Recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and related subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental strategies for computation
1. | 1000 less, 1000 more than 4215 | |
2. | 1000 less, 1 more than 7999 | |
3. | 10 less, 10 more than 5990 | |
4. | 100 less, 100 more than 4900 | |
5. | 1000 less, 1000 more than 3690 | |
6. | Changing Numbers - 2458 to 2558 | |
7. | Changing Numbers - 9906 to 9996 | |
8. | Changing Numbers - 7899 to 7909 | |
9. | Changing Numbers - 4323 to 4423 | |
10. | Changing Numbers - 8999 to 9000 | |
11. | 1000 less, 100 more than 4035 | |
12. | 1000 less, 100 more than 1000 | |
13. | 1000 less, 1000 more than 1900 | |
14. | 100 less, 1000 more than 1795 | |
15. | 1000 less, 10 more than 8712 | |
16. | 1000 less, 100 more than 6995 | |
17. | 100 less, 1 more than 5999 | |
18. | 1000 less, 1 more than 8799 | |
19. | 100 less, 1000 more than 5000 | |
20. | 1 less, 1000 more than 8000 | |
21. | Add these 3 numbers: 9+10+4 | |
22. | Add Board: 60 + 23 | |
23. | Add Board: 30 + 70 | |
24. | Add Board: 40 + 60 | |
25. | Add Board: *0 + 20 = 100 | |
26. | Add Board: 63 + 20 | |
27. | Make 50: 20+10+? | |
28. | Make 50: 20+10+? | |
29. | Make 50: 20+10+? | |
30. | Make 50: 20+10+? | |
31. | Make 50: 20+10+? | |
32. | Adding tens: 26 + ? = 36 | |
33. | Adding tens: 46 + ? = 56 | |
34. | Adding tens: 64 + ? = 94 | |
35. | Adding tens: ?+ 36 = 66 | |
36. | Adding tens: ?+ 73 = 83 | |
37. | Adding tens: ?+ 46 = 86 | |
38. | Changing numbers 136 to 140 | |
39. | Changing numbers 122 to 130 | |
40. | Changing numbers 154 to 160 | |
41. | Changing numbers 188 to 190 | |
42. | Changing numbers 177 to 180 | |
43. | Make 50: 20+10+? | |
44. | On the board 963 + 5 = ? | |
45. | On the board 242 + 6 = ? | |
46. | On the board 781 + 8 = ? | |
47. | On the board 427 + 2 = ? | |
48. | On the board 113 + 4 = ? | |
49. | Adding tens: 120 + ? = 140; 120 + 50 = ? | |
50. | Adding tens: 24 + ? = 64, 24 + 50 = ? | |
51. | Adding tens: 145 + ? = 155, 145 + 30 = ? | |
52. | Adding tens: 57 + ? = 97, 57 + 20 = ? | |
53. | Adding tens: 138 + ? = 178, 178 + 20 = ? | |
54. | Use the pattern: 2+4, 12+4, 120 + 40 | |
55. | Use the pattern: 4+1, 14+1, 140+10 | |
56. | Use The Pattern: 4+3, 14+3, 140+30 | |
57. | Use The Pattern: 2+7, 12+7, 120+70 | |
58. | Use The Pattern: 5+4, 15+4, 150+40 | |
59. | Use The Pattern: 3+6, 13+6, 130+60 | |
60. | Use The Pattern: 5+3, 15+3, 150+30 | |
61. | On The Board 135+100 | |
62. | On The Board 254+100 | |
63. | On The Board 458+100 | |
64. | On The Board 765+100 | |
65. | On The Board 553+100 | |
66. | Number detectives: 80+?, 90+?, 40+?=100 | |
67. | Number detectives: 10+?, 70+?, 50+?=100 | |
68. | Number detectives: 25+?, 35+?, 55+? =100 | |
69. | Number detectives: 5+?, 45+?, 15+?=100 | |
70. | 100 Zone: 93 + 10, 94 + 10, 96 + 10 | |
71. | 100 Zone: 90 + 10, 92 + 10, 97 + 10 | |
72. | 100 Zone: 95 + 10,10 + 95, 105 - 10 | |
73. | 100 Zone: 98 + 10,10 + 98, 108 - 10 | |
74. | 100 Zone: 99 + 10,109 - 10, 10 + 99 | |
75. | Add it up: Addition with trading 52+9 | |
76. | Add it up: Addition with trading 46+8 | |
77. | Add it up: Addition with trading 22+5 | |
78. | Add it up: Addition with trading 26+17 | |
