Community and educational expectations regarding the necessity of teaching typing skills are changing rapidly.
In the past generation we have seen a transition from typing being the preserve of professional secretaries to a critical main stream skill for every member of the community. This change is rapidly being reflected in curriculum statements, educational practice and community expectations.
A State-by-State exploration of the requirements for keyboarding in the official curricula documents.
The Literacy Progressions have been updated to better reflect the need for advanced typing skills.
Schools in the United States are obliged to teach typing skills that equate to approximately 40 WPM (Words Per Minute) by Year 6.
Typing Tournament Online prepares students for NAPLAN Online from Year 2 where they are gaining keyboard familiarity necessary for the Year 3 NAPLAN Online test all the way to the typing requirements in the Year 9 test.
This survey commissioned by the Australian Primary Principals Association documents the feed back from Principals whose schools participated in the NAPLAN Online trials.
A series of news paper and journal articles that reference the importance of good typing skills when approaching NAPLAN Online.
A series of news paper and journal articles that reference the importance of good typing skills when approaching NAPLAN Online.
Details of the new HSC online basic skills test and the place of typing skills in the process.
Details of the new SACE Electronic Exams and the place of good typing skills in the process.
The Victorian Department of Education is exploring the introduction of a minimum standards test for the HSC.
Details about the WA HSC minimum standards.
The Validation of Assessment for Learning and Individual Development program provides online end-of-stage assessments for the science key learning area.
Catherine Oelhman – Video interview with Graham East.
A Discussion on Gwendolyn Alderman’s Master’s thesis “From Rhetoric to Practice: Issues in Teaching and Learning Touch Keyboarding”
Standards Australia has defined typing speed. Typing Tournament Online is built on this Standard.