Boost your child’s learning!

Whether they are a beginning, emerging, struggling or confident student, your child will find fun learning experiences that will move them to the next level!

5 websites to boost all your child's learning!

EdAlive Online Learning provides comprehensive coverage of maths, reading, word skills and typing.

Typing Tournament

Typing Tournament

The fun way to master typing – ages 6 to adult

Math Invaders

Maths Invaders

Build comprehensive rapid-fire maths power

Baggin' the Dragon Maths

Baggin’ the Dragon Maths

Master the world of numbers and the maths of everyday living

Volcanic Panic Reading Success

Volcanic Panic Reading Success

Build reading skills to unlock life's treasures!

Words Rock

Words Rock

Build word power, spelling skills and grammar know-how

EdAlive in your home

Kids learn through fun! That why all activities in EdAlive titles are fun and motivational as well as high quality learning experiences.

Your child has unique learning needs too, so as they play, they build up a unique user profile, enabling the software to continuously adapt their experience allowing them to work at their own pace using fun and educational content that is just right for them, and having heaps of fun at the same time.

So whether your child is an emerging, struggling or confident learner, they will know the joy of growing confidence tackling new challenges and finding success in maths, reading, word skills and typing.

All the best,
Graham East
Managing Director

Boost your child’s learning! » Boost your child’s learning