Connect fractions, decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions
1. | More or Less 25% of 40 or 1/8 of 56 | |
2. | More or Less 20% of 100 or 1/3 of 63 | |
3. | More or Less 50% of 48 or 1/4 of 100 | |
4. | Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to 0.50 | |
5. | Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to 0.25 | |
6. | More or Less 84% or 7/8 | |
7. | More or Less 65% or 3/5 | |
8. | More or Less 48% or 1/2 | |
9. | More or Less 79% or 3/4 of 100 | |
10. | More or Less 9/10 or 96% | |
11. | Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to decimal 0.03 | |
12. | Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to decimal 0.2 | |
13. | Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to decimal 1.00 | |
14. | Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to decimal 0.75 | |
15. | Fraction Trade-in: 40/50 | |
16. | Fraction Trade-in: Write fractions in their lowest terms | |
17. | Name that Hundredth: Write the decimal fraction represented by a shaded 100-grid | |
18. | Name that Hundredth: Write the decimal fraction represented by a shaded 100-grid | |
19. | Name that Hundredth: Write the decimal fraction represented by a shaded 100-grid | |
20. | Name that Hundredth: Write the fraction represented by a shaded 100-grid | |
21. | Percentage Wise: Write the percentage of a 100-grid that has been shaded | |
22. | Percentage Wise: Write the percentage of a 100-grid that has been shaded | |
23. | Percentage Wise: Write the percentage of a 100-grid that has been shaded | |
24. | Compare a fraction: Choose the fraction corresponding to a decimal number | |
25. | Compare a fraction: Choose the fraction corresponding to a decimal number | |
26. | Compare a fraction: Choose the fraction corresponding to a percentage | |
27. | Truth about fractions: Select the smaller number 8.1 or 96/12 | |
28. | More or Less: Select the expression with the higher value | |
29. | More or Less: Select the expression with the higher value | |
30. | Fraction Trade-in: Write 21/24 in its lowest terms | |
31. | Fraction Trade-in: Write 16/20 in its lowest terms | |
32. | Convert a fraction: Select the decimal number and % approximating 1/6 | |
33. | Convert a fraction: Select the decimal number and % corresponding to 1/4 | |
34. | Convert a fraction: Select the decimal number and % corresponding to 2/5 | |
35. | Convert a fraction: Select the decimal number and % corresponding to 5/8 | |
36. | Name that hundredth | |
37. | Name that hundredth | |
38. | Name that hundredth | |
39. | Percentage wise: Identify the percentage shaded on a 100-grid | |
40. | Percentage wise: Identify the percentage shaded on a 100-grid | |
41. | Percentage wise: Identify the percentage shaded on a 100-grid | |
42. | Percentage wise: Identify the percentage shaded on a 100-grid | |
43. | Truth about fractions: Click the larger number | |
44. | Truth about fractions: Click the smaller number | |
45. | More or less: Click the expression with the higher value | |
46. | Convert a fraction: Click the decimal and the percentage corresponding to 2/3 | |
47. | Convert a fraction: Write a common fraction as a decimal and % | |
48. | Convert a fraction: Select equivalent decimal and percentage to a common fraction | |
49. | Convert a fraction: Write decimal and percentage equivalents to a common fraction | |
50. | Convert a fraction: Write a common fraction as a decimal and % | |
51. | Convert a fraction: Select equivalent decimal and percentage to a common fraction | |
52. | Convert a fraction: Write decimal and percentage equivalents to a common fraction | |
53. | Convert a fraction: Write decimal and percentage equivalents to a common fraction | |
54. | Name that hundredth: Write the shaded portion of a 100-grid as a decimal number | |
55. | Name that hundredth: Write the shaded portion of a 100-grid as a decimal | |
56. | Name that hundredth: Write the shaded portion of a 100-grid as a decimal | |
57. | Percentage wise: Write the percentage of a 100-grid that is shaded | |
58. | Percentage wise: Write the percentage of a 100-grid that is shaded | |
59. | Percentage wise: Write the percentage of a 100-grid that is shaded | |
60. | Compare a fraction: Click fractions less than 0.4 | |
61. | Compare a fraction: Click fractions less than 55% | |
62. | More or Less: 8 sevenths of 70 or 38% of 200 | |
63. | More or Less: 1 half of 100 or 14% of 300 | |
64. | More or Less: 94% of 50 or 1 half of 96 | |
65. | More or Less: 75% of 80 or 1/3 of 90 | |
