Multiply and divide fractions and decimals using efficient written strategies and digital technologies

1. Changing Numbers: 8.1 +1.1, +11.1, x 0.1, x10
2. Changing Numbers: 9.2 + 0.1, +101, x 0.1, x10
3. Changing Numbers: 6.2 +1, +10, x 0.1, X100
4. Changing Numbers: 16.4 +1, +10.1, x 0.1, x10
5. Changing Numbers: 85.3 + 0.1, +1, x 0.1, x100
6. Changing Numbers: 25.46 x10, x.01, +1010, ÷0.1
7. Changing Numbers: 12.64 x10, x0.1, +100.1, +11.1
8. Changing Numbers: 110.53 x 0.01,+11.1, +1.1, ÷ 0.1
9. Changing Numbers: 453x10, +1000, +1, ÷ 0.1
10. Changing Numbers: 61.36 x10, x 0.1, +10.01, ÷0.01
11. Space Shuffle: Find the pattern
12. Space Shuffle: Find the pattern
13. Changing Numbers: 120.9 x 0.1, + 11.1, + 0.1, x 100
14. Signs & Numbers: 905 * 125
15. Changing Numbers: 90.091x10, +110, +0.01, x 0.1
16. Changing Numbers: 990.09 x10, +11.01, +100, x0.1
17. Changing Numbers: 100.01x100, +1000, +100, x 0.1
18. Signs and Numbers: Add correct sign to number sentences
19. Signs and Numbers: Add correct sign to number sentences
20. Changing numbers: Perform multiple operations on a number (add/subtract)
21. Changing numbers: Perform multiple operations add/subtract
22. Changing numbers: Perform multiple operations add/subtract
23. Changing numbers: Perform multiple operations add/subtract
24. Changing numbers: Perform multiple operations add/subtract
25. Double up and add - 3.6
26. Double up and add - 5.8
27. Double up and add: Double 4.9, Add 29.6, 30.1
28. Double up and add: Double 6.4, Add 18.4, 19
29. Double up and add: Double 2.7, Add 49.8, 50.3
30. Hundredths crossing: Addition of numbers with 2 dec places
31. Hundredths crossing: Addition of numbers with 2 dec places
32. Hundredths crossing: Addition of numbers with 2 dec places
33. Multiplication chain
34. Multiplication chain
35. Number detectives: 3x?=16.8
36. Number detectives: 5x?=14
37. Number detectives: 9x4.1
38. Decimal times: Complete the numbers on a vertical multiplication board
39. Decimal times: Complete the numbers on a vertical multiplication board
40. Decimal times: Complete the numbers on a vertical multiplication board
41. Decimal times: Complete the numbers on a vertical multiplication board
42. Decimal times: Complete the numbers on a vertical multiplication board
43. Decimal times: Complete the numbers on a vertical multiplication board
44. Decimal times: Complete the numbers on a vertical multiplication board
45. Decimal times: Complete the numbers on a vertical multiplication board
46. Reena at the sweet shop: Money multiplication and addition
47. Kristin at the sweet shop: Money multiplication and addition
48. Under the Big Top: Multiplication of time
49. Start Your Engines: Multiplication of length
50. Sum it up: Gabriel's lemonade scones
51. Sum it up: Kitty and Frank's money
52. Sum it up: Poppy's plants
53. Sum it up: Grandfather's clock
54. Sum it up: Nigel's Nibblies
55. Number Production: Complete each number sentence
56. Number Production: Complete each number sentence
57. Maths Production: Complete each number sentence
58. Number Production: Complete each number sentence
59. Number Production: Complete each number sentence
60. Multiplication Simplification 27 x 2.4
61. Multiplication Simplification 62 x 1.6
62. Multiplication Simplification 46 x 4.8
63. Multiplication Simplification 59 x 3.6
64. Multiplication Simplification 71 x 6.4
65. Decimal Times: Write missing numbers in vertical decimal multiplications
66. Decimal Times: Write missing numbers in vertical decimal multiplications
67. Decimal Times: Write missing numbers in vertical decimal multiplications
68. Times chain 1.4x6= * x0.1= *
69. Times chain 15x0.3= * x2= *
70. Times chain 22x0.1= * x2= *
71. Times chain 11.1x0.4= * x2= *
72. Times chain 0.4x40= * x0.2= *
73. Multi-Multiplication 62.3 x100 x50 x0.01 x.0.1
