Maths Invaders

Boost Maths Age by 12 Months in just one term!

Automated adaptive learning results chart

Read full research here

Maths Invaders and adaptive learning

Boost maths age by 12 months in just one term!​
Enables automated, fully individualised, differentiated learning.

Research shows that most students can dramatically boost their arithmetic skills with Maths Invaders. Students are routinely improving their maths age by the equivalent of an entire school year, in a matter of months. This is thanks to Maths Invaders’ cutting-edge adaptive learning system. Each student is automatically presented with questions tailored to their maths ability – the perfect balance of reinforcement and challenge.

No time to be bored by repetition. On top of this, a fun and engaging multi-player game, Space Rescue, takes the drudgery out of maths exercises. Students stay on task for longer and power through a surprising volume of work. For teachers, the challenge of personalising revision strategies is sorted.

Results hold true regardless of age or ability

Importantly, the research shows that using Maths Invaders in Adaptive Learning mode is beneficial across all ages and maths abilities – from Year 1 to Year 10. Students make significant gains whether they are already performing at average, below average or above average level for their age. Students who have suffered a setback now have a realistic chance to catch up to their peers. Early signs are that students starting at Year 1 to Year 3 maths level can make even greater progress.

Boy at whiteboard doing maths

Little input required from teachers

Because the Adaptive Learning system evaluates students’ responses on the fly and then chooses the next content to present there is little requirement for teacher input or supervision. Powerful reports give teachers the capacity to work with individual students to target specific learning needs facilitating even more rapid progress.


Maths Invaders gives schools the opportunity to boost NAPLAN results while reducing stress for students, parents and teachers. A school licence for Maths Invaders also allows students to use the website at home for even greater benefits.

Boost maths age by 12 months with weekly sessions for just one term.*

The time required is not onerous – 10 sessions of 25 minutes can unlock huge benefits as shown in the graph above. This could easily be timetabled as weekly sessions for a school term. But students – and teachers – will start to notice their progress much sooner. The exact arrangements seem to have little effect – say shorter sessions or fortnightly sessions building to an equivalent effort. Maths Invaders builds ability and confidence, and teachers know that strengthening the mathematical building blocks prepares students to move forward with future units of learning.

Boost Maths Age by 12 Months in just one term! » Boost Maths
Dr Lindsay Brash - EdAlive

Research results

On the graph, a “session” block is defined by the completion of 100 correct answers. This equates to around 25 minutes of screen-time. The first block defines the student’s starting level. For each block the student’s performance is determined from the average adaptive level of correct answers – there are 128 levels within Maths Invaders which are directly mapped to the Australian curriculum and are thus translated to a maths age. The graph shows the average of all data available – 1227 individuals with at least 300 correct answers completed in adaptive mode, reducing to 109 individuals with 1100 correct answers. This anonymised data was drawn from four million questions answered by Maths Invaders users since the Adaptive Learning system was launched in August 2019.

*Weekly half-hour sessions for a 10-week school term.