Teacher Reviews
“Maths Invaders is a game children will enjoy as a means of improving maths skills, a boon to busy teachers and a well-constructed programme of arithmetical skills for home use.”
Ken Docksey, Teacher, ICT Coordinator & Assistant Principal, Sandon Primary School

“We have been using and recommending Maths Invaders for some time now. Many of our students have great difficulty memorising facts – particularly things like addition, subtraction, and multiplication tables –
and we find that Maths Invaders Online is a fun way to give them the constant
repetition needed to help them retain this important information.”
Jan Polkinghorne, Specific Learning Difficulties Association

Student Reviews
“IT ROCKS! Hi-tech, fun and full of maths! The ultimate choice! I like Maths
Invaders because of the tension and the fun in defeating the maths waves. Cool dude!”
Jessica, aged 12
“I think this excellent game will really help kids with their maths. I really enjoy playing it!”
Isabelle, aged 11
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