
1. Paving the way: Measurement multiplication
2. Triangular scales: Calculate length of the side of a right-angled triangle, given ratio
3. The Plot Thickens - Plot points on a grid. Calculate area.
4. Al's Number Repairs - Select correct equation to convert a measurement in litres to millilitres
5. Al's Number Repairs - Select correct equation to convert a measurement in centimetres to metres
6. Rainbow Rectangles - area of compound shape, square m
7. Rainbow Rectangles - area of compound shape, square m
8. Rainbow Rectangles - area of compound shape, square cm
9. Shape Up - select shapes with same area, quadrilaterals and triangles
10. Triangularea - area of a triangle
11. Triangularea - area of a triangle
12. Fracturing the Compounds - area of compound shape, rectangles
13. The Secret Formula 2 - select correct expression for the perimeter of circle and calculate
14. Pond-er with Percibald - calculate circumference given radius
15. Compounding The Issue 1 - perimeter of compound shape, rectangles
16. Boundary Rider 1 - calculate perimeter of compound shape; rectangles
17. Wheelies! - perimeter of a circle
18. In The Frame - perimeter problem
19. Uncovering the Plot - move objects to given coordinates, side length of triangle
20. Size Matters - move objects to given coordinates, calculate side length of triangle formed
21. Size Matters - move objects to given coordinates, calculate area of triangle formed
22. Tricky Triangles 3 - calculate size of angles in isosceles triangle, angle sum of a triangle, reflex angles