Key points:
Regular use of Typing Tournament increases average typing speed by 6 words per minute (WPM) per term per student!
Analysis of students’ progress when learning to type with Typing Tournament has revealed startling results.
There are many classes with students reaching speeds in excess of 45 WPM.
Regular use increases speed by 6 WPM per student per term
Careful analysis of the data logged by Typing Tournament reveals that classes that use Typing Tournament at least once a week are, on average, making 6 WPM gain for each child per term. This suggests that classes using Typing Tournament regularly for a year are making speed gains of 20 WPM or more per student per year. This increase in speed holds true regardless of the age of the students from Year 1 to Year 12.

Data analysis is ongoing
This average progress suggests that some students are making phenomenal gains in typing speed.
What is absolutely clear is that the use of Typing Tournament in a school can totally transform the ability of students to type in a very short time frame. It can turn two finger typists into fluid touch typists. The benefits gained in productivity and fluency will greatly impact their ability to work in this digital age.