Investigate and use square roots of perfect square numbers

1. In the Square: 4 squared, 8 squared, square root of 36
2. In the Square: 10 squared, 5 squared, square root of 100
3. In the Square: 3 squared, 9 squared, square root of 49
4. Number Detectives: a+b=14, axb=49
5. Number Detectives: a-b=0, axb=9
6. Number Detectives: A number + its square = 30 (2 integers)
7. In the square S/R 49 + S/R 144 + 6sqrd = ?
8. In the square S/R 25 + S/R 81 + 7 sqrd = ?
9. In the square S/R 16 + S/R 100 + 9sqrd = ?
10. In the square: 49+ * +6=57
11. In the square: * +16+15=240
12. In the square: 36+289+ * =87
13. In the square: * + 81+5=47
14. In the square: 64+361+ * =196
15. Squaring up Sq.root of (a + b ) = sq.root (a) + sq.rt (b) T/F
16. Lions Square Up: Click all the square numbers
17. Lions Square Up: Click all the numbers that are not square
18. Square it!: Square 5, 50
19. Square it!: Square 7, 700
20. Square it!: Square 4, 40
21. Square it!: Square 12, 120
22. Square it!: Square 2, 200
23. Square it: Square 12, 1.2
24. Square it: Square 6, 600
25. Square it: Square 13, 1.3
26. Square it: Square 10, 0.1
27. Square it: Square 11, 110
28. Square it: Square 9, 0.9
29. Square it: Square 5, 0.5
30. Square it: Square 8, 0.8
31. Square it: Square 6, 0.6
32. Square it: Square 7, 0.7
33. Number detectives: Square root of 49
34. Number detectives: (Sq root of 16+ sq rt of 25)/3
35. Number detectives: Take the sq. root of 1600 from 10 squared
36. Number detectives: Product of 10 and 7 /sq. root of 49
37. Find the roots 81 and 8100
38. Find the roots 9 and 90 000
39. Find the roots 64 and 6400
40. Find the roots 121 and 1.21
41. Find the roots 25 and 0.25
42. Number detectives: Sum of 2 numbers=13. One number is 9. What is the sq. root of the other number?
43. Number detectives sq. root of 4900
44. Find the roots: Find the square roots of 62500, 0.0625
45. Find the roots: Find the square roots of 3600, 0.0036
46. Find the roots: Find the square roots of 40000, 0.0004
47. Find the roots: Find the square roots of 810000, 0.0081
48. Find the roots: Find the square roots of 160000, 0.0016