Know forward and backward counting sequences with whole numbers to at least 1000

Know forward and backward counting sequences with whole numbers to at least 1000

1. Here is the Number! 4 + 1, 4 + 10
2. Here is the Number! 1 + 1, 1 + 10
3. Here is the Number! 2 + 1, 2 + 10
4. Here is the Number! 3 + 1, 3 + 10
5. Here is the Number! 5 + 1, 5 + 10
6. Here is the Number! 6 + 1, 6 + 10
7. Here is the Number! 7 + 1, 7 + 10
8. Here is the Number! 8 + 1, 8 + 10
9. Here is the Number! 9 + 1, 9 + 10
10. 10 less, 10 more than 40
11. Which number is 10 more than 14?
12. Which number is 10 more than 18?
13. Which number is 10 more than 20?
14. Which number is 10 more than 2?
15. Which number is 10 more than 18?
16. Which number is 10 more than 11?
17. Which number is 10 less than 16?
18. Which number is 10 less than 22?
19. Which number is 10 more than 89?
20. Which number is 10 more than 27?
21. Which number is 10 more than 62?
22. Which number is 10 less than 45?
23. Which number is 10 less than 23?
24. Which number is 10 less than 76?
25. Changing numbers: 36 to 39
26. Changing Numbers: 24 to 21
27. Changing Numbers: 66 to 76
28. 10 less, 10 more than 10
29. 10 less, 10 more than 20
30. 10 less, 10 more than 30
31. 10 less, 10 more than 40
32. 10 less, 10 more than 50
33. 10 less, 10 more than 60
34. Wrong Number!: 35 3 45 50 55 60 56
35. Wrong Number!: 30 25 2 15 10 5 1
36. Wrong Number!: 100 90 85 70 60 50 30
37. Wrong Number!: 25 35 45 50 65 75 80
38. Changing Numbers: 48 to 47
39. Changing Numbers: 68 to 58
40. Changing Numbers: 66 to 76
41. 1 less, 1 more than 37
42. 1 less, 1 more than 45
43. 10 less, 10 more than 38
44. 10 less, 10 more than 24
45. Wrong Numbers!: 23 42 25 6 27 28 19
46. Wrong Numbers!: 71 72 70 74 5 66 77
47. Wrong Numbers!: 57 58 59 60 51 52 53
48. Wrong Numbers!: 40 41 12 34 44 45 64
49. Wrong Numbers!: 88 89 90 81 82 93 84
50. Wrong Number!: 41 43 45 37 49 51 53
51. Wrong Number!: 62 64 66 66 68 69 72 74
52. Wrong Number!: 80 90 92 94 96 98 100
53. Wrong Number!: 26 28 30 32 44 36 38
54. Wrong Number!: 21 22 25 27 29 31 33
55. Wrong Number!: 91 89 87 85 83 80 79
56. Wrong Number!: 48 46 44 32 40 38 36
57. Wrong Number!: 55 53 51 50 47 45 43
58. Wrong Number!: 45 50 52 60 65 70 75
59. Wrong Number!: 70 75 78 85 90 95 100
60. Wrong Number!: 50 45 47 35 30 25 20
61. Wrong Number!: 30 25 20 15 10 5 1
62. Changing Numbers: 20 to 30
63. Changing Numbers: 45 to 35
64. Changing Numbers: 90 to 100
65. Changing Numbers: 99 to 100
66. Changing Numbers: 24 to 14
67. 1 less, 1 more than 600
68. 10 less, 10 more than 490
69. 100 less, 100 more than 873
70. Which number is 10 more than 989?
71. Which number is 10 less than 724?
72. Which number is 100 more than 456?
73. Which number is 100 less than 388?
74. Changing Numbers: 324 to 314
75. Changing Numbers: 562 to 662
76. Changing Numbers: 500 to 510
77. Changing Numbers: 444 to 445
78. 10 less, 10 more than 150
79. 10 less, 10 more than 183
80. 10 less, 10 more than 418
81. 10 less, 10 more than 106
82. 10 less, 10 more than 204
83. 100 less, 100 more than 403
84. 10 less, 10 more than 150
85. 10 less, 10 more than 290
86. 10 less, 10 more than 500
87. 10 less, 10 more than 620
88. 10 less, 10 more than 880
89. Changing Numbers: 100 to 200
90. Changing Numbers: 265 to 255
91. Changing Numbers: 550 to 650
