Understands that the order and organisation of words, sentences, and images contribute to text meaning

Understands that the order and organisation of words, sentences, and images contribute to text meaning

1. Boy Meets Girl - Complete each sentences using 'his' or 'her'
2. Colour Codes - Drag the correct colour word to the box. Write the sight word.
3. Colour Codes - Drag the correct colour word to the box. Write the sight word.
4. Colour Codes - Drag the correct colour word to the box. Write the sight word.
5. Number Sense - Write the correct number word to finish each sentence
6. Almost the Same - Put the correct word into each sentence
7. Finish the Sentence - Put the correct words into the spaces
8. Finish the Sentence - Put the correct words into the spaces
9. What is the swan? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
10. What is the elephant? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
11. What is the dress? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
12. What is the dog? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
13. Finish the Sentence - Put the words into the correct spaces
14. Shopping List - Identify each list item
15. Finish The Sentence - Put the correct words in the spaces
16. What is the apple? - Complete sentence with the correct describing word
17. What is the balloon? - Complete sentence with the correct describing word
18. Finish The Sentence - Put the correct words in the spaces
19. Finish The Sentence - Put the correct words in the spaces
20. Finish The Sentence - Put the correct words in the spaces
21. Finish The Sentence - Put the correct words in the spaces
22. Finish the Sentence - Put correct word in each space
23. Which Words Tell When? - Select adverbial phrase
24. See Spike Run - Identify subject
25. Unsolved Mysteries- Identify adverb
26. Say What? - Click the verb
27. Say What? - Click the verb
28. Finish the sentence - Put the correct word in the gap
29. Finish the sentence - Put the correct word in the gap
30. Finish the sentence - Put the correct word in the gap
31. Finish the sentence - Put the correct word in the gap
32. Unsolved Mysteries- Identify adverb
33. Unsolved Mysteries- Identify adverb
34. Unsolved Mysteries- Identify adverb
35. Unsolved Mysteries- Identify adverb
36. Which Word? - Descriptive
37. Choose A Word - Drag correct words to complete sentence
38. Choose A Word - Drag correct words to complete sentence
39. Finish The Sentence
40. Finish The Sentence
41. Finish The Sentence
42. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct CCVCC word
43. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
44. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
45. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
46. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
47. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
48. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
49. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
50. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
51. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
52. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
53. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
54. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
55. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
56. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
57. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
58. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
59. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
60. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
61. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
62. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
63. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
64. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
65. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
66. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
67. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
68. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
69. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
70. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
71. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
72. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word (10a)
73. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
74. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word
75. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
76. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
77. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
78. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
79. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
80. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
81. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
82. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
83. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
84. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
85. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
86. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
87. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
88. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
89. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word.
90. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
91. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
92. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
93. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
94. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
95. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
96. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
97. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
98. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
99. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
100. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
101. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
102. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
103. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
104. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
105. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
106. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
107. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
108. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
109. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
110. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
111. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
112. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
113. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
114. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
115. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
116. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
117. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
118. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
119. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
120. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word (5a))
121. Finish The Sentence 7(a)
122. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word (1a)
123. Finish The Sentence 4 (a)
124. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
125. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (1a)
126. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word (1a)
127. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct word
128. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word (a)
129. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (1a)
130. Look at the picture - Click the correct word (a)
131. Look at the picture - Click the correct word (a)
132. Look at the picture - Click the correct word (a)
133. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
134. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word (a)
135. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
136. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word (a)
137. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct word (a)
138. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word (1a)
139. Look at the picture - Click the correct word (a)
140. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word (a)
141. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word (a)
142. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word (a)
143. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
144. Finish the sentence - Click the correct word (a)
145. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
146. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word (a)
147. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word (a)
148. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
149. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word (a)
150. Almost the Same - Put the correct word into each sentence (1)
151. Almost the Same - Put the correct word into each sentence (1)
152. Almost the Same - Put the correct word into each sentence (1)
153. Almost the Same - Put the correct word into each sentence (1)
154. Almost the Same - Put the correct word in each sentence (1)
155. Almost the Same - Put the correct word in each sentence (1)
156. Almost the Same - Put the correct word in each sentence (1)
157. Unsolved Mysteries- Identify adverb (1)
158. Unsolved Mysteries- Identify adverb (1)
159. Unsolved Mysteries- Identify adverb (1)
160. Unsolved Mysteries- Identify adverb (1)
161. Unsolved Mysteries- Identify adverb (1)
162. Finish the sentence - Put the correct word in the gap (1)
163. Say What? - Click the verb (1)
164. Say What? - Click the verb (1)