Graph simple non-linear relations with and without the use of digital technologies and solve simple related equations

1. Axis Power - quadratic functions, place curve on grid, identify axis of symmetry
2. Axis Power - quadratic functions, place curve on grid, identify axis of symmetry
3. Line-Out Intercepts - calculate intercepts, place curve on grid
4. Axis Power - quadratic functions, place curve on grid, identify axis of symmetry
5. Line-Out Intercepts - calculate intercepts, place curve on grid
6. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve
7. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve
8. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve
9. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve
10. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve