
1. Changing Numbers: 120.9 x 0.1, + 11.1, + 0.1, x 100
2. Changing Numbers: 90.091x10, +110, +0.01, x 0.1
3. Changing Numbers: 990.09 x10, +11.01, +100, x0.1
4. Changing Numbers: 100.01x100, +1000, +100, x 0.1
5. Changing numbers: Addition/subtraction using negative integers
6. Changing numbers: Addition/subtraction using negative integers
7. Changing numbers: Addition/subtraction using negative integers
8. Changing numbers: Addition/subtraction using negative integers
9. Add these three numbers: 13+-7+3
10. Add these three numbers: 9+2+-3
11. Add these three numbers: 9+8+-5
12. Add these three numbers: 16+-9+2
13. Add these three numbers: 20+-9+11
14. Adding the big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical addition
15. Adding the big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical addition
16. Adding the big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical addition
17. Changing numbers: Perform multiple operations on a number (add/subtract)
18. Changing numbers: Perform multiple operations add/subtract
19. Changing numbers: Perform multiple operations add/subtract
20. Changing numbers: Perform multiple operations add/subtract
21. Changing numbers: Perform multiple operations add/subtract
22. Double up and add - 3.6
23. Double up and add - 5.8
24. Double up and add: Double 4.9, Add 29.6, 30.1
25. Double up and add: Double 6.4, Add 18.4, 19
26. Double up and add: Double 2.7, Add 49.8, 50.3
27. Hundredths crossing: Addition of numbers with 2 dec places
28. Hundredths crossing: Addition of numbers with 2 dec places
29. Taking the Big Ones: Write the missing numbers in vertical subtraction algorithms
30. Taking the Big Ones: Write the missing numbers in vertical subtraction algorithms
31. Taking the Big Ones: Write the missing numbers in vertical subtraction algorithms
32. Give or take a thousand: 257908 - 160000
33. Give or take a thousand: 135001 - 34000
34. Give or take a thousand: 106095 - 29000
35. Give or take a thousand: 236401 - 195401
36. Give or take a thousand: 182356 - 127356
37. Give or take a thousand: 262141 - 245141
38. Give or take a thousand: 120068 - 88068
39. Give or take a thousand: 86215 - 7000
40. Give or take a thousand: 13553 - 8000
41. Give or take a thousand: 842908 - 74000
42. Taking the Big Ones: Write the missing numbers in vertical subtraction algorithms
43. Taking the Big Ones: Write the missing numbers in vertical subtraction algorithms
44. Scoring decimal points: Write missing numbers in vertical subtractions
45. Scoring decimal points: Write missing numbers in vertical subtractions
46. Scoring decimal points: Write missing numbers in vertical subtractions
47. Under the Big Top: Multiplication of time
48. Start Your Engines: Multiplication of length
49. Decimal Times: Write missing numbers in vertical decimal multiplications
50. Decimal Times: Write missing numbers in vertical decimal multiplications
51. Decimal Times: Write missing numbers in vertical decimal multiplications
52. Times chain 1.4x6= * x0.1= *
53. Times chain 15x0.3= * x2= *
54. Times chain 22x0.1= * x2= *
55. Times chain 11.1x0.4= * x2= *
56. Times chain 0.4x40= * x0.2= *
57. Multi-Multiplication 62.3 x100 x50 x0.01 x.0.1
58. Multi-Multiplication-7 x3 x-3 x-2 x-5
59. Multi-Multiplication 6 x2 x20 x200 x0.2
60. Multi-Multiplication 4.8 x50 x-5 x0.5 x-55
61. Multi-Multiplication 3 x7 x-7 x0.7 x70
62. Division Chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
63. Division Chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
64. Division Chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
65. Division Chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
66. Division Chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
67. Great Divide: Perform multiple division operations on a number
68. Great Divide: Perform multiple division operations on a number
69. Having a spell: Compare marks on a percentage basis
70. Detective Duck 7/8 of 12
71. N/D What fraction is 30km of 180km?
72. N/D What fraction is 400mL of 900mL?
73. N/D What fraction is 300g of 18000g?
74. N/D What fraction is $18 of $360?
75. Come fly with me1: Determine which airfare is better value
76. Frankly financial: Determine which price is better value
77. Commissioned to sell: Calculate percentage commission
78. Pocketing the money: Divide a sum of money according to percentages
79. For a scaly cause: Divide a sum of money according to percentages
80. Number detectives: Write one quantity as a percentage of another
81. Maija's saving 1:10 = One eleventh of all the money
82. Jodie's bathroom 2:6 T,F
83. Treat it as fact: Write numbers in ratio form
84. Cream It: Write numbers in ratio form
85. Crunch Time: Write numbers in ratio form
86. Max mix: Identify correct proportion
87. From where I see it...: Determining equivalent ratios
88. If it's all the same to you...: Determining equivalent ratios
89. Same place, different number: Determining equivalent ratios
90. Same old, same old: Determining equivalent ratios
91. Same old, same old: Determining equivalent ratios
92. Sorting shares: Divide a sum of money in a given ratio
93. Sorting shares: Divide a sum of money in a given ratio
