
1. In the Square: 0.5 squared, 0.2 squared, square root of 0.25
2. In the Square: 0.1 squared, 0.9 squared, square root of 0.36
3. Signs & Numbers: 905 * 125
4. Changing Numbers: 21.453x10, +10.001, -1.1 x 0.1
5. Changing Numbers: 947.01÷0.01, +0.01, -0.01, x0.01
6. Number Detectives: ab= 126 a+b= 25
7. Number Detectives: LCM of 25 & 30
8. Changing numbers: Addition/subtraction using negative integers
9. In the square: 49+ * +6=57
10. In the square: * +16+15=240
11. In the square: 36+289+ * =87
12. In the square: * + 81+5=47
13. In the square: 64+361+ * =196
14. Make 13 18+34+*
15. Make -5 27+9+*
16. Make 29 37+20+*
17. Make -8 42+16+*
18. Make 32 29+12+*
19. Add these three numbers 84+-11+-16
20. Add these three numbers -19+55+-26
21. Add these three numbers -17+-28+34
22. Add these three numbers -41+-35+47
23. Add these three numbers 46+13+14
24. In the square: Calculate with squares and square roots
25. In the square: Calculate with squares and square roots
26. In the square: Calculate with squares and square roots
27. In the square: Calculate with squares and square roots
28. In the square: Calculate with squares and square roots
29. Adding the big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical additions
30. Adding the big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical additions
31. Adding the big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical additions
32. Adding the big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical additions
33. Adding the big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical additions
34. Changing numbers 14 697 x 0.1, + 6328, div. by 0.5
35. Changing numbers 35 942 x 20, + 7 487, div. by 0.1
36. Changing numbers 4376 x 0.01, + 85 299, div. by 0.1
37. Double up and add 2.87
38. Double up and add 3.58
39. Double up and add 4.89
40. Double up and add 2.68
41. Hundredths crossing: Addition of numbers with 2 dp
42. Hundredths crossing: Addition of numbers with 2 dp
43. N/D Find the mystery negative: Addition/subtraction of negative integers up to +/-100
44. N/D Find the mystery negative: Addition/subtraction of negative integers up to +/-100
45. N/D Find the mystery negative: Addition/subtraction of negative integers up to +/-100
46. N/D Find the mystery negative: Addition/subtraction of negative integers up to +/-100
47. N/D Find the mystery negative: Addition/subtraction of negative integers up to +/-100
48. N/D Find the mystery negative: Addition/subtraction of negative integers up to +/-100
49. N/D Find the mystery negative: Addition/subtraction of negative integers up to +/-100
50. N/D Find the mystery negative: Addition/subtraction of negative integers up to +/-100
51. N/D Find the mystery negative: Addition/subtraction of negative integers up to +/-100
52. N/D Find the mystery negative: Addition/subtraction of negative integers up to +/-100
53. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
54. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
55. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
56. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
57. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
58. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
59. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
60. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
61. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
62. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
63. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
64. N/D Find the mystery negative!: Subtraction with single-digit negative integers
65. Subtracting big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical subtractions
66. Subtracting big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical subtractions
67. Subtracting big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical subtractions
68. Subtracting big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical subtractions
69. Subtracting big ones: Write missing numbers in vertical subtractions
70. Write the missing number: 20= -10, 17, ?
71. Write the missing number: 20=-45, 30, ?
72. Write the missing number: 20= -15, 25, ?
73. Write the missing number: 20= -18, -24, ?
74. Write the missing number: 20= -8, -2, ?
75. Scoring Decimal Points: Write missing numbers in vertical subtraction
76. Scoring Decimal Points: Write missing numbers in vertical subtraction
77. Subtraction Chains: Subtractions with 2 dp
78. Subtraction Chains: Subtractions with 2 dp
79. Square it: Square 12, 1.2
80. Square it: Square 13, 1.3
81. Square it: Square 10, 0.1
82. Square it: Square 9, 0.9
83. Square it: Square 5, 0.5
84. Square it: Square 8, 0.8
85. Square it: Square 6, 0.6
86. Square it: Square 7, 0.7
87. Number detectives -3x-3=*
88. Number detectives -3x*=12
89. Number detectives -2x*=-16
90. Multi-Multiplication 35.8 x1000 x500 x0.01 x0.1
91. Multi-Multiplication 6 x-5 x9 x-7 x-4
92. Multi-Multiplication 3 x3 x30 x300 x0.3
93. First things first 4x5+3x(2+3)=*
94. First things first 6x4-22/(13-11)=*
95. First things first 2x10+3x(4-5)=*
96. Number detectives sum of 7x11 and 2x15
97. Number detectives sum of 5x25 and 3x5
98. Number detectives sum of 6x8 and 20x10
99. Number detectives sum of 25x4 and 8x9
100. Number detectives *x7=-42
101. Number detectives 35x90
102. Number detectives 0.3x*=0.06
103. Number detectives 820x10x*=1640
104. Square it! -5 and -50 squared
105. Square it! -9 and -90 squared
106. Square it! 0.4 and 40 squared
107. Square it! 0.09 and 0.9 squared
108. Square it! 0.07 and 70 squared
109. Multi-Multiplication: Perform multiple multiplications
110. Multi-Multiplication: Perform multiple multiplications
111. Multi-Multiplication: Perform multiple multiplications
