Rational Numbers

1. Order! Order! 2 dec places - Smallest number first
2. Order! Order! 2 dec places - Largest number first
3. Order! Order! 2 dec places - Largest number first
4. Order! Order! 2 dec places - Largest number first
5. Order! Order! 2 dec places - Largest number first
6. Order! Order! 6-digit Smallest number first
7. Order! Order! 6-digit Largest number first
8. Order! Order! 6-digit Largest number first
9. Order! Order! 6-digit Smallest number first
10. Order! Order! 6-digit Smallest number first
11. Order! Order! 3 dec places - Largest number first
12. Order! Order! 2 dec places - Largest number first
13. Order! Order! 3 dec places - Smallest number first
14. Order! Order! 3 dec places - Smallest number first
15. Order! Order! 3 dec places - Largest number first
16. Order! Order! 3 dec places - Largest number first
17. Order! Order! 3 dec places - Largest number first
18. Order! Order! 3 dec places - Smallest number first
19. Order! Order! 3 dec places - Smallest number first
20. Order! Order! 3 dec places - Smallest number first
21. Order! Order! 5- and 6-digit - Largest number first
22. Order! Order! 3 dec places - Largest number first
23. Order! Order! 2 dec places - Smallest number first
24. Order! Order! 2 dec places - Largest number first
25. Estimate that Fraction
26. Estimate that Fraction
27. Estimate that Fraction
28. See and Write Fractions
29. Fractured Fractions
30. Fractured Fractions
31. Fractured Fractions
32. Dividing the cake: 2 cakes among 4 people
33. Dividing the cake: 3 cakes among 6 people
34. Dividing the cake: 4 cakes among 8 people
35. Dividing the cake: 5 cakes among 10 people
36. Dividing the cake
37. Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to 0.50
38. Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to 0.20
39. Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to 0.25
40. Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to 0.30
41. Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to 0.70
42. Compare a fraction: Click the common fraction corresponding to a decimal number.
43. Compare a fraction: Click the common fraction corresponding to a decimal number.
44. Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to decimal 0.03
45. Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to decimal 1.00
46. Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to decimal 0.75
47. Fractured Fractions
48. Fractured Fractions
49. Fraction Trade-in: 10/20
50. Fraction Trade-in: 50/100
51. Fraction Trade-in: 20/100
52. Fraction Trade-in: 12/16
53. Fraction Trade-in: Write fractions in their lowest terms
54. Fraction Trade-in: Write fractions in their lowest terms
55. Fraction Trade-in: Write fractions in their lowest terms
56. Fraction Trade-in: Write fractions in their lowest terms
57. The Fraction two-step
58. The Fraction two-step
59. The Fraction two-step
60. The Fraction two-step
61. The Fraction two-step
62. Compare a fraction: Choose the fraction corresponding to a decimal number
63. Dividing the cake: Divide 4 cakes divided 12 people
64. Dividing the cake: Divide 3 cakes among 12 people
65. Fraction Trade-in: Write 8/10 in its lowest terms
66. Fraction Trade-in: Write 9/36 in its lowest terms
67. Fraction Trade-in: Write 14/21 in its lowest terms
68. Convert a fraction: Select the decimal number and % approximating 1/6
69. Convert a fraction: Select the decimal number and % corresponding to 2/5
70. Fraction Two-Step: Write a mixed number as an improper fraction
71. Fraction Two-Step: Write a mixed number as an improper fraction
72. Fraction Two-Step: Write a mixed number as an improper fraction
73. Fraction Two-Step: Write a mixed number as an improper fraction
74. Fraction Two-Step: Write a mixed number as an improper fraction
75. Name that hundredth
76. Percentage wise: Identify the percentage shaded on a 100-grid
77. Percentage wise: Identify the percentage shaded on a 100-grid
78. Percentage wise: Identify the percentage shaded on a 100-grid
79. Percentage wise: Identify the percentage shaded on a 100-grid
80. Percentage wise: Identify the percentage shaded on a 100-grid
81. Percentage wise: Identify the percentage shaded on a 100-grid
82. Percentage wise: Identify the percentage shaded on a 100-grid
83. Dividing the cake: 4 cakes divided among 7 people
84. Dividing the cake: 5 cakes divided among 8 people
85. Dividing the cake: 3 cakes divided among 8 people
86. Dividing the cake: 6 cakes divided among 8 people
87. Dividing the cake: 5 cakes divided among 4 people
88. Fraction trade in: 1/10
89. Fraction trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
90. Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms
91. Convert a fraction: Click the decimal and the percentage corresponding to 2/3
92. Convert a fraction: Write a common fraction as a decimal and %
93. Convert a fraction: Write decimal and percentage equivalents to a common fraction
94. Convert a fraction: Write a common fraction as a decimal and %
95. Convert a fraction: Write decimal and percentage equivalents to a common fraction
96. Name that hundredth: Write the shaded portion of a 100-grid as a decimal number
97. Name that hundredth: Write the shaded portion of a 100-grid as a decimal
98. Name that hundredth: Write the shaded portion of a 100-grid as a decimal
99. Percentage wise: Write the percentage of a 100-grid that is shaded
100. Percentage wise: Write the percentage of a 100-grid that is shaded
101. Percentage wise: Write the percentage of a 100-grid that is shaded
102. Percentage wise: Write shaded portion of a 100-grid as a percentage
103. Compare a Fraction: Click the fraction equivalent to 0.083
104. Compare a Fraction: Click the fraction equivalent to 0.6
105. Compare a Fraction: Click the fraction equivalent to 0.06
106. The Fraction two-step: Write an improper fraction as a mixed number
107. The number detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number
108. Danae's Daily Activities - read pie graph, convert to fraction
109. Detective Duck: Write a decimal number as a percentage
110. Detective Duck: Write a fraction as a percentage
111. Detective Duck: Write a fraction as a percentage
112. Convert a fraction: Choose the decimal number and percentage corresponding to 1 quarter (2)
113. The Fraction two-step: Write an improper fraction as a mixed number (1)