
1. Proverbial Wisdom
2. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
3. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
4. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
5. Information Report
6. Information Report
7. What am I
8. Eagle Poem 1 (3)
9. Procedures Reordering (2)
10. Bees Poem 1 (1)
11. What's Cooking? (1)
12. [Magazine] In the interest of (1)
13. Magazine: C
14. Magazine: A
15. HEx: Wannabes on the rise A
16. Huxley Poem (1)
17. Jungle Poem 1 (1)
18. Hen Poem 1 (5)
19. Hen Poem 1 (3)
20. Ozymandias Poem 1 (5)
21. April Poem 1 (3)
22. Jungle Poem 1 (5)
23. Frost Poem (5) 47.01.6
24. Frost Poem (4)
25. Frost Poem (2)
26. Huxley Poem (2)
27. Never-Never Poem (2)
28. Proverbial Wisdom
29. Proverbial Wisdom
30. Magazine: A
31. Magazine: A
32. Magazine: C
33. Magazine: C
34. Magazine: C
35. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
36. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
37. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
38. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
39. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
40. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
41. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
42. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
43. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
44. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
45. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
46. What am I (1)
47. What am I (2)
48. What am I (3)
49. Information Report