94. Sorting shares: Divide a sum of money in a given ratio
95. Sorting shares: Divide a sum of money in a given ratio
96. Looks count: Divide a sum of money in a given proportion
97. Play money: Divide a sum of money in a given ratio
98. Bat like Matt: Calculate ratio of runs scored to balls faced
99. Justin Time: Calculate batting ratios
100. Same old, same old: Write an equivalent ratio
101. Same old, same old: Write an equivalent ratio
102. Same old, same old: Write an equivalent ratio
103. Same old, same old: Write an equivalent ratio
104. Same old, same old: Write an equivalent ratio
105. Got it pegged?: Fractions from ratios
106. Got it pegged?: Fractions from ratios
107. Bill to scale: Dividing according to a ratio
108. Share the money, honey!: Dividing according to a ratio
109. De fine beans: Dividing according to a ratio
110. Relative runs: Calculate higher strike rate
111. Time travel: Write measurements in ratio form
112. Make your point: Write one part as a proportion of the whole
113. Make your point: Write a part as a percentage of the whole
114. Make Your Point: Write a part as a proportion of the whole
115. Cool water calculations: Investigate relationship between map scale and actual distance
116. Food scale: Calculate an amount in proportion to another amount
117. Patti's Party Punch: Calculate quantities in proportionate relationships
118. Patti's Apple Crumble: Calculate quantities in proportionate relationships
119. Hi ho! Hi ho!: Write 3 measurements in ratio form
120. Is that answer counted?: Write 2 measurements in ratio form
121. Reading matters: Write two numbers in ratio form
122. Country line: Write journey times in ratio form
123. Train is a'comin': Write journey times in ratio form
124. Train run: Write journey times in ratio form
125. Country count: Write numbers in ratio form
126. City link: Write numbers in ratio form
127. Country count: Write numbers in ratio form
128. To see the sea: Determine actual distance from map scale
129. Scoring points: Write scores in ratio form
130. Same difference: Write an equivalent ratio
131. Same difference: Write an equivalent ratio
132. Same difference: Write an equivalent ratio
133. Same difference: Write an equivalent ratio
134. Play it again, Sam: Write an equivalent ratio
135. Simply the best: Write a ratio in its simplest form
136. Simply the best: Write a ratio in its simplest form
137. Simply the best: Write a ratio in its simplest form
138. Keep it simple: Simplify a ratio
139. Simple labour: Simplify a ratio
140. In the olden days: Calculate quantities in proportion
141. In the olden days: Calculate quantities in proportion
142. Purple people proportions: Write one part as a proportion of a whole
143. Blue bloc: Write one part as a proportion of a whole
144. Enchilada, amigo?: Write one part as a proportion of a whole
145. Pass the rice, please!: Write two numbers in ratio form
146. Choc-a-bloc: Write a part as a ratio of a whole
147. Caramel countdown: Determine which is a higher proportion
148. Spot that scale: Calculate a number from a proportion
149. Damage scale: Calculate a number from a proportion
150. Scaling the trail: Interpret relationship between map scale and actual distance
151. Bitter sweet ratios: Calculate quantities from a ratio
152. In the olden days: Calculate quantities in proportional relationships
153. Filling up Phillip: Write quantities in a ratio relationship
154. Spot reducing: Write numbers in a ratio relationship
155. Beating the blues: Write numbers in a ratio relationship
156. What's the damage?: Write numbers in a ratio relationship
157. Choice flavour: Calculate a number from a proportional relationship
158. All in a day's work: Write numbers in a ratio relationship
159. Trying triangles: Write ratio relationships from triangle measurements
160. Striking a chord: Write numbers in a ratio relationship
161. Striking a chord: Write numbers in a ratio relationship
162. When a crocodile smiles: Calculate a quantity from a ratio
163. Traveller's check: Interpret scale distance on a map as actual distance
164. To see the sea!: Interpret scale distance on a map as actual distance
165. Reducing ratios: Write a ratio in its simplest form
166. Reducing ratios: Write a ratio in its simplest form
167. Reducing ratios: Write a ratio in its simplest form
168. A Matter of Height - use procedure to calculate value
169. Fleur's Shopping Selection - best value, price/volume
170. The Need For Speed 1 - average speed kph
171. Danae's Daily Activities - read pie graph, convert to percentage
172. Danae's Daily Activities - read pie graph, convert to percentage
173. Detective Duck: Write one quantity as a percentage of another
174. Detective Duck: 25 000 reduced to 20 000... % discount.
175. Detective Duck: 750g of 2Kg
176. Detective Duck: Write one number as a fraction of another
177. Detective Duck: Write one number as a fraction of another
178. Detective Duck: Write one number as a fraction of another
179. Detective Duck: Write one number as a fraction of another
180. Bill to scale: Dividing according to a ratio
181. Share the money, honey!: Dividing according to a ratio