Classification & Properties of Shapes

1. Thinking It Over... - select true statement
2. What Am I? 4 - identify shape from clues
3. Mastering Quadrilaterals - select all quadrilaterals from set
4. Perfect Prisms 1 - identify all cubes
5. Cylinder Certainty 1 - identify all cylinders
6. What Am I? 2 - identify shape from clues
7. Pick The Polyhedron 2 - select all 3D shapes
8. Pick The Polyhedron 1 - select all 3D shapes
9. All Boxed Up 1 - select correct nets to make open cube (5 faces)
10. A Block Of Many Faces 2 - select shapes with triangular face/s
11. A Block Of Many Faces 1 - select shapes with rectangular face/s
12. Do The Cube Groove - select correct net for a cube
13. Surfing The Net 1 - select correct net for a cube
14. Did Somebody Ask For An Angel? 3 - find angles smaller than given angle, direct comparison (1)
15. Between The Lines 4 - find angles larger than given angle, direct comparison
16. Birthday Greetings 2 - interpret data