Adaptive Learning

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Congratulations to our Touch Typists!

Last week was a phenomenal blast! Congratulations to all of our avid typists across Australia and the world on a typing challenge well done! We

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EdAlive Central

Enhancing Student Engagement Through Fun

If you type “Enhancing Student Engagement in the Classroom” into your search engine, you’ll find many dozens of articles covering hundreds of ideas that real teachers

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EdAlive Central

Teach the basics in the Covid Crisis

COVID Crisis parents only need focus on teaching the basics as they struggle with their new roles as teachers in their own homes. As parents

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Coronavirus eLearning Help

The EdAlive team are here to assist Automated Adaptive Learning websites. Ideal for disrupted times. 35 years of experience. Unprecedented times In a matter of

Research Report

Full Research: Maths Invaders Adaptive Learning

Maths Invaders Adaptive Learning (full research) Students’ stellar gains Maths Invaders, Adaptive Learning mode Maths Invaders is an online learning website published by EdAlive, marketed

Mrs Days Class wins under s silly faces
Case Studies and Reviews

Visiting winners for the Maths Challenge

In November we visited schools to see how they use Adaptive Learning in Maths Invaders. Adaptive learning tests a child’s abilities in maths and then