Congratulations to our Touch Typists!

Happy hand

Last week was a phenomenal blast! Congratulations to all of our avid typists across Australia and the world on a typing challenge well done! We at EdAlive cheered you all on through last week as we watched that word counter spinning away rapidly. With over 6.6 million words typed and an average of 950 thousand words typed per day, every student’s dedication and perseverance was plain to see. So from us to you, a very hearty congratulations!

View the Fastest Class Leaderboard Results

View the Most Words Typed Leaderboard Results

Getting certificates for your class

Typing Challenge Certificate

Did your class participate in the Typing Challenge? If so check out our handy help centre article on how to print off Leaderboard Certificates for your students!

Fun facts on words typed

While there are different ideas to the average length of a novel, many sources agree* that a normal length of a  novel is around 80,000 words, give or take. Using this number, the typists competing in our Term 1 typing challenge typed the words contained in over 83 books! To have some more fun, here is the lengths of a few popular pieces of fiction and how many times you all typed the content of these works:

  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Roald Dahl) – 30,644 words (218 times)
  • Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson) – 66,950 words (99.8 times)
  • The Secret Garden (Frances Hodgson Burnett) – 80,398 words (83 times)
  • Oliver Twist (Charles Dickens) – 155,960 words (42.8 times)
  • The Complete Lord of the Rings Trilogy (J.R.R.Tolkien) – 576,459 words (11.5 times)
  • The Complete Harry Potter Series (J.K Rowling) – 1,084,170 words (6.2 times)

Even when not looking at a piece of fiction, and instead looking at the Oxford Dictionary, there are 273,000 headwords alone. So as a whole, everyone combined to type every word with a definition in the dictionary over 24 times. What a wordy bunch you all are!

6 typing on a keyboard

NAPLAN Online the next step

Now that you’ve all completed the typing challenge and have some typing practice under your belts, it’s time to look toward the next goal on the horizon, NAPLAN Online. While we all had a break from it last year, due to necessary reasons, it’s right back on track for next term. Running from the 11th – 21st of May next term (weeks 3-4 or 4-5 depending on the state), schools have a little under two months to prepare. EdAlive is here to help with our guide on how to prepare students for NAPLAN Online. In addition  our current research shows that keyboarding skills significantly boost NAPLAN Online results, so you’re well on the way to achieving great results.

*Word Count by Genre: How Long should my book really be and What is the ideal novel length?

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