Adaptive Learning » Adaptive Learning

Differentiated learning for every student

Enables automated, fully individualised, differentiated learning.

The EdAlive Online Learning websites are powered by the advanced EdAlive Adaptive Learning System that automatically creates and maintains optimal, individualised learning pathways across multiple topics for each student.

This incredible capability means that students are always completing content that is just right for them.

Adaptive Learning » Adaptive Learning

Freeing teachers and optimising learning for students

Our classroom-based research has indicated that, due to lack of time, teachers are often unable to manually optimise learning progressions for each student. To free teachers from this task and to optimise learning for students, we have created the advanced EdAlive Adaptive Learning System to automatically power the learning progressions for each student. This incredible capability means that students are always completing content that is just right for them.

Adaptive Learning » Adaptive Learning

Automated, fully individualised instruction

The advanced EdAlive Adaptive Learning System uses complex algorithms to automatically create and maintain an optimised learning pathway for each student.

Adaptive Learning

Automatically progress across multiple subject areas

Students who use a range of the EdAlive Online Learning websites will be progressing automatically and concurrently across multiple subject areas with little or no input from their teacher or parent. The advanced adaptive learning algorithm takes care of all of the hard work of levelling the student and managing their progress.

Adaptive Learning » Adaptive Learning

Stellar results from the adaptive learning systems

Our research shows that by using the EdAlive Adaptive Learning system in Maths Invaders, students are routinely boosting their Maths Age by an entire school year, in just one term.

Adaptive Learning » Adaptive Learning

Mastery Learning Systems

Both Typing Tournament and the Galactic Campaign section of Maths Invaders utilise Mastery Learning progressions with level tests. The structure systematically builds skills in typing and mental maths and then requires students to pass a mastery test before progressing to the next skill level.

Stellar typing results too

Delving into the data accrued in Typing Tournament we have established that: Using Typing Tournament for just 20 minutes a week for a term can increase average typing speed by 6 words per minute over that term. That is an increase of over 20 WPM a year!