74. Multi-Multiplication 6 x2 x20 x200 x0.2
75. Multi-Multiplication 4.8 x50 x-5 x0.5 x-55
76. Multi-Multiplication 3 x7 x-7 x0.7 x70
77. Multiplication simplification: Use doubling and halving to simplify multiplication operations
78. Multiplication simplification: Use doubling and halving to simplify multiplication operations
79. Multiplication simplification: Use doubling and halving to simplify multiplication operations
80. Multiplication simplification: Use doubling and halving to simplify multiplication operations
81. Multiplication simplification: Use doubling and halving to simplify multiplication operations
82. Division Chains
83. Division Chains
84. Number detectives: ?/0.4=40
85. Number detectives: ?/0.7=80
86. Number detectives: ?/0.6=70
87. Number detectives: ?/0.6=60
88. The great Divide 140 /7, 28, 14, 0.7
89. The great Divide 128 /8, 16, 64, 0.8
90. The great Divide 360 /3, 18, 12, 0.3
91. The great Divide 192 /6, 12, 32, 0.6
92. The great Divide 144 /4, 8, 24, 0.4
93. The Great Divide: Complete these number sentences
94. The Great Divide: Complete these number sentences
95. My Fair Sharer: Write the correct division setting
96. My Fair Sharer: Complete the missing inputs and outputs
97. My Fair Sharer: Outputs (/ -9)
98. My Fair Sharer: Write the correct division setting
99. About to divide: click the best estimate
100. About to divide: click the best estimate
101. About to divide: click the best estimate
102. True or false: 66.6 / -11.1 = 6
103. True or false: 33.3 / 0.5 = 66.6
104. True or false: 25.5 / 0.5 = 50
105. True or false: 84.4 / 21.1 = 4.1
106. Division Chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
107. Division Chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
108. Division Chains: Write missing numbers in division chains
109. My fair sharer: / -9
110. My fair sharer: / 0.7
111. My fair sharer: / -12
112. Divide and rule: Simply division calculations by halving
113. Divide and rule: Simply division calculations by halving
114. Divide and rule: Simply division calculations by halving
115. Divide and rule: Simply division calculations by halving
116. Divide and rule: Simply division calculations by halving
117. About to divide: Click the best estimate
118. About to divide: Click the best estimate
119. True or False: 15.8/4=3.95
120. True or False: 26.8/-4=6.7
121. Slam Dunk: Measurement mtuliplication
122. Number Production: Complete each number sentence
123. My Fair Sharer /0.9
124. My Fair Sharer /0.8
125. My Fair Sharer /-0.6
126. About to divide: Estimate the answer for a division
127. About to divide: Estimate the answer for a division
128. Great Divide: Perform multiple division operations on a number
129. Great Divide: Perform multiple division operations on a number
130. Sum It Up: Put the correct number statement onto the answer board
131. Sum It Up: Put the correct number statement onto the answer board
132. Sum It Up: Put the correct number statement onto the answer board
133. Fractured multiplication: Fraction multiplication
134. Fractions multiply: Multiplying fractions
135. Fractions Divide: 1/4÷1/2
136. The truth about fractions: 24÷1/4
137. The truth about fractions: 10÷5/6
138. Baking scale: Investigate proportional relationships
139. Patti's fruit pud 60:80 so ?:2
140. Dr Dan's Number Operations - "(x + 0.5) x 5 = 22.5"
141. It's A Dog's Life 3 - sevenths of a year, "dog years" vs "human years"
142. It's A Dog's Life 2 - sevenths of a year, "dog years" vs "human years"
143. It's A Dog's Life 1 - sevenths of a year, "dog years" vs "human years"
144. Every Second Counts 2 -seconds in one and a half years
145. Phil's Chocolate Conundrum - calculate number of units given individual and gross masses, g and kg
146. Head Quarters: One half & one quarter of 14.4
147. Head Quarters: One half & one quarter of 20.8
148. Fractions Multiply: 4/7x21/32