Solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies

1. 10 less, 10 more than 30
2. 10 less, 10 more than 40
3. 10 less, 10 more than 50
4. 10 less, 10 more than 60
5. 2 less, 2 more than 38
6. 2 less, 2 more than 21
7. 2 less, 2 more than 47
8. 2 less, 2 more than 63
9. 2 less, 2 more than 74
10. 1 less, 1 more than 37
11. 1 less, 1 more than 45
12. 2 less, 2 more than 30
13. 5 less, 5 more than 80
14. 5 less, 5 more than 30
15. 10 less, 10 more than 38
16. 10 less, 10 more than 24
17. 1 less, 1 more than 600
18. 10 less, 10 more than 490
19. 100 less, 100 more than 873
20. Which number is 10 more than 989?
21. Which number is 10 less than 724?
22. Which number is 100 more than 456?
23. Which number is 100 less than 388?
24. 10 less, 10 more than 150
25. 10 less, 10 more than 183
26. 10 less, 10 more than 418
27. 10 less, 10 more than 106
28. 10 less, 10 more than 204
29. 100 less, 100 more than 403
30. 10 less, 10 more than 150
31. 10 less, 10 more than 290
32. 10 less, 10 more than 500
33. 10 less, 10 more than 620
34. 10 less, 10 more than 880
35. Changing Numbers: 100 to 200
36. Changing Numbers: 265 to 255
37. 10 less, 10 more than 508
38. 10 less, 10 more than 300
39. 100 less, 100 more than 475
40. 10 less, 100 more than500
41. 100 less, 10 more than 358
42. 100 less, 100 more than 458
43. 100 less, 100 more than 765
44. 100 less, 100 more than 342
45. 100 less, 100 more than 897
46. 100 less, 100 more than 453
47. 100 less, 100 more than 213
48. Number Detectives ? + 3 = 6
49. True or False? 2+8 = 8+2
50. Back to School: 5c + 15c + 7 c
51. Add these 3 numbers: 8 + 3 + 2
52. Add these 3 numbers: 9 + 1 + 6
53. Add these 3 numbers: 4 + 4 + 3
54. Add these 3 numbers: 14 + 5 + 2
55. Add these 3 numbers: 11 + 4 + 5
56. Add these 3 numbers: 13 + 7 + 6
57. Add Board: 21 + 6
58. Add Board: 13 + 12
59. Add Board: 20 + 20
60. Add Board: 12 + 7
61. Add Board: 13 + 6
62. Who's going to Waterworld? 5+4+3+2
63. Number Detectives: 10 + ? = 34
64. True or False?: 21 + 4 = 25
65. True or False?: 23 + 2 = 27
66. True or False?: 26 + 3 = 29
67. True or False?: 24 + 4 = 25
68. True or False?: 22 + 6 = 28
69. Same or different? Click all boxes with answer 18
70. Same or Different? Click all boxes with answer 20
71. Same or Different? Click all boxes with answer 16
72. Adding tens: 42 + 10 = ?
73. Adding tens: 38 + 20 = ?
74. Adding tens: 56 + 30 = ?
75. Number detectives: Mysteries of 15
76. Number detectives: Mysteries of 16
77. Number detectives: Mysteries of 13
78. Number detectives: Mysteries of 17
79. Number detectives: Mysteries of 14
80. Now Add This! 34+11, 34+12
81. Now Add This! 19+20, 19+24
82. Now Add This! 26+21, 26+31
83. Now Add This! 52+20, 52+17
84. Now Add This! 33+19, 33+21
85. Addition Chains
86. Addition Chains
87. Addition Chains
88. Addition Chains
89. Addition Chains
90. Add three numbers: 7 + 9 + 3
91. Add three numbers: 4 + 8 + 7
92. Add three numbers: 6 + 7 + 9
93. Add three numbers: 14 + 7 + 3
94. Add three numbers: 10 + 12 + 8
95. Add three numbers: 13 + 9 + 7
96. Add three numbers: 20 + 10 + 20
97. 40s zone: Add on 5 to 36.
98. 40s zone: 4 more than 38
99. 40s zone: 37 plus 5
100. 40s zone: 4 more than 39
101. 40s zone: Add on 3 to 38
102. 50s zone: Add on 5 to 47.