66. | More or Less: 28% of 100 or 9/10 of 30 | |
67. | Compare a Fraction: Click the fraction equivalent to 0.6 | |
68. | Compare a Fraction: Click the fraction equivalent to 0.06 | |
69. | Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms | |
70. | Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms | |
71. | Having a spell: Compare marks on a percentage basis | |
72. | Truth about fractions larger 3/4 of 40=1/3 of * | |
73. | Truth about fractions: Click the larger fraction 9/20 or 43% | |
74. | Truth about fractions: Click the larger fraction 33/40 or 75% | |
75. | Truth about fractions: Click the smaller fraction 5/8 or 0.6 | |
76. | Truth about fractions smaller 4/17 or 0.25 | |
77. | Truth about fractions: Click the smaller fraction1/12 or 0.1 | |
78. | Truth about fractions: Click the larger fraction 3/8 or 0.4 | |
79. | Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms | |
80. | Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms | |
81. | Fraction Trade-in: Write a fraction in its lowest terms | |
82. | Number Detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number | |
83. | Number Detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number | |
84. | Number Detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number | |
85. | The facts of fractions: Click to choose the larger fraction | |
86. | The facts of fractions: Click to choose the larger fraction | |
87. | The facts of fractions: Click to choose the larger fraction | |
88. | The facts of fractions: Click to choose the smaller fraction | |
89. | The facts of fractions: Click to choose the smaller fraction | |
90. | More or less: Choose the greater number 34% of 50 or 1/9 of 45 | |
91. | More or less: Choose the greater number 10% of 94 or 2/3 of 27 | |
92. | To be the greatest: Choose the expression with the greater value 25% of 72 or 4/5 of 30 | |
93. | More or Less: Choose the higher number 83% of 200 or 4/5 of 210 | |
94. | More or Less Fractions: Click the higher number 75% of 600 or 3/2 of 320 | |
95. | More or Less: Click the higher number 52% of 50 or 1/4 of 100 | |
96. | Number detectives: Change a decimal number to a percentage | |
97. | Number detectives: Change a decimal number to a percentage | |
98. | Number detectives: Change a decimal number to a percentage | |
99. | More or less: Click the expression with the higher value 2/5 of 3 or 1/10 of 8 | |
100. | More or less: Click the expression with the higher value 5/8 of 4 or 7/10 of 3 | |
101. | More or less: Click the expression with the higher value 3/4 of 6 or 9/12 of 4 | |
102. | More or less: Click the expression with the higher value 11/12 of 1080 or 9/8 of 720 | |
103. | More or less: Click the expression with the higher value 31/32 of 32 or 3/2 of 24 | |
104. | The number detectives: Write a percentage as a decimal number | |
105. | Blue bloc: Write one part as a proportion of a whole | |
106. | Cory's Cooking Craze - conversion from L in decimals to fractions of a L | |
107. | Cory's Cooking Craze - conversion from L in decimals to fractions of a L | |
108. | Cory's Cooking Craze - conversion from fractions of L to decimal | |
109. | Detective Duck: Write a decimal number as a percentage | |
110. | Detective Duck: Write a decimal number as a percentage | |
111. | Detective Duck: Write a fraction as a percentage | |
112. | Fraction Quest: Click the larger portion 3/4 or 70% | |
113. | Fraction Quest: Click the smaller portion 1/8 or 15% | |
114. | Fraction Quest: Click the smaller portion 1/3 or 30% | |
115. | Fraction Quest: Click the larger portion 1/2 or 48% | |
116. | Fraction Quest: Click the smaller fraction 0.4 or 1/4 | |
117. | Fraction Quest: Click the smaller fraction 0.3 or 1/3 | |
118. | Fraction Quest: Click the larger fraction 0.7 or 4/5 | |
119. | Fraction Quest: Click the larger fraction 1/2 or 0.48 | |
120. | Fraction Quest: Click the larger fraction 7/12 or 0.5 | |
121. | Convert a fraction: Choose the decimal number and percentage corresponding to 1 quarter (1) | |
122. | Convert a fraction: Choose the decimal number and percentage corresponding to 1 quarter (2) | |
123. | Convert a fraction: Choose the decimal number and percentage corresponding to 1 quarter (2) | |
124. | Fraction Quest: Click the larger fraction 15/12 and 0.8 | |
125. | Fraction Quest: Click the larger fraction 4/3 and 0.76 | |
126. | Fraction Quest: Click the larger fraction 18/24 and 0.8 | |
127. | Fraction Quest: Click the larger fraction 9/8 or 0.9 | |
128. | Fraction Quest: Click the smaller number 47/5 or 9.1 |