943 to 1943
5. Changing Numbers - 1240 to 1250
6. Know Your Place - Value of 5 in 97 513
7. Know Your Place - Value of 9 in 23 196
8. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 32 564
9. Place Value Quiz: 45 681
10. Place Value Quiz: 64 329
11. Round to the nearest 1000: 4698 6010 4449
12. Round to the nearest 1000: 1501 1499 1999
13. Round to the nearest 1000: 8750 2496 5671
14. Rounding to nearest 100: 43 450 699
15. Rounding to nearest 100: 899 159 378
16. Rounding to nearest 100: 60 116 161
17. Here are the words...Where's the number?
18. Here are the words: 4968, 9468, 9486, 9864
19. Here are the words: 7639, 6739, 6793, 6973
20. Here's the number....Where are the words?
21. Here's the number: 1967 1697 1769 7967
22. Here's the number: 5382 5832 3582 8532
23. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 9820
24. 1000 less, 100 more than 1643
25. 1 less, 10 more than 4000
26. Make A Number!
27. Make A Number!
28. Make A Number!
29. Make A Number!
30. Order! Order!: 5-digit Smallest number first
31. Order! Order!: 5-digit Largest number first
32. Order! Order!: 5-digit Largest number first
33. Space Shuffle: Find the pattern
34. Up and Away!: Count by tenths
35. Up and Away!: Count back by tenths
36. Make A Number!: 2 tens, 5 tenths, 8 ones
37. Make A Number!: 8 tens, 5 tenths, 2 ones
38. Make A Number!: 4 tenths, 3 ones, 7 tens
39. Make A Number!: 2 tens, 8 tenths, 6 ones
40. Make A Number!: 3 tens, 8 ones, 2 tenths
41. Up and Away!: Count back by hundredths
42. Up and Away!: Count by hundredths
43. Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 26.08
44. Your Place or Mine? Tens, hundredths 89.76
45. Your Place or Mine? Tens, hundredths 12.58
46. Your Place or Mine? Tenths, tens 41.5
47. Your Place or Mine? Tens, tenths 93.4
48. Up and Away! 4.91 4.96 5.01 5.06 *
49. Up and Away! 11.75 11.85 11.95 * 12.15
50. Up and Away!: 64.06 * 64.1 64.12 64.14
51. Up and Away!: 899.9 900 * 900.1 900.2
52. Up and Away!: * 12.05 12.1 12.15 12.2
53. Order! Order! 1 dec. place, largest number first
54. Order! Order! 1 dec. place, smallest number first
55. See You Round: Round to the nearest thousand: 57501
56. See You Round: Round to the nearest thousand: 18011
57. See You Round: Round to the nearest thousand: 31948
58. See You Round: Round to the nearest thousand: 22586
59. About Half: 1979.6 6005.1
60. About Half: 4015.9 1998.1
61. About Half: 3002.5 8978.5
62. Numbers Up: 7958
63. Numbers Up: 2521
64. Numbers Up: 89 134
65. Numbers Up: 43 620