79. | Add it up: Addition with trading 38+14 | |
80. | Add Board: 45 + 34 = ? | |
81. | Add Board: 67 + 12 = ? | |
82. | Add Board: 32 + 65 = ? | |
83. | 100 Zone: 70 + 40 = ? 90 + ? = 110, ? + 80 = 110 | |
84. | 100 Zone: 60 + 80 = ? 90 + ? = 140, ? + 100 = 140 | |
85. | 100 Zone: 70 + 80 = ? 100 + ? = 150, ? + 70 = 150 | |
86. | 100 Zone: 90 + 70 = ? 80 + ? = 160, ? + 60 = 160 | |
87. | 100 Zone: 95+7=? 101-?=99 ?+6=103 | |
88. | 100 Zone: 95+6=? 103-?=99 ?+6=104 | |
89. | 100 Zone: 98+7=? 105-?=98 ?+6=105 | |
90. | 100 Zone: 98+6=? 102-?=98 ?+5=103 | |
91. | 100 Zone: 98+3=? 101-?=97 ?+5=102 | |
92. | Add it up: 69+23 | |
93. | Add it up: 46+26 | |
94. | Add it up: 37+24 | |
95. | Add it up: 58+34 | |
96. | Add it up: 28+25 | |
97. | Changing Numbers 29 to 34 | |
98. | Changing Numbers 67 to 78 | |
99. | Changing Numbers 98 to 101 | |
100. | Changing Numbers 87 to 92 | |
101. | Changing Numbers 59 to 63 | |
102. | Changing Numbers 96 to 101 | |
103. | Changing Numbers 98 to 105 | |
104. | Changing Numbers 97 to 103 | |
105. | Changing Numbers 97 to 102 | |
106. | Changing Numbers 99 to 103 | |
107. | Changing Numbers 42 to 62 | |
108. | Changing Numbers 63 to 93 | |
109. | Changing Numbers 14 to 54 | |
110. | Changing Numbers 137 to 157 | |
111. | Changing Numbers 35 to 85 | |
112. | Number detectives 45+*=100 | |
113. | Number detectives 75+*=100 | |
114. | Number detectives 85+*=100 | |
115. | Number detectives 35+*=100 | |
116. | Number detectives 5+*=100 | |
117. | Number detectives *+109 = 113 | |
118. | Number detectives *+4 = 103 | |
119. | Number detectives *+5 = 103 | |
120. | Number detectives 235+6 = * | |
121. | Number detectives 98+7=* | |
122. | Number detectives 485+*= 493 | |
123. | Number detectives 515+*= 523 | |
124. | Number detectives 95+*=101 | |
125. | Number detectives 97+*=103 | |
126. | Use The Pattern 3+5 30+50 300+500 | |
127. | Use The Pattern 3+6 30+60 600+300 | |
128. | Use The Pattern 2+4 20+40 200+400 | |
129. | Use The Pattern 3+2 30+20 200+300 | |
130. | Use The Pattern 6+2 60+20 600+200 | |
131. | Make 200: 130+50+* | |
132. | Make 200: 70+100+* | |
133. | Make 200: 60+40+* | |
134. | Make 200: 90+30+* | |
135. | Make 200: 150+40+* | |
136. | Addition Chains 21 + 3 + 6 + 5, 60 + 4 + 3 + 2 | |
137. | Addition Chains 33 + 4 + 10 + 5, 28 + 3 + 9 + 8 | |
138. | Addition Chains 23 + 5 + 4 + 9, 60 + 8 + 3 + 10 | |
139. | Addition Chains 95 + 4 + 2 + 12, 94 + 3 + 3 + 7 | |
140. | Addition Chains 100 + 5 + 5 + 7, 99 + 3 + 6 + 2 | |
141. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 15+28 | |
142. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 29+16 | |
143. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 22+29 | |
144. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 54+28 | |
145. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 67+27 | |
146. | Beyond 90: 98 + 4 | |
147. | Beyond 100: 104 + 7 | |
148. | Beyond 110: 119+3 | |
149. | Beyond 120: 128+6 | |
150. | Beyond 130: 139 + 5 | |
151. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 246+8 | |
152. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 289+4 | |
153. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 545+8 | |
154. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 637+5 | |
155. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 124+7 | |
156. | Changing numbers: 12 + 10, +11, +111 | |
157. | Changing numbers: 28 + 10, +11, +111 | |
158. | Changing numbers: 49 + 10, +11, +111 | |
159. | Changing numbers: 88 + 10, +11, +111 | |
160. | Changing numbers: 29 + 10, +11, +111 | |
161. | Number Detectives: 100 Pairs ? + 79 = 100 | |
162. | Number Detectives: 100 Pairs ? + 51 = 100 | |
163. | Number Detectives: 100 Pairs 63 + 37 = ? | |
164. | Number Detectives: 100 Pairs 88 + ? = 100 | |
165. | Use the pattern: 6+3, 60+30, 600+300 | |
166. | Use the pattern: 2+4, 20+40, 200+400 | |
167. | Use the pattern: 2+6, 20+60, 200+600 | |
168. | Use the pattern: 4+9, 40+90, 400+900 | |
169. | Use the pattern: 1+7, 10+70, 100+700 | |
170. | On the Board 45 + 3* = *7 | |
171. | On the Board 3* + *5 = 98 | |
172. | On the Board 4* + 42 = *9 | |
173. | On the Board 3* + 62 = *6 | |
174. | On the Board 8* + *6 = 98 | |
175. | Add board 152+40 | |
176. | Add board 122+46 | |
177. | Add board 173+26 | |
178. | Add board 164+33 | |
179. | Add board 163+32 | |
180. | On the Board 63 + 32 = ** | |
181. | On the Board 33 + *5 = 7* | |
182. | On the Board *8 + 51 = 7* | |
183. | On the Board 63 + 17 = ** | |
184. | Adding Tens 167 + * = 197 | |
185. | Add Hundreds: 600+ * = 946 | |
186. | Add Hundreds: 200+ * = 580 | |
187. | Add Hundreds: 400+ * = 963 | |
188. | Add Hundreds: 100+ * = 319 | |
189. | Add Hundreds: 300+ * = 565 | |
190. | Adding Tens: 416 + 50 = * | |
191. | Adding Tens: 542 + 50 = * | |
192. | Add Hundreds: 500+246 | |
193. | Add Hundreds: 100+280 | |
194. | Add Hundreds: 300+453 | |
195. | Add Hundreds: 200+43 | |
196. | Add Hundreds: 800+163 | |
197. | Adding Tens: * + 726 = 786 | |
198. | Adding Tens: * + 314 = 394 | |
199. | Add Hundreds: * + 300 = 330 | |
200. | Add Hundreds: * + 200 = 241 | |
201. | Add Hundreds: * + 800 = 819 | |
202. | Add Hundreds: * + 300 = 345 | |
203. | Add Hundreds: * + 200 = 295 | |
204. | Number Detectives: 100 Pairs 85 + ?, 75 + ?, 45 +?= 100 | |
205. | The Nine Family: 53 + 9, + 19 + 29 | |
206. | The Nine Family: 47 + 9, + 19 + 29 | |
207. | The Nine Family: 38 + 9, + 19 + 29 | |
208. | The Nine Family: 55 + 9, + 19, + 29 | |
209. | The Nine Family: 42 + 9, + 19, + 29 | |
210. | Anyone for a burger?: $5+$4+$1+$2 | |
211. | Anyone for a burger?: $6+$4+$1+$3 | |
212. | Anyone for a burger?: $5+$6+$4 | |
213. | Anyone for a burger?: $5+$4+$1+$2 | |
214. | Anyone for a burger?: $5+$6+$1+$3 | |
215. | Bargain basement: $8+$4+$10 | |
216. | Bargain basement: $18+$6+$8 | |
217. | Bargain basement: $16+$6+$20 | |
218. | Bargain basement: $48+$6+$5 | |
219. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 45 + 17 | |
220. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 63 + 28 | |
221. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 34 + 48 | |
222. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 29 + 52 | |
223. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 46 + 37 | |
224. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 63 + 27 | |
225. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 34 + 57 | |
226. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 34 + 57 | |
227. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 55 + 25 | |
228. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 28 + 43 | |
229. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 968+ 5 | |
230. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 457+7 | |
231. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 213+9 | |
232. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 518+6 | |
233. | Add It Up: Addition with regrouping 812+ 8 | |
234. | True or False?: 12 + 14 = 26 | |
235. | True or False?: 19 + 13 = 34 | |
236. | True or False?: 17 + 19 = 36 | |
237. | True or False?: 14 + 17 = 33 | |
238. | True or False?: 12 + 13 = 25 | |
239. | Use the pattern: 5+2,50+20, 500+200=? | |
240. | Use the pattern: 5+4,50+40, 500+400=? | |
241. | Use the pattern: 7+1,70+10, 700+100=? | |
242. | Use the pattern: 2+3,20+30, 200+300=? | |
243. | Use the pattern: 3+8,30+80, 300+800=? | |
244. | Same or different:13-4,6+3,12-5,19-8,32-23 | |
245. | Same or different:13+6,34-15,43-25,32-13,58-37 | |
246. | Make 100: 50, 20 & ? | |
247. | Make 100: 60, 20 & ? | |
248. | Make 100: 10, 40 & ? | |
249. | Make 100: 10, 30 & ? | |
250. | Make 100: 60, 40 & ? | |
251. | Mysteries of 30!: 20+?, 15+?, 5+? | |
252. | Mysteries of 30!: 19+?, 10+?, 16+? | |
253. | Mysteries of 30!: 12+?, 13+?, 14+? | |
254. | Mysteries of 30!: 9+?, 5+?, 7+? | |
255. | Mysteries of 30!: 26+?, 28+?, 22+? | |
256. | Number detectives: 60+?, 50+?, 75+?=100 | |
257. | Number detectives: 65+?, 55+?, 85+?=100 | |
258. | True or False? 10-7=20-7 | |
259. | True or False? 15-2=2-15 | |
260. | True or False? 10-2=11-3 | |
261. | True or False? 9-5=8-4 | |
262. | Taking Tens: 90 - ? = 70 | |
263. | Taking tens: 40 - 30 = ? | |
264. | Taking tens: 50 - 20 = ? | |
265. | Taking tens: 80 - 40 = ? | |
266. | Taking tens: 70 - 10 = ? | |
267. | Taking tens: 70 - 40 = ? | |
268. | Taking tens: 40 - 30 = ? | |
269. | Takeaway board 87-53 | |
270. | Takeaway board 29-15 | |
271. | Takeaway board 45-21 | |
272. | Takeaway board 77-34 | |
273. | Takeaway board 18-12 | |
274. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 63-9 | |
275. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 45-8 | |
276. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 51-5 | |
277. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 43-7 | |
278. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 34-8 | |
279. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 62-8 | |
280. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 41-6 | |
281. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 63-9 | |
282. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 45-7 | |
283. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 56-9 | |
284. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 45-9 | |
285. | True or False?: 12 - 2 = 15 - 5 | |
286. | True or False?: 28 - 8 = 30 - 10 | |
287. | True or False?: 25 - 5 = 25 - 5 | |
288. | True or False?: 15 - 5 = 30 - 20 | |
289. | True or False?: 30 - 5 = 28 - 3 | |
290. | Use the pattern: 9-5, 90-50, 900-500 | |
291. | Use the pattern: 8-5, 80-50, 800-500 | |