92. Changing Numbers: 300 to 299
93. Changing Numbers: 888 to 898
94. Changing Numbers: 428 to 438
95. Changing Numbers: 204 to 194
96. Changing Numbers: 402 to 412
97. Changing Numbers: 399 to 499
98. Up and Away! 345 445 * 645 745
99. Up and Away! 580 689 789 * 989
100. Up and Away! * 232 332 432 532
101. Up and Away!: 765 665 * 465 365
102. Up and Away!: * 843 743 643 543
103. 10 less, 10 more than 508
104. 10 less, 10 more than 300
105. 100 less, 100 more than 475
106. 10 less, 100 more than500
107. 100 less, 10 more than 358
108. 100 less, 100 more than 458
109. Changing Numbers - 45 to 145
110. Changing Numbers - 235 to 225
111. Changing Numbers - 990 to 890
112. Changing Numbers - 576 to 577
113. Changing Numbers - 36 to 136
114. Changing Numbers - 455 to 555
115. 100 less, 100 more than 765
116. 100 less, 100 more than 342
117. 100 less, 100 more than 897
118. 100 less, 100 more than 453
119. 100 less, 100 more than 213
120. What's the Number?: 112 110 108 * 104 102 100
121. What's the Number?: 100 105 110 115 120 * 130
122. What's the Number?: 70 * 60 55 50 45 40
123. What's the Number?: 130 120 * 100 90 80 70
124. Which number is 10 more than 4?
125. Which number is 10 more than 5?
126. Which number is 10 more than 2?
127. Which number is 10 more than 10?
128. Which number is 10 more than 6?
129. Which number is 10 more than 1?
130. Changing Numbers: 24 to 34
131. Changing Numbers: 25 to 26
132. 100 Grid: Start at 27. Add 3 tens
133. 100 Grid: Start at 7. Add 4 tens
134. 100 Grid: Start at 25. Add 3 tens
135. 100 Grid: Start at 54. Add 2 tens
136. 100 Grid: Start at 63. Add 1 ten
137. 100 Grid: Start at 22. Add 5 tens
138. Changing Numbers: 29 to 39
139. 100 Grid: Start at 73. Add 10
140. 100 Grid: Start at 35. Add 10
141. 100 Grid: Start at 56. Add 10
142. 100 Grid: Start at 83. Add 10
143. 100 Grid: Start at 34. Add 10
144. Adding tens: 42 + 10 = ?
145. Number Detectives: 10 + 20 = ?
146. Which number is 10 less than 30?
147. Which number is 10 less than 20?
148. Which number is 10 less than 10?
149. Which number is 10 less than 50?
150. Which number is 10 less than 40?
151. Count back: 16 count back 9
152. Count back: 16 count back 5
153. Count back: 16 count back 4
154. Count back: 16 count back 7
155. Count back: 16 count back 3
156. Which number is 10 less than 80?
157. Which number is 10 less than 60?
158. Which number is 10 less than 90?
159. Which number is 10 less than 100?
160. Which number is 10 less than 70?
161. True or False?: 30 - 10 = 20
162. Take Ten 42 - 10
163. Circle of Friends - number pattern, who will say 11?
164. Counting Stars - count by tens
165. Circle of Friends - number pattern, who will say 90?
166. Circle of Friends - number pattern, who said 30?
167. Circle of Friends - number pattern, who will say 100?
168. Croc Tracks - number pattern
169. Count back: Start at 16. Count back 5
170. Here is the Number! Number word for 94
171. Here is the Number! Number word for 38
172. Here is the Number! Number word for 45
173. Here is the Number! Number word for 46
174. Here is the Number! Number word for 83
175. Here is the Number! Number word for 71
176. Here is the Number! Number word for 35
177. Here is the Number! Number word for 54
178. Here is the Number! Number word for 90
179. Here is the Number! Number word for 27