103. 50s zone: 49 plus 3
104. 50s zone: 48 plus 5
105. 50s zone: 4 more than 47
106. 50s zone: 5 more than 46
107. Bob's and Kai-ling's teams $16 + $7 = $?
108. True or False?: 18 + 2 = 20
109. True or False?: 9 + 8 = 10
110. True or False?: 42 + 7 = 49
111. True or False?: 53 + 2 = 60
112. True or False?: 7 + 8 = 15
113. Same or Different: Click all the boxes with the answer 25.
114. Same or Different: Click all the boxes with the answer 37.
115. Same or Different: Click all the boxes with the answer 34.
116. Same or Different: Click all the boxes with the answer 26.
117. Same or Different: Click all the boxes with the answer 28.
118. 100 grid: Start at 73. Add 7.
119. 100 grid: Start at 45. Add 8.
120. 100 grid: Start at 26. Add 5.
121. 100 grid: Start at 68. Add 4.
122. 100 grid: Start at 52. Add 7.
123. On the board 13 + 15 = ?
124. On the board 12 + 13 = ?
125. On the board 14 + 12 = ?
126. On the board 18 + 11 = ?
127. On the board 15 + 14 = ?
128. N/D Mysteries of 20! 17+, 11+, 15+
129. N/D Mysteries of 20! 7+, 10+, 8+
130. N/D Mysteries of 20! 6+, 9+, 3+
131. N/D Mysteries of 20! 20+, 5+, 2+
132. Anyone for a burger?: $5 + $6 + $2
133. Use the Pattern: 4 + 9, + 10, + 11
134. Use the Pattern: 5 + 9, + 10, + 11
135. Use the Pattern: 6 + 9, + 10, + 11
136. Use the Pattern: 7 + 9, + 10, + 11
137. Use the Pattern: 8 + 9, + 10, + 11
138. Three Up!: Add 3 to 60, 20, 50
139. Two Up!!: Add 2 to 23, 15, 37
140. Two Up!!: Add 2 to 29, 80, 12
141. Two Up!!: Add 2 to 14, 24, 44
142. One Up!: Add 1 to 65, 19, 42
143. Number Detectives: ? + 7 = 30
144. Number Detectives: ? + 24 = 30
145. True or False?: 17 + 4 = 20
146. True or False?: 8 + 8 = 16
147. True or False?: 9 + 8 = 16
148. True or False?: 15 + 5 = 20
149. True or False?: 5 + 6 = 12
150. True or False?: 16 + 3 = 18
151. True or False?: 7 + 9 = 16
152. True or False?: 13 + 1 = 1 + 13
153. True or False?: 16 + 4 = 20
154. True or False?: 9 + 7 = 17
155. Number Detectives: 10 + 20 = ?
156. Number Detectives: 24 + 6 = ?
157. Number Detectives: 5 + 25 = ?
158. Number Detectives: 22 + ? = 30
159. Number Detectives: 21 + ? = 30
160. Make 36: 20 + 14 + ?
161. Make 39: 30 + 6 + ?
162. Make 37: 12 + 20 + 5
163. Beyond 20: What is 6 more than 29?
164. Beyond 50: What is 4 more than 57?
165. Beyond 70: What is 8 more than 78?
166. Beyond 30: What is 4 more than 38?
167. Beyond 60: What is 5 more than 68?
168. Number detectives: 30+?, 50+?, 60+? =100
169. Add on tens: Add 10, 20 to 35
170. Add on tens: Add 10, 20 to 16.
171. Add on tens: Add 10, 20 to 36
172. Thinking in tens: Add 10, 19 to 19
173. Thinking in tens: Add 10, 11 to 14
174. Addition Chains: 10 + 4 + 6 + 2, 11 + 2 + 3 + 4
175. Addition Chains: 4 + 5 + 5 + 2, 10 + 5 + 5 + 10
176. Addition Chains: 2 + 4 + 3 + 10, 12 + 1 + 2 + 7
177. Addition Chains: 4 + 5 + 6 + 8, 11 + 4 + 3+ 7
178. Addition Chains: 3 + 2 + 4 + 2, 7 + 2 + 3 + 4
179. Addition Chains: 3 + 2 + 4 + 8, 4 + 3 + 7 + 4
180. Add three numbers: 2 + 13 + 9
181. Add three numbers: 15 + 7 + 8
182. Add three numbers: 14 + 12 + 8
183. Add three numbers: 17 + 7 + 12
184. Add three numbers: 11 + 14 + 5
185. Number detectives: ? + 9 = 49
186. Number detectives: ? + 11 = 53
187. Crossing 100: 4 more than 99
188. Crossing 100: 7 more than 97
