Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero

1. Happy Landings! 6 count down 1
2. Up We Go! 3 more than 7
3. Up We Go! 2 more than 7
4. Up We Go! Start at 0. Climb up 4
5. Happy Landings! Start at 10. Climb down 2
6. Happy Landings! Start at 10. Climb down 10
7. Up We Go! 1 more than 3
8. Up We Go! 1 more than 6
9. Up We Go! 1 more than 2
10. Up We Go! 1 more than 4
11. Up We Go! 1 more than 8
12. Happy Landings! 1 less than 5
13. Happy Landings! 1 less than 4
14. Happy Landings! 1 less than 8
15. Happy Landings! 1 less than 9
16. Happy Landings! 1 less than 3
17. Counting Pattern - Buttons * 4 5 6 7
18. Counting Pattern - Buttons 6 7 8 9 *
19. Counting Pattern - Clouds 4 * 6 7 8
20. Up and Away! 9 10 * 12 13
21. Up and Away! 14 15 16 * 18
22. Up and Away! * 16 17 18 19
23. Up and Away! 7 * 9 10 11
24. Up and Away! 12 13 14 * 16
25. Up and Away! 10 11 12 * 14
26. Up and Away! * 8 9 10 11
27. Counting Pattern - Clouds 7 8 9 * 11
28. Counting Pattern - Clouds 15 14 * 12 11
29. Card Patterns
30. How many on this card?
31. Which card comes next?
32. Which card comes next?
33. How many for the last card?
34. How many for the last card?
35. How many for the last card?
36. What's Your Number? 1 2 3 4 5 6 *
37. What's Your Number? 7 8 9 * 11 12
38. What's Your Number? 13 14 * 16 17 18 19
39. Order! Order!: Put the numbers in order
40. Order! Order!: Put the numbers in order
41. What's Your Number? 2 4 6 8 10 12 *
42. What's Your Number? 16 * 18 19 20 21 22
43. What's Your Number? 21 22 * 24 25 * 27
44. What's Your Number? 6 8 10 12 14 16 *
45. What's Your Number? 12 14 * 18 20 22 24
46. What's Your Number? 18 * 20 21 * 23 24
47. Counting pattern - Buttons: * 42 43 44 45
48. Counting pattern - Buttons: 37 38 * * 41
49. Counting Pattern - Buttons: 100 90 80 * 60
50. Counting Pattern - Buttons: * 20 22 24 26
51. Counting Pattern - Buttons: 55 53 51 * 47
52. Counting pattern - Clouds: 20 * 40 50 60
53. Counting pattern - Clouds: 18 20 * 24 *
54. Counting pattern - Clouds: 15 * 11 9 *
55. Counting pattern - Clouds: 0 5 * 15 *
56. Counting pattern - Clouds: 30 * 26 * 22
57. Counting pattern - Clouds: 75 80 85 * 95
58. Counting pattern - Clouds: 60 55 * 45 *
59. Counting pattern - What's Your Number?: 20 30 40 50 * 70 80
60. Counting pattern - What's Your Number?: 36 37 38 39 40 * *
61. Counting pattern - What's Your Number?: 27 29 31 * 35 * 39
62. Counting pattern - What's Your Number?: 1 4 7 * 13 * 19
63. Counting pattern - What's Your Number?: 65 * 45 35 25 15 *
64. Counting pattern - What's Your Number?: 10 14 18 * 26 * 34
65. Counting pattern - What's Your Number?: 90 80 * 60 50 *30
66. Counting pattern - What's Your Number?: 45 * 55 60 65 * 75
67. Counting pattern - What's Your Number?: 95 90 * 80 75 * 65
68. Counting pattern - What's Your Number?: 35 40 * * 55 60 65
69. Wrong Number!: 70 75 80 85 19 95 100
70. Wrong Number!: 30 4 50 60 70 80 90
71. Order! Order! Largest number first
72. Order! Order! Largest number first
73. What's the Number?: 70 68 66 * 62 60 58
74. Wrong Number!: 65 60 55 54 45 40 35
75. Wrong Number!: 22 24 25 28 30 32 34
76. Wrong Number!: 41 43 45 47 94 51 53
77. Wrong Number!: 60 65 70 77 80 85 90
78. Wrong Number!: 100 92 90 85 80 75 70
79. Up we go - What is 5 plus 3?
80. Up we go - What is 3 + 2?
81. Up we go - 4 add 2
82. Count on - Start at 11. Count on 2.
83. Count on - Start at 12. Count on 3.
84. Count on - Start at 16. Count on 3.
85. Count on - Start at 14. Count on 4.
86. Count on - Start at 11. Count on 6.
87. 20s Zone - 4 more than 22
88. 20s Zone - 4 more than 21
89. 20s Zone - 3 more than 24
90. Teens zone: 7 more than 8
91. Teens zone: 2 more than 9
92. 20s Zone: 16 + 4 = ?, 16 + 6 = ?
93. 20s Zone: 18 + 2 = ?, 18 + 5 = ?