292. | Use the pattern: 6-2, 60-20, 600-200 | |
293. | Use the pattern: 9-8, 90-80, 900-800 | |
294. | Use the pattern: 5-3, 50-30, 500-300 | |
295. | Use the pattern: 8-2, 80-20, 800-200 | |
296. | Takeaway board: 65-34 | |
297. | Takeaway board: 48-26 | |
298. | Takeaway board: 3? - 14 = 23 | |
299. | Takeaway board: 2? - 13 = 13 | |
300. | Takeaway board: 4? - 22 = 27 | |
301. | Takeaway board: 6? - 12 = 55 | |
302. | Takeaway board: 5? - 26 = 32 | |
303. | Taking Tens: 44 - 20 | |
304. | Taking Tens: 68 - 30 | |
305. | Subtract.chains 32 - 4 - 7 - 4, 45 - 2 - 10 - 5 | |
306. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 24 - 18 | |
307. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 52 - 36 | |
308. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 43 - 26 | |
309. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 46 - 28 | |
310. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 71 - 52 | |
311. | Changing Numbers 55-37=? | |
312. | Changing Numbers 65-54=? | |
313. | Changing Numbers 48-22=? | |
314. | Changing Numbers 36-16=? | |
315. | Changing Numbers 51-28=? | |
316. | Changing Numbers 42-32=? | |
317. | Write the missing number: 7 + ? + 14 = 30 | |
318. | Write the missing number: 15 + 4 + ? = 30 | |
319. | Write the missing number: 12 + 10 + ? = 30 | |
320. | Write the missing number: 15 + 5 + ? = 30 | |
321. | Write the missing number: 18 + 8 + ? = 30 | |
322. | Write the missing number: 5 + 5 + ? = 30 | |
323. | Number Detectives: ? - 15 = 10 | |
324. | Number Detectives: ? - 9 = 21 | |
325. | Number Detectives: 30 - 17 = ? | |
326. | Number Detectives: 30 - 14 = ? | |
327. | Number Detectives: 30 - ? = 12 | |
328. | Number Detectives: 40 - ? = 29 | |
329. | Takeaway board 152-? = 144 | |
330. | Takeaway board 547-? = 538 | |
331. | Takeaway board 553-? = 546 | |
332. | Takeaway board 291-? 285 | |
333. | Takeaway board 742-? = 737 | |
334. | Takeaway Board ?9-18 = 71 | |
335. | Takeaway Board 67-1?=53 | |
336. | Takeaway Board 79-?8=61 | |
337. | Takeaway Board ?7-17=50 | |
338. | Takeaway Board ?3-21=72 | |
339. | Take Ten 42 - 10 | |
340. | Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 21 from 5 | |
341. | Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 41 from 85 | |
342. | Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 31 from 77 | |
343. | Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 21 from 68 | |
344. | Eleven family: Subtract 1, 11 & 71 from 96 | |
345. | Subtract 2, 12 from 100 | |
346. | Subtract 3, 13 from 100 | |
347. | Subtract 5, 15 from 100 | |
348. | Subtract 7, 17 from 100 | |
349. | Subtract 8, 18 from 100 | |
350. | Subtract 4, 14 from 100 | |
351. | Find first number: After I count back 5, the new number is 299. Where did I start? | |
352. | Find first number: After I count back 4, the new number is 197. Where did I start? | |
353. | Find first number: After I count back 6, the new number is 395. Where did I start? | |
354. | Find first number: After I count back 7, the new number is 596. Where did I start? | |
355. | Find first number: After I count back 8, the new number is 95. Where did I start? | |
356. | Changing Numbers 84 to 63 | |
357. | Changing Numbers 100 to 44 | |