189. Crossing 100: 8 more than 98
190. Crossing 100: 9 more than 92
191. Crossing 100: 5 more than 97
192. True or False: 7+8=12
193. True or False: 17+2=20
194. True or False: 10+9=19
195. True or False: 22+4=23
196. True or False: 9+6=15
197. True or False: 12+14=26
198. True or False: 12+12=24
199. True or False: 13+14=28
200. True or False: 15+12=27
201. True or False: 16+11=25
202. Number detectives: 22+9 = ?
203. Number detectives: 51+11 = ?
204. Number detectives: 35+? = 46
205. Same or Different: Click all the boxes with the answer 50.
206. Same or Different: Click all the boxes with the answer 46.
207. Same or Different: Click all the boxes with the answer 32.
208. Same or Different: Click all the boxes with the answer 45.
209. Same or Different: Click all the boxes with the answer 38.
210. Add Board: 24 + 15 = ?
211. Add Board: 25 + 13 = ?
212. Make 50: 39+7+? = 50
213. Make 50: 39+5+? = 50
214. Make 50: 35+5+? = 50
215. Make 50: 38+10+? = 50
216. Make 50: 42+6+? = 50
217. Beyond 40: 6 more than 45
218. Beyond 70: 5 more than 79
219. Beyond 60: 8 more than 68
220. Beyond 50: 7 more than 58
221. Beyond 70: 9 more than 72
222. N/D Mysteries of 40! 34+? 30+? 38+?=40
223. N/D Mysteries of 40! 31+? 36+? 30+?=40
224. N/D Mysteries of 40! 33+? 37+? 32+?=40
225. N/D Mysteries of 40! 32+? 39+? 34+?=40
226. N/D Mysteries of 40! 31+? 35+? 37+?=40
227. Isabelle's Fruit Salad: 45c + 40c
228. Laura's Fruit Salad: 20c + 40c
229. Connor's Fruit Salad: 20c + 45c
230. 36 + 12 = 48 So what else is true?
231. Add board 5* + 46 = *8
232. Add board 35 + *3 = 7*
233. The 1 Family - Add 1, add 11 to 35
234. The 1 Family - Add 1, add 11 to 27
235. The 1 Family - Add 1, add 11 to 49
236. The 1 Family - Add 1, add 11 to 57
237. The 1 Family - Add 1, add 11 to 83
238. Same or different:19-12,2+5,3+4,33-26,16-8
239. Subtraction chain 9 - 1 = 8, 8 - 2 = ?
240. Subtraction chain 8 - 3 = 5, 5 - 2 = ?
241. Subtraction chain 6 - 2 = 4, 4 - 2 = ?
242. Subtraction chain 7 - 3 = 4, 4 - 1 = ?
243. Subtraction chain 9 - 2 = 7, 7 - 3 = ?
244. Number detectives: ? - 5 = 10
245. Number detectives: ? - 6 = 3
246. Number detectives: ? - 7 = 2
247. Number detectives: ? - 7 = 6
248. Number detectives: ? - 8 = 4
249. True or False? 10-5=20-5
250. Number detectives: 14 - 6 = ?
251. Number detectives: 15 - 9 = ?
252. Number detectives: 11 - 8 = ?
253. Number detectives: 13 - 5 = ?
254. Number detectives: 15 - 13 = ?
255. Number detectives: 14 - ? = 4
256. Number detectives: 11 - ? = 5
257. Number detectives: 10 - ? = 8
258. Number detectives: 13 - ? = 5
259. Number detectives: 14 - ? = 7
260. Card games: Which is lower, 4 + 2 or 6 + 1?
261. Card games: Which is lower, 7 + 3 or 5 + 4?
262. Card games: Which is lower, 6 + 4 or 2 + 3?
263. Card games: Which is lower, 4 + 3 or 1 + 9?
264. Card games: Which is higher, 4 + 5 or 5 + 1?
265. Word Wise: Subtract 14 from 20
266. Word Wise: 20 take away 11
267. Word Wise: 14 take away 6
268. Word Wise: 11 less than 19
269. Word Wise: 13 less than 20
270. Word Wise: 11 less than 16
271. Take 10: ? - 10 = 60
272. Takeaway board: 17-?=11
273. Takeaway board: 15-?=11
274. Takeaway board: 18-? = 12
275. Takeaway board: 16-? = 13
276. Takeaway board: 19-? = 14
277. 12 + 7 = 19 - so what else is true?
