Explore differences in words that represent people, places and things (nouns, including pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs)

1. Who's Who? - Write 'he' or 'she' below each child
2. Boy Meets Girl - Complete each sentences using 'his' or 'her'
3. Colour Codes - Drag the correct colour word to the box. Write the sight word.
4. Colour Codes - Drag the correct colour word to the box. Write the sight word.
5. Colour Codes - Drag the correct colour word to the box. Write the sight word.
6. Which One? - Choose the picture to match the words
7. What is the swan? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
8. What is the elephant? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
9. What is the dress? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
10. What is the dog? - Complete the sentence with a describing word
11. True or False? - Grammar/punctuation rules