With the increase in technology throughout our day to day lives, it can be hard to find out where to start preparing our children for the future ahead. With Typing Tournament Online, your concerns can be swept aside, as your child masters touch typing through a combination of rigorous learning and outstanding fun!


Boost kids' learning with Typing Tournament Online

Teaches Typing for Life

A complete, 10-finger typing course that teaches the vital skill of touch typing. Users can jump right in at their existing skill level and then progress at their own pace through 128 Lessons, Games & Drills. Progressively introduces the whole keyboard and actively promotes the use of the right fingers on the right keys. Uses a medieval tournament theme to engage students. Powerful management tools for parents and teachers. Ages 6 to Adult.

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WPM Speedo

Typing Tournament Online Research Shows Impressive Growth of 6 wpm a Term

Regular use of Typing Tournament Online increases average typing speed by 6 WPM per term per student!

Delving into the data logged by Typing Tournament we have established that classes that use Typing Tournament at least once a week are, on average, making 6 WPM gain for each child per term. We’re confident that this means that classes using Typing Tournament regularly for a year are making speed gains of 20 WPM, or more, per student per year.

Read Full Research Article Typing Tournament Online Research and Resources

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Graham East
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The Old Schoolhouse® Touch Typing Spotlight »

Be they a beginningemergingstruggling or confident student, the EdAlive Online Learning websites will boost kids’ learning whilst having fun