278. True or False?: 29 - 7 = 23
279. True or False?: 28 - 5 = 21
280. True or False?: 24 - 2 = 20
281. True or False?: 12 - 6 = 6
282. True or False?: 9 - 4 = 5
283. True or False?: 17 - 2 = 15
284. True or False?: 15 - 3 = 10
285. True or False?: 8 - 5 = 2
286. True or False?: 27 - 4 = 23
287. True or False?: 25 - 5 = 20
288. Subtraction Chain - 27-20-13
289. Subtraction Chain - 21-4 =?-1= 16
290. Subtraction Chain - 29-8=21-3=?
291. Subtraction Chain - ?-4=21-2=19
292. Subtraction Chain - 26-5=21-4=?
293. Subtraction Chain - 27-4=?-6=17
294. Subtraction Chain - 28-7=21-5=?
295. Use the pattern: 10, 20 & 80 - 5 = ?
296. Use the pattern: 10, 20 & 40 - 3 = ?
297. Use the pattern: 10, 20 & 90 - 7 = ?
298. Use the pattern: 10, 20 & 50 - 4 = ?
299. Use the pattern: 10, 20 & 30 - 8 = ?
300. Taking ten: 46-10
301. Taking ten: 72-10
302. Taking ten: 39-10
303. Taking ten: 55-10
304. Taking ten: 81-10
305. Subtract from 100: 100 - 30, 40 & 20
306. Subtract from 100: 100 - 20, 30 & 70
307. Subtract from 100: 100 - 70, 20 & 40
308. Subtract from 100: 100 - 40, 90 & 50
309. Subtract from 100: 100 - 60, 20 & 100
310. Subtract 8 (from 16, 15, 12)
311. Subtract 6 (from 12, 11, 13)
312. Subtract 5 (from 14, 11, 8)
313. Subtract 7 (from 14, 16, 11)
314. Mysteries of Fifty: 50-?=42, 50-?=45
315. Mysteries of Fifty: 50-?=48, 50-?=43
316. Mysteries of Fifty: 50-?=44, 50-?=47
317. Mysteries of Forty: 40-?=36, 40-?=31
318. Mysteries of Forty: 40-?=33, 40-?=39
319. Mysteries of Forty: 40-?=35, 40-?=38
320. Mysteries of Thirty: 30-?=29, 30-?=24
321. Mysteries of Thirty: 30-?=21, 30-?=27
322. Mysteries of Thirty: 30-?=26, 30-?=22
323. True or False?: 16 - 8 = 8
324. True or False?: 23 - 5 = 18
325. True or False?: 21 - 16 = 4
326. True or False?: 18 - 9 = 8
327. True or False?: 19 - 6 = 12
328. True or False?: 24 - 15 = 8
329. True or False?: 16 - 9 = 7
330. True or False?: 22 - 10 = 11
331. True or False?: 19 - 13 = 6
332. True or False?: 26 - 13 = 13
333. Use the pattern 16-4=? 26-3=?, 36-4=?
334. Use the pattern 14-3=? 24-3=?, 34-3=?
335. Use the pattern 15-3=? 25-3=?, 35-3=?
336. Use the pattern 18-5=? 28-5=?, 38-5=?
337. Use the pattern 16-7=? 26-7=?, 36-7=?
338. Use the pattern 13-6=? 23-6=?, 33-6=?
339. Use the pattern 11-5=? 21-5=?, 31-5=?
340. Use the pattern 12-9=? 22-9=?, 32-9=?
341. Use the pattern 19-4=? 29-4=?, 39-4=?
342. Use the pattern 17-8=? 27-8=?, 37-8=?
343. 100 grid: 41 take away 6
344. 100 grid: 53 subtract 8
345. 100 grid: 32 take away 5
346. 100 grid: 76 take away 7
347. 100 grid: 54 take away 8
348. 100 grid: 64 take away 9
349. 100 grid: 84 take away 8
350. 100 grid: 46 take away 9
351. 100 grid: 23 take away 7
352. 100 grid: 71 take away 8
353. 100 grid: 34 take away 6
354. 100 grid: 77 take away 9
355. Subtract from 30: 30 - 20, 7 & 12
356. Subtract from 30: 30 - 15, 10 & 6
357. Subtract from 30: 30 - 11, 5 & 21
358. Subtract from 30: 30 - 8, 30 & 14
359. Subtract from 30: 30 - 17, 30 & 5
360. The 9 family: Take 9, 19 & 29 from 57
361. The 9 family: Take 9, 19 & 29 from 65
362. The 9 family: Take 9, 19 & 29 from 72
363. The 9 family: Take 9, 19 & 29 from 44
364. The 9 family: Take 9, 19 & 29 from 36
365. Subtract 8 from 17, 13 & 11
366. Subtract 6 from 13, 15 & 11
367. Subtract 7 from 24, 22 & 25
368. Subtract 5 from 21, 20 & 24
369. Subtract 9 from 12, 15 & 17
370. Write the missing number: 20 + 3 + ? = 30
