Maths Invaders Online : New Enhancements

The new Maths Invaders Online is built on the rich, multi-award-winning pedigree of the original Ultimate Maths Invaders CD Edition. It has been substantially upgraded and transformed to create a hugely powerful mastery learning system and flexible tables tutor!

Maths Invaders CD


Maths Invaders Online is a total transformation of the old:

  1. Home and School Access. Gives children access from home and school instead of just at school
  2. Compatible with all devices. Works on Mac and Windows computers, iPads and Android and Surface tablets, enabling children to use any of the devices in a school
  3. Works with physical keyboards and mobile devices with onscreen controls. Students can now point and click to shoot bypassing the necessity for the use of arrow keys and space bar to repel the invaders
  4. Retains the original self-directed Practice mode with the addition of the all new Galactic Campaign Mastery Leaning mode that directs students learning and adds both academic and effort related motivators
  5. Curriculum Correlated with the outcomes from the Australian Curriculum, The NSW Syllabus and the Victoria Curriculum
  6. The Defender Level system motivates students by rewarding them for the number of Questions answered correctly. There are 180 different Defenders requiring ever increasing activity to attain.
  7. Saves teachers time. Time saving administrative enhancements put teachers in control. These include the ability for children to concurrently be in multiple classes, import and export of class lists and a unique ID for each child.
  8. Powerful new reports give teachers instant access to students results
  9. Students can concurrently be in multiple classes
  10. Simplified sign on. Allows the use of “Google Single Sign On” and even uses Class Codes to allow teachers to efficiently group children into classes.
  11. Streamlined game play simplifies student access
  12. Game play animations have been optimised for smoother running
  13. Works with EdAlive Central to add all the advantages of our Single Sign On system that allows students to use the same sign in for Maths Invaders Online and for Typing Tournament Online
  14. EdAlive Central also allows integration with other Single Sign On systems including Google Classroom and Microsoft ADFS/Office 365
  15. Freed from the limitations of CD technology
  16. Teleport function is now independent of keyboard, enhancing gameplay and allowing use on mobile devices

EdAlive Multiple Award Winner

Although the original Ultimate Maths Invaders CD edition was an outstanding product it was subject to the limitations of CD technology. Now, using Internet delivery, we have been able to migrate the strengths of the original product to the new online version and then through multiple cycles of development, in-class testing and modification, to greatly enhance the capacities and effectiveness of the entire solution. The opportunities afforded by the new technology and ongoing development have transformed Maths Invaders from outstanding to truly incredible.

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