Maths Invaders Online passed the 1,000,000 questions answered landmark at 11:05 am on Monday 6th August. This is astonishing growth as Maths Invaders Online was only released at the end of Term 2 2018!
Feedback from teachers is really positive. They love the idea that the students do so much maths in a session. We have calculated that it is possible to complete over 1,800 maths questions per hour. That’s around 30 questions a minute and for a typical 20 minute student that’s around 600 maths questions. Now most students will not be that fast but they will do hundreds of questions in a session!
Students are also giving us great feedback. Each time they answer a question they earn credit towards their Defender status. Now that we have released the Galactic Campaign mastery learning mode engagement has jumped even further. Students are automatically guided through sequential maths levels leaving teachers free to focus on helping them when they reach their maths limits instead of having to work out what they should do next.
We are currently working on a highly informative report to supplement the Galactic Campaign. The new report will highlight students’ progress and show the correlation between the questions and the Australian Curriculum, Victoria Curriculum and NSW Syllabus.
Our goal is to create a maths programme that really engages students and boost their computational maths skills. We have made a great start. If you have any suggestions as to how we might make it even better please let us know.