371. Write the missing number: 12 + ? + 10 = 30
372. Write the missing number: 15 + ? + 5 = 30
373. Write the missing number: 9 + ? + 12 = 30
374. Write the missing number: ? + 5 + 4 = 30
375. Write the missing number: 15 + ? + 6 = 30
376. Write the missing number: 20 + 3 + ? = 30
377. Number detectives: ? + 23 = 30
378. Number detectives: ? + 18 = 30
379. True or False?: 30 - 8 = 22
380. True or False?: 30 - 25 = 20
381. True or False?: 30 - 10 = 20
382. True or False?: 30 - 10 = 15
383. True or False?: 30 - 7 = 23
384. Number detectives: 30 - 14 = ?
385. Number detectives: 30 - ? = 15
386. Number detectives: 30 - ? = 13
387. Count Down: 6 less than 41
388. Count Down: 7 less than 52
389. Count Down: 3 less than 42
390. Count Down: 6 less than 43
391. Count Down: 8 less than 47
392. Taking Tens: 98 - 50
393. Taking Tens: 32 - 20
394. Taking Tens: 59 - 40
395. Taking Tens: 87 - 20
396. Taking Tens: 72 - 40
397. Subtract.chains 48 - 7 - 2 - 9, 35 - 4 - 3 - 8
398. Subtract.chains 47 - 4 - 3 - 7, 28 - 8 - 2 - 5
399. Subtract.chains 23 - 4 - 1 - 3, 36 - 5 - 2 - 6
400. Subtract.chains 28 - 5 - 2 - 10, 50 - 5 - 3 - 2
401. Count down 52-4=?
402. Count down 43-6=?
403. Count down 61-5=?
404. Count down 36-8=?
405. Count down 72-7=?
406. Count down 94-9=?
407. Subtraction chains 80-6-5-3, 70-4-2-5
408. Subtraction chains 30-9-2-5, 60-5-4-3
409. Subtraction chains 40-5-6-3, 50-9-2-8
410. Subtraction chains 90-3-5-3, 40-2-8-5
411. Subtraction chains 60-9-2-3, 50-3-6-10
412. Subtracting tens 55 - 20 = ?
413. Subtracting tens 48 - 20 = ?
414. Subtracting tens 72 - 30 = ?
415. Subtracting tens 87 - 60 = ?
416. Subtracting tens 91 - 60 = ?
417. Jean kicks the ball: 3 + 3 + 3 = ?
418. Sum money: 4x10c + 1x20c
419. Build A Total - number sequence, 24
420. What Comes Next? - 10 less than 12
421. Enid the Elephant's Equations - equivalent to 8 + 4
422. Enid the Elephant's Equations - equivalent to 6 + 5
423. Enid the Elephant's Equations - equivalent to 7 + 7
424. Number Quest - find 1 number to complete 2 number sentences
425. Sign Scramble - complete 2 number sentences using given numbers
426. Build a Total - number sequence, 15
427. Number Quest - find 1 number to complete 2 number sentences
428. Number Quest - find 1 number to complete 2 number sentences
429. A Tall Order - 5 more
430. Who's going to Waterworld? 2+4+3+8
431. Who's going to Waterworld? 4+4+2+5
432. Who's going to Waterworld? 2+3+3+10
433. Who's going to Waterworld? 7+3+2+3
434. Who's going to Waterworld? 5+4+5+3
435. The Chicken Story: forty + thirty
436. Card games: Which is higher, 5 + 4 or 3 + 7?
437. Card games: Which is higher, 3 + 5 or 4 + 8?
438. Card games: Which is higher, 5 + 9 or 6 + 4?
439. Card games: Which is higher, 4 + 6 or 9 + 3?
440. Card games: Which is lower, 9 + 3 or 6 + 7?
441. Card games: Which is lower, 2 + 6 or 4 + 2?
442. Chicken multiplication: 3 + 3 + 3 = ?
443. The 20s Zone: Take 6 from 24
444. The 20s Zone: Take 8 from 24
445. The 20s Zone: Take 6 from 25
446. The 20s Zone: Take 4 from 21
447. The 20s Zone: Take 8 from 25
448. The 20s Zone: Take 9 from 23
449. The 20s Zone: Take 7 from 23
450. The 20s Zone: Take 8 from 26
451. The 20s Zone: Take 7 from 22
452. The 20s Zone: Take 8 from 27
453. The Chicken Story: sixty + thirty
454. The Chicken Story: seventy-nine - seventy-three
455. The Chicken Story: fifty + twenty
456. Make 50: 32+8+? = 50