112. Multi-Multiplication: Perform multiple multiplications
113. Multipication Simplification: Simplify multiplication by doubling and halving
114. Multipication Simplification: Simplify multiplication by doubling and halving
115. Multipication Simplification: Simplify multiplication by doubling and halving
116. Multipication Simplification: Simplify multiplication by doubling and halving
117. First things first!: BODMAS calculations
118. First things first!: BODMAS calculations
119. First things first!: BODMAS calculations
120. First things first!: BODMAS calculations
121. First things first!: BODMAS calculations
122. First things first!: BODMAS calculations
123. First things first!: BODMAS calculations
124. Decimal times: Write missing numbers in vertical decimal multiplication
125. Decimal times: Write missing numbers in vertical decimal multiplication
126. Decimal times: Write missing numbers in vertical decimal multiplication
127. Multi-Multiplication 18 (x4,0.6,80,102)
128. Multi-Multiplication 23 (x6,0.7,50,105)
129. Multi-Multiplication 41 (x5,0.8,70,103)
130. Find the roots 121 and 1.21
131. Find the roots 25 and 0.25
132. Number detectives : 48/80
133. Number detectives : 15/50
134. Divided Maths: Complete these number sentences
135. Find the roots: Find the square roots of 62500, 0.0625
136. Find the roots: Find the square roots of 3600, 0.0036
137. Find the roots: Find the square roots of 40000, 0.0004
138. Find the roots: Find the square roots of 810000, 0.0081
139. Find the roots: Find the square roots of 160000, 0.0016
140. Find the roots: Find the square roots of 90000, 0.0009
141. Number Production: Complete each number sentence
142. Number Production: Complete each number sentence
143. Great Divide: Perform multiple division operations on a number
144. Find the roots *=0.08, *=-8
145. Find the roots *=-100, * =0.1
146. Find the roots * =0.09, * = -9
147. Find the roots * = 0.01, 1 000 000 = -1 000
148. Find the roots * = -20, * = 0.2
149. Changing numbers 6730/0.5=*, */0.1=82720, 2364/0.2=*
150. Divide hundreds! 360/*=720, 426/0.2=*
151. Divide hundreds! 720/*=900, 689/0.5=*
152. Divide thousands! 4200/0.8
153. Division chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
154. Division chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
155. Division chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
156. Division chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
157. First things first!: BODMAS calculations
158. First things first!: BODMAS calculations
159. First things first!: BODMAS calculations
160. First things first!: BODMAS calculations
161. Find the roots *=20, *=0.02
162. Find the roots *=25, *=2.5
163. The Great Divide: Perform multiple division operations
164. The Great Divide: Perform multiple division operations
165. The Great Divide: Perform multiple division operations
166. Find the roots -* = -40, -* = -0.04
167. Find the roots -* = -9, -* = -0.9
168. Find the roots -* = -1.3, -* = -130
169. Here a fraction there a fraction: Calculate a fraction of a quantity, then a fraction of the fraction.
170. Here a fraction there a fraction: Find a fraction, then a fraction of the fraction
171. A Sizeable Byte: Select the larger number 84/60 or 2.6
172. Space Fractions : Write equivalent fractions
173. Space Fractions : Write equivalent fractions
174. Truth about fractions: Click the smaller number
175. Truth about fractions: Click the larger number
176. Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
177. Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
178. Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
179. Truth about fractions larger 1/12 of * = 4/3 of 6
180. Truth about fractions larger 1/8 of 560 = 1/3 of *
181. Truth about fractions: Larger 19/50 or 42%
182. Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
183. Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
184. Higher or lower: Choose the higher number 60% of 30 or 2/5 of 40
185. More or Less: Choose the higher number 17% of 100 or 8/9 of 18
186. More or Less: Click the higher number 28% of 200 or 1/2 of 110
187. Pass the pieces, please!: Fraction addition *+1/2=7/12
188. Fractional output: Fraction addition 1/4+1/5=*
189. Fractions mounting: Fractions addition 1/3+1/2=*
190. More or less: Click the expression with the higher value 11/15 of 60 or 5/4 of 32
191. More or less: Click the expression with the higher value 8/9 of 45 or 7/4 of 24
192. More or less: Click the expression with the higher value 24/25 of 100 or 6/5 of 75
193. More or less fractions: Click the expression which is greater in value
194. More or less fractions: Click the expression which is greater in value
195. More or less fractions: Click the expression which is greater in value
196. Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
197. Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
198. Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
199. Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
200. Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
201. Fractions Multiply: 3/4x2/9
202. Fractions Divide: 1/2 / 3/4
203. Fractions Divide: 10 / 1/6
204. Reducing ratios: Write a ratio in its simplest form
205. The Big Men of Maths - Solve a problem given the relationship between two unknowns
206. Dr Dan's Number Operations - "(x + 0.5) x 5 = 22.5"
207. Dr Dan's Number Operations - "(n+0.5)x10=22.5"
208. Head Quarters: One half & one quarter of 42320
209. Detective Duck: Write one number as a fraction of another
210. Up and Up: 797.9+88.4=?
211. Up and Up: 892.4+419.8=?
212. Up and Up: 457.9+124.8=?
213. Up and Up: 128.7+39.6=?
214. Fraction Quest: Click the larger fraction 27/30 and 0.9
215. Fractions Multiply: 3/5x20/33