Homeschool Review Crew Bag the Dragon with Impressive Maths

At EdAlive, we occasionally reach out to various groups to hear their experiences, feedback and suggestions. This is usually collected through school visits, emails from teachers or reviews from homeschool families. Recently, EdAlive reached out to the Homeschool Review Crew, a part of The Old Schoolhouse®, for some reviews. The crew happily obliged and were given some free one year subscriptions to try out three of the web apps from EdAlive!

A group of these reviewers tackled the task of Baggin’ the Dragon Maths Online!  With one month to try it out and share their thoughts, our reviewers gave it their all and this is what they have to share.

Baggin’ the Dragon Maths Key Quotes

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Heathy Happy Farm shares with us “I love the variety of questions asked from graphs and patterns to addition and numeration. I enjoy watching my daughter play and practice math problems. She normally tries her best to avoid math problems and when I see her enjoying this game it makes me very happy.”

Homeschooling4Him revealed that “This game turned out to be a great way to test my son’s skills in a fun and stress-free environment.”

The Delighted Directed Homeschooler stated her requirements that “you’ll know there are a couple of things that are important to me when it comes to an online program… beyond content, that is… content is number 1. I look for the program to be visually appealing and easy to navigate. Baggin’ The Dragon Maths Online meets both of those expectations for me.”

Let’s Get Real exclaims happily “Our daughter was excited to sit down and play this game. The dread that she usually has about anything math was gone. She actually enjoyed answering the questions and beating the computer to earn achievements and meet her personal goals.”

The Secret Life of Homeschoolers explains “Some programs tell you how much progress towards a grade level but EdAlive shows you the standards they know or need to work on. For me, that is much more helpful in my homeschool than a grade level.” and concludes with “Most of all, I did enjoy watching the kids have fun playing this math game TOGETHER.”

And if you want to listen/watch a review instead, Deputie tribe shared her video review on Youtube.

Help for Homeschoolers

EdAlive has a variety of resources available to assist with getting the most from your homeschool experience. Make sure to check out our Help for Homeschoolers containing information on Risk-Free FREE Trials, Speciality Homeschool discounts, our Group Buy Program and more!

See More Reviews?

The Homeschool Review Crew has put together a handy masterpage with links to all of the Reviewer’s reviews. You can check them out using the links below:

Online Math, Reading and Language Arts with EdAlive

Typing Tournament and Maths Invaders Online Reviews.

Homeschool Review Crew logo

*quotes have been edited for clarity and context.

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