Visiting winners for the Maths Challenge

In November we visited schools to see how they use Adaptive Learning in Maths Invaders. Adaptive learning tests a child’s abilities in maths and then gives them questions suited to their skill level. We placed this revolutionary new system into Space Rescue as it is the most popular part of Maths Invaders.

Graham East with a classOne of the schools we visited, St Margaret Mary Catholic School in South Australia, had Mrs Day’s class come first in 2019’s Maths Challenge for the Under 10s! We were very keen to hear what Mrs Day and her class had to share about Maths Invaders after performing so well. Graham East, EdAlive CEO, visited Mrs Day’s class to speak with the students and congratulate them for winning for the under 10s. We also took some time to watch them using the new Adaptive Learning system in Space Rescue. This is what they had to share.

How do you feel about the Adaptive Learning system and why?

“I like it because we can compete with other people who are at a higher level or lower” – Samuel, 10.

“Great because you learn a lot”– Ali, 9.

“It’s fun because we get to see how much we know about maths questions”– Emma, 8.

Children-using-Space-RescueWhat is your favourite part about Adaptive Learning?

“My favourite part is Space Rescue because you get to improve your maths and also because you can make ship parts and you get to be really competitive” – Jayani, 8.

“That it automatically makes the questions harder or easier”– Tina, 10.

“Answering it helps me a lot with maths and I am getting more perfect scans” – Esther, 8.

“Playing with my friends”– Justin, 9.

How do you feel about the end screen and why?

“I feel confident about it because it’s not about getting questions right, it’s about trying”– Regin, 9.

“I feel good about it because it tells me what I got wrong and right” – Kaiden, 10.

Would you just answer the questions instead of playing Space Rescue?

“Yes because I never give up”– Philip, 8.

Want us to visit your school? Contact us at EdAlive via to let us know today!

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