Graham East – Founder of EdAlive

Early Experience

As a primary school teacher of many years experience Graham grew to realise the importance of individualised programmes of work and the element of fun in learning. With the advent of educational computing around 1984 he enthusiastically embraced the new technology and was soon an avid user of Apple II computers with his classes. He instantly recognised the educational potential of the new technology, and before long was a respected practitioner of educational computing, training other staff and advising other schools. This interest and passion grew into a small educational computing business called New Horizons that commenced in 1987. The business grew rapidly to become the preeminent supplier of educational software to Australian schools.
Graham East - Founder of EdAlive » Graham East EdAlive
Graham East
Graham East - Founder of EdAlive » Graham East EdAlive
Graham East - Founder of EdAlive » Graham East EdAlive

Growing Australian and global usage

All these online learning web sites are currently operational except ZooWhiz which has been decommissioned due to the obsolescence of Flash. There are currently thousands of active school subscriptions with millions of site visits. Every day new schools and parents start using the EdAlive websites with their students and children.

A Team Effort

Although Graham has been the project lead on most of the products and websites, he has been ably supported by an incredible team many of whose talents and abilities far outstrip his own. Their contribution is deeply embedded in all of the EdAlive products and the day to day running of the operation. His wife Barbara has also made an invaluable contribution to all that has been achieved.

Armidale NSW – Home to EdAlive

Graham lives in Armidale NSW