
1. My Fair Sharer: Write correct division setting
2. Timothy's Trough - Graphs: Non-uniform rate of change
3. Fishing Lines - Graphs: Identify co-ordinates of x-intercept
4. Fishing Lines - Graphs: Identify common y-intercept of 2 lines
5. Lines Lions Lines - Graphs:Identify line equation given slope and point co-ords
6. Intersect Pass - Graphs: Calculate point of intersection
7. Intersect Pass - Graphs: Calculate point of intersection
8. Intersect Pass - Graphs: Calculate point of intersection
9. Line-Out Intercepts - calculate intercepts, place curve on grid
10. Line-Out Intercepts - calculate intercepts, place curve on grid
11. Fiona's Lines - link graph to correct quadratic function
12. Fiona's Lines - link graph to correct quadratic function
13. Fiona's Lines - link graph to correct quadratic function
14. Fiona's Lines - link graph to correct quadratic function
15. Timothy's Trough - graphing non-uniform rates of change
16. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve
17. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve
18. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve
19. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve
20. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve
21. Uncle Karl's Mass Math - select appropriate graph