
1. Kaitlynn wraps presents: 1+2+4 metres
2. Jessica kicks the ball: 7+5+6 metres
3. Day by Day 1 - order days of the week, starting with Sunday
4. Day by Day 4 - days of the week, the two days after Monday
5. Time Flies 3 - analogue clock, 2 o'clock
6. Time Flies 2 - analogue clock, 4 o'clock
7. Time Flies 1 - analogue clock, 6 o'clock
8. Autumn Colours - order season names, starting with Autumn
9. Tick Tock 10 - given analogue clock select matching digital clock face, 3:30
10. Tick Tock 9 - given analogue clock select matching digital clock face, 8:00
11. Tick Tock 8 - given analogue clock select matching digital clock face, 3:00
12. Organising Your Time 1 - months of the year, 2 months before and after December
13. Tick Tock 11 - select all analogue clock faces showing 5 o'clock
14. Basketball Training - days of the week, 3 days from Saturday
15. Day In, Day Out 6: Days of the week, weekend days
16. Day In, Day Out 5 - days of the week, day before Sunday
17. It's Your Birthday! 1 - months of the year, the month before November
18. Bart's Birthday - days of the week, 2 after Tuesday and 1 before Saturday
19. Counting Down The Days 2: Order days of the week
20. Counting Down The Days 1: Order days of the week
21. Day In, Day Out 4: Days of the week, two days after Wednesday
22. Day In, Day Out 4 - days of the week, two days after Wednesday
23. How Many? 1 - days in a week
24. Tea Time - select best approximate of duration
25. Tick Tock 1 - given digital clock find matching analogue clock face, 05:00
26. Sorting Out The Seasons 4 - number seasons in order, starting with Spring
27. Make My Day 1 - days in a week
28. Day In, Day Out 4: Days of the week, 3 days after Friday
29. Changing Times 3 - duration, analogue time
30. A Snail's Space - less space than
31. Here's Cheers - comparing capacity, more/less
32. Here's Cheers - comparing capacity, more/less
33. Here's Cheers - comparing capacity, yes/no
34. Here's Cheers - comparing capacity, yes/no
35. Here's Cheers - holds the least
36. Here's Cheers - holds the most
37. Inside the Toy Box: Similar amount of space
38. Inside the Toy Box: Similar amount of space
39. Matchmaking: Same size
40. More or Less: Most space
41. More or Less: Smallest volume
42. More or Less: More than
43. Charlotte the Chicken's Comparisons: Holds more than...
44. Charlotte the Chicken's Comparisons: Holds more than...
45. Charlotte the Chicken's Comparisons: Holds more than...
46. Purple Pieces - area in informal units
47. Purple Pieces - area in informal units
48. Up Size - comparing areas
49. Purple Pieces - area in informal units
50. Acknowledging Area - comparing area
51. Acknowledging Area - order 5 objects, smallest to greatest area
52. Feed the Birds 2: Biggest, smallest, middle-sized
53. Hide and Seek 1: Tallest cob of corn
54. Special Delivery 4 - nearest toadstool
55. Special Delivery 2 - widest toadstool
56. Special Delivery 5 - tall, thin toadstool
57. On a Roll - use informal calibrated tape/ruler to find longest rolling pin
58. How Tall is That Doggie...? Select tallest dog in each group
59. Tall Order - order 4 animals, tallest to shortest
60. It Was This Big! 1 - measure with and count informal units
61. Measuring with Caterpillars 2 - informal units, thinner
62. Measuring with Caterpillars 1 - informal units, widest
63. Tricky Business 2 - select shorter of 2 objects, informal units
64. Tricky Business 1 - select taller object, informal units
65. Country Life - informal units, taller or shorter
66. How Tall is That Doggie...? Select shortest dog in each group
67. Hide and Seek 5: Widest bunch and longest bunch
68. Snake Space - select side of same length
69. An Apple A Day - longest grub
70. It Was This Big! 3 - select objects more than 1m tall
71. It Was This Big! 2 - select objects less than 1m tall
72. It's A Long Story 2 - cm, shortest
73. It's A Long Story 1 - cm, longest
74. And That's The Ball Game - lightest to heaviest
75. Weighing Up Your Options - groups, more or less
76. Drink and Be Cherry - heaviest to lightest
77. Weighing Up Your Options: More or less
78. Weighing Up Your Options: More or less
79. Dirty Work: Lightest item
80. Dirty Work: Heaviest item
81. Heavy Work - lightest to heaviest
82. Heavy Work - heaviest to lightest
83. Tabletop Tidying - heavier of 2 objects
84. Tabletop Tidying: Lighter of 2 objects
85. What's The Time, Mr Wolf? O'clock, analogue
86. What's The Time, Mr Wolf? O'clock, analogue
87. What's The Time, Mr Wolf?
88. What's The Time, Mr Wolf?
89. What's The Time, Mr Wolf?
90. What's The Time, Mr Wolf?
91. Did Somebody Ask For An Angel? 2 - find angle larger than given angle, direct comparison