Chance & Data

1. In the swim: Addition of times
2. Ski-ing the Temperature Slopes - Time v. Temp : When was the temp 0?
3. Ski-ing the Temperature Slopes - Time v. Temp : Estimate likely temp at 8:30am
4. Ski-ing the Temperature Slopes - Time v. Temp : Estimate temp at 7:30pm
5. Ski-ing the Temperature Slopes - Time v. Temp : When was the temp 10?
6. Ski-ing the Temperature Slopes - Time v. Temp : When was the maximum temp?
7. Conversion Crux - Temperature Celsius and Fahrenheit
8. Conversion Crux - Temperature Celsius and Fahrenheit
9. Conversion Crux - Temperature Celsius v. Fahrenheit
10. Conversion Crux - Temperature Celsius v. Fahrenheit
11. Enough is Enough! - information required to solve problem
12. Too Much Information! - identify unnecessary information
13. Too Much Information! - identify unnecessary information
14. Epplesby School Raffle 3 - calculate number of tickets from percentage probability