Convert between metric units, using decimals

Convert between metric units, using decimals

1. In The Blink Of An Eye 1 - metric time; metric hours, beats and blinks
2. A Thousand Kilos of Laughs - conversions between units; cubic cm, mL and L
3. A Thousand Kilos of Laughs - conversions between units; cubic cm, cubic m, L and kL
4. A Thousand Kilos of Laughs - conversions between cubic mm and cubic cm
5. A Thousand Kilos of Laughs - conversions between units; cubic cm, cubic m, L and kL
6. A Thousand Kilos of Laughs - conversions between cubic mm and cubic cm
7. Roger's Rapid Reckoning - kL in 14500L
8. Roger's Rapid Reckoning - L in 1250 cubic cm
9. Roger's Rapid Reckoning - converting L to kL
10. Damming Evidence - converting L/min to kL/hour
11. Crop Crisis - area in hectares, dimensions in m
12. Ain't Mis-Bee-Hive'n - how many fit in 1 square m
13. A Conversions Experience - from square mm to square cm, 1 decimal place
14. Turf It - area of rectangle in hectares, dimensions in m
15. Green Hectares - equivalent to 23 000 square m
16. Micro Measuring - microns from m to cm
17. What An Eye-Full! 3 - calculate speed of construction given total distance and time
18. Rule The World 20 - cm to mcm
19. Rule The World 19 - m to mcm
20. Rule The World 18 - nm to cm
21. Rule The World 17 - mm to nm
22. Rule The World 16 - mcm to mm
23. Bush Bake Off - round g to nearest tenth of a kg
24. Larry's Lorry's Log Book - conversion from kg to t; 3 decimal places
25. Larry's Lorry's Log Book - conversion from kg to t; 3 decimal places
26. Uncle Max's Corner Store Conversions - conversion from kg to t, up to 3 decimal places
27. Larry's Lorry's Log Book - conversion from kg to t; 3 decimal places
28. Mass Composition - conversion from g to kg, total mass of multiples
29. Mass Composition - conversion from g to kg, total mass of multiples
30. Phil's Chocolate Conundrum - calculate number of units given individual and gross masses, g and kg
31. Phil's Chocolate Conundrum - calculate number of units given individual and gross masses, g and kg
32. Al's Mass Mechanics - subtracting masses, kg and g, 3 decimal places
33. Al's Mass Mechanics - subtracting masses, kg and g, 3 decimal places
34. Al's Mass Mechanics - adding masses in kg and g, 2 decimal places