In 2018 ACARA defined new Achievement Standards within the Literacy Progression as part of the Australian Curriculum. The Standards relate to the Writing Element and specifically the Handwriting and Keyboarding Sub Element – (Previously Handwriting). The new Achievement Standards are HwK1, HwK2, HwK3, HwK4, HwK5, HwK6, HwK7, HwK8.
The progression addresses handwriting and keyboarding skills with increasing speed, accuracy and fluency leading to confidence, proficiency, flexibility and automaticity.
For students to attain such fluency, automaticity and accuracy at speed using a keyboard they must be able to touch type. Any lesser skill will see one or the other of these outcomes compromised.
The new Handwriting and Keyboarding standards embody the principles of the Australian Curriculum. These progressions indicate the minimum standards that Australian Schools should incorporate in their teaching. For Victoria and NSW these progressions indicate the base skill level to be embodied in the relevant State-based curricula and builds on the base of the Australian Curriculum.
For generations handwriting skills have been taught starting in the early grades with a printed alphabet and progressing to speed loops and calligraphy. The skill of handwriting is taught not caught.
It is not possible for students to attain the Keyboarding proficiency required by the new standards without a formal process of teaching. It is not enough to leave it to the student to hunt and peck and adopt the bad keyboarding habits learned on an iPad as a child. Good keyboarding skills are taught not caught.
HwK1 (Pre School)
HwK2 (Foundation)
HwK3 (Foundation)
HwK4 (Year 1)
HwK5 (Years 1 and 2)
HwK6 (Year 3)
HwK7 (Year 4)
HwK8 (Years 5 and 6)