Empowering Every Speller
Spelling Force is the ultimate online tool to help your students become competent spellers and even spelling champions! It’s extreme spelling action that motivates and challenges spellers of all ages and abilities!
- Develop beginning, emerging, struggling and power spellers.
- Automatic mode continuously tracks each student’s performance and automatically progresses them through targeted practice until mastery is achieved, freeing teachers for richer classroom experiences.
- Manual Selection mode allows teachers and parents to set work to be completed.
- Extensive content, flexibility, and learning that is both fun and effective.
- Huge inbuilt vocabulary to extend and enrich even the most able students.
Context Sentences
Each spelling word is used in a context sentence. Misspellings are also listed.
Dictionary support
Each spelling word is linked to a dictionary definition enabling students to discover the meaning of unfamiliar words extending their understanding and vocabulary.
Spelling Activities
Match Grandma’s grammar against 6-year-old Vanessa’s vocab and 15 year-old Sam’s spelling with each automatically adjusted for their learning level.
- Presents words by announcing the word and reading the sentence.
- There is no time limit so students can spell the word when they are ready.
- Students using test mode can progress rapidly through the word lists.
- Works with both Automatic and Manual selection modes
Look Listen Learn
- Displays the spelling word on screen while the student begins to ‘learn’ the word as they ‘look’ at it and ‘listen’ to it. The word is then covered while the child writes the word by typing it from memory.
- The word is then checked against the original and any differences highlighted.
- Acts as scaffolding as students learn the word.
- Works with both Automatic and Manual selection modes.