358. | Changing Numbers 40 to 24 | |
359. | Changing Numbers 124 to 98 | |
360. | Write the missing number: 25 + 3 + ? = 35 | |
361. | Write the missing number: 25 + 4 + ? = 35 | |
362. | Write the missing number: 25 + 2 + ? = 35 | |
363. | Write the missing number: 25 + 5 + ? = 35 | |
364. | Write the missing number: 25 + 1 + ? = 35 | |
365. | Write the missing number: 35 + 5 + ? = 50 | |
366. | Write the missing number: 35 + 7 + ? = 50 | |
367. | Write the missing number: 35 + 9 + ? = 50 | |
368. | Write the missing number: 35 + 13 + ? = 50 | |
369. | Write the missing number: 35 + 11 + ? = 50 | |
370. | True or False: 100 - 47 = 33 | |
371. | True or False: 200 - 28 = 172 | |
372. | True or False: 30 + 16 - 4 = 44 | |
373. | True or False: 30 + 16 - 4 = 42 | |
374. | True or False: 30 + 16 - 4 = 46 | |
375. | Use the Pattern: 7-3, 37-3, 167-3=? | |
376. | Use the Pattern: 9-5, 29-5, 249-5=? | |
377. | Use the Pattern: 6-3, 36-3, 166-3=? | |
378. | Use the Pattern: 8-1, 18-1, 128-1=? | |
379. | Use the Pattern: 6-4, 46-4, 286-4=? | |
380. | Hundreds takeaway 350-**=330 | |
381. | Hundreds takeaway 697-**=614 | |
382. | Hundreds takeaway 457-**=425 | |
383. | Hundreds takeaway 596-**=543 | |
384. | Hundreds takeaway 875-**=865 | |
385. | Hundreds takeaway 997-**=971 | |
386. | Subtracting tens: 88 - ? = 48 | |
387. | Subtracting tens: 57 - ? = 27 | |
388. | Subtracting tens: 44 - ? = 24 | |
389. | Subtracting tens: 86 - ? = 56 | |
390. | Subtracting tens: 94 - ? = 24 | |
391. | The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=31, 40-?=33, 40-?=30 | |
392. | The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=51, 40-?=38, 40-?=32 | |
393. | The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=32, 40-?=29, 40-?=37 | |
394. | The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=29, 40-?=38, 40-?=39 | |
395. | The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=30, 40-?=33, 40-?=36 | |
396. | The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=29, 40-?=31, 40-?=33 | |
397. | The Mysteries of 40!: 40-?=28, 40-?=32, 40-?=18 | |
398. | The Mysteries of 30!: 30-?=26, 30-?=23, 30-?=27 | |
399. | The Mysteries of 30!: 30-?=23, 30-?=13, 30-?=3 | |
400. | The Mysteries of 30!: 30-?=18, 30-?=15, 30-?=12 | |
401. | The Mysteries of 30!: 30-?=14, 30-?=19, 30-?=9 | |
402. | Subtraction chains: 30-4-10-8, 30-5-10-7 | |
403. | Subtraction chains: 30-4-16-8, 30-5-3-11 | |
404. | Subtraction chains: 30-8-6-12, 30-6-3-5 | |
405. | Subtraction chains: 30-3-4-13, 30-6-5-7 | |
406. | Subtraction chains: 30-10-9-4, 30-5-9-7 | |
407. | Changeover: 7 less than 301 | |
408. | Changeover: 6 less than 904 | |
409. | Changeover: 6 less than 503 | |
410. | Changeover: 7 less than 204 | |
411. | Changeover: 8 less than 305 | |
412. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 53 - 28 | |
413. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 61 - 13 | |
414. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 25 - 16 | |
415. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 33 - 18 | |
416. | Take it away: Subtraction with decomposition 46 - 27 | |
417. | Same or Different: Answer 43 | |
418. | Same or Different: Answer 77 | |
419. | Same or Different: Answer 69 | |
420. | Same or Different: Answer 56 | |
421. | Same or Different: Answer 38 | |
422. | Same or Different: Answer 24 | |
423. | The Mysteries of 40! 40-14,23,19 | |
424. | The Mysteries of 40! 40-8,12,25 | |
425. | The Mysteries of 40! 40-20,15,9 | |
426. | A Day at the Fair: 3x$1 + 2x$2 | |
427. | Anyone for a burger? 3x$5 + 2x$5 | |
428. | Bargain Basement - 2x$4 +10x$10 | |
429. | Anyone for a burger?: 6x$5 + 5x$5 | |
430. | Anyone for a burger?: 5x$4 + 3x$1 | |
431. | Bargain Basement: 4x$3 + 10x$10 | |
432. | Bargain Basement: 3x$4 + 6x$2 | |
433. | What Was I Thinking? - find original number after operations | |
434. | What Was I Thinking? - find original number after operations | |
435. | What Was I Thinking? - find original number after operations | |
436. | Make Five! - magic triangle puzzle, add to 5 | |
437. | Big Brother? - working backwards | |
438. | Sum In A Circle - numbers in each group total 15 | |
439. | Patterns - Which operation? 95*5=100 | |
440. | Which Operation? - 60*4 = 56 | |
441. | Dr Dan's Number Operations - "x - 6 = 7" | |
442. | The Busy Bus - students on and off bus | |
443. | Dr Dan's Number Operations - "x + 2 = 10" | |
444. | Number Quest - complete number sentence | |
445. | Number Quest - complete number sentence | |
446. | Build A Total - number sequence, 24 | |
447. | Tic Tac Two - use numbers 1, 2 and 3 to make all totals the same | |
448. | Make Five! - magic triangle puzzle, add to 5 | |
449. | Number Quest - complete number sentence | |
450. | Build A Total - number sequence, 30 | |
451. | I'm Thinking Of... - operations with length, whole cm | |
452. | Weigh Ho, Me Hearties! - adding masses in g | |
453. | Weigh Ho, Me Hearties! - adding masses in kg | |
454. | The Chicken Story: seventy-seven + twelve | |
455. | Crossing 100: Add 70 to 60 | |
456. | Crossing 100: Add 60 to 80 | |
457. | Crossing 100: Add 90 to 40 | |
458. | Crossing 100: Add 50 to 90 | |
459. | Crossing 100: Add 50 to 70 | |
460. | The Chicken Story: forty-one - thirty-three | |
461. | The Chicken Story: seventy-six - sixty-five | |
462. | The Chicken Story: thirty-nine + twelve | |
463. | The Chicken Story: thirty-six + fourteen | |
464. | The Chicken Story: forty-one + seventeen | |
465. | The Chicken Story: thirteen + nineteen | |
466. | The Chicken Story: twenty-four + thirty-two | |
467. | 10 less, 100 more than 4508 | |
468. | 100 less, 10 more than 6577 | |
469. | 100 less, 1000 more than 2231 | |
470. | 1000 less, 100 more than 4550 | |
471. | 100 less, 100 more than 7323 | |
472. | 1000 less, 1000 more than 1001 | |
473. | 1000 less, 1000 more than 4035 | |
474. | Emma at the shop: 25c + 15c | |
475. | Charlotte at the shop: 60c + 25c | |
476. | Marjorie at the shop: 70c + 15c | |
477. | Felicity at the shop: 50c + 45c | |
478. | Amy at the shop: 50c + 10c | |
479. | David at the shop: 45c + 30c | |
480. | Alisa at the shop: 40c + 25c | |
481. | Ayesha at the shop: 25c + 10c | |
482. | Sherwyn at the shop: 50c + 30c | |
483. | Fizah at the shop: 25c + 30c | |
484. | Shyla at the shop: 25c + 70c | |
485. | Reuben at the shop: (2 x 25c) + (1 x 40c) | |
486. | Henrietta and Jay at the shop: (2 x 25c) + (2 x 15c) |