94. 30s Zone: 4 more than 28
95. 30s Zone: 7 more than 25
96. 30s Zone: 5 more than 29
97. 30s Zone: 9 more than 29
98. Thrilling Thirties: 3 more than 29
99. Thrilling Thirties: Five more than twenty-seven
100. Thrilling Thirties: 4 more than 28
101. Thrilling Thirties: 5 more than 26
102. Thrilling Thirties: 4 plus 29
103. Fabulous Forties: 4 more than 38
104. Fabulous Forties: 6 plus 37
105. Fabulous Forties: 5 more than 39
106. Fabulous Forties: 6 plus 36 = ?
107. Fabulous Forties: 4 more than 37 = ?
108. Beyond 30 - 4 more than 38
109. 40s zone: Add on 5 to 36.
110. 40s zone: 37 plus 5
111. 40s zone: Add on 3 to 38
112. 50s zone: 49 plus 3
113. 50s zone: 4 more than 47
114. Happy Landings 7 minus 1
115. Happy Landings 7 minus 2
116. Happy Landings 7 minus 3
117. Happy Landings 7 minus 4
118. Happy Landings 6 minus 2
119. Happy Landings 6 minus 3
120. Happy Landings 6 minus 4
121. Happy Landings 6 minus 5
122. Happy Landings 5 minus 5
123. Happy Landings 5 minus 3
124. Happy Landings 9 minus 6
125. Happy Landings 7 less than 10
126. Happy Landings 8 minus 5
127. Happy Landings Take 4 from 9
128. Happy Landings 8 Take away 4
129. Happy Landings 6 Take away 6
130. Crossing 10: Add 7 to 8
131. Crossing 10: 14-4; 14-7=?
132. Crossing 10: Add 5 to 8
133. Crossing 10: Add 5 to 9
134. Crossing 10: Add 9 to 6
135. Crossing 10: 14-4; 10-7=?
136. Crossing 10: 13-3; 10-9=?
137. Crossing 10: 17-7; 17-9=?
138. Crossing 10: Add 8 to 5
139. Crossing 10: Add 9 to 9.
140. Having a Ball 8 - 6
141. Having a Ball 10 - 4
142. Having a Ball 9 - 6
143. Having a Ball 7 - 4
144. Having a Ball 8 - 3
145. Find the first number: ? count on 5 = 8
146. Find the first number: ? count on 1 = 8
147. Find the first number: ? count on 2 = 8
148. Find the first number: ? count back 1 = 8
149. Find the first number: ? count back 2 = 8
150. Find the first number: ? count back 3 = 8
151. Find the first number: ? count back 4 = 8
152. Find the first number: ? count on 3 = 8
153. Find the first number: ? count on 4 = 8
154. Count back: 16 count back 9
155. Count back: 16 count back 5
156. Count back: 16 count back 4
157. Count back: 16 count back 7
158. Count back: 16 count back 3
159. The 20s zone: 24 - 4 = ?, 24 - 7 = ?
160. Boundary Bounce: Bounce in 2s from 12 to 0
161. Circle of Friends - number pattern, who will say 11?
162. The 20s zone: 28 - 8 = ?, 28 - 9 = ?
163. The 20s zone: 23 - 3 = ?, 23 - 4 = ?
164. The 20s zone: 26 - 6 = ?, 26 - 8 = ?
165. The 20s zone: 22-2=?, 22-5=?
166. The 20s zone: 21-1=?, 21-7=?
167. The 20s zone: 23-3=?, 23-8=?
168. The 20s Zone: Add 6 to 18
169. The 20s Zone: Add 5 to 16
170. The 20s Zone: Add 7 to 15
171. Teen Zone: Add 7 to 8
172. Teen Zone: Add 8 to 6
173. Teen Zone: Add 9 to 7
174. Teen Zone: Take 8 from 15
175. Teen Zone: Take 7 from 16
176. Teen Zone: Take 5 from 13
177. Teen Zone: Take 7 from 14
178. Teen Zone: Take 9 from 17
179. Teen Zone: Take 7 from 12
180. Teen Zone: Take 8 from 15
181. Teen Zone: Take 8 from 15
182. Teen Zone: Add 5 to 7
183. The 20s Zone: Add 7 to 17
184. Teen Zone: Take 7 from 15
185. Teen Zone: Take 9 from 16
186. Teen Zone: Take 9 from 18
187. Teen Zone: Take 11 from 17
188. Teen Zone: Take 9 from 14
189. Teen Zone: Add 6 to 6
190. The 20s Zone: Add 6 to 17
191. The 20s Zone: Add 6 to 15
192. The 20s Zone: Add 6 to 19
193. Teen Zone: Add 8 to 7
194. Crossing 10: Add 7 to 7
195. Crossing 10: Add 9 to 7
196. Crossing 10: Take 8 from 17
197. Crossing 10: Take 9 from 17
198. Crossing 10: Take 9 from 13
199. Crossing 10: Add 6 to 8
200. Crossing 10: Take 9 from 15
201. Crossing 10: Take 9 from 14
202. Crossing 10: Take 8 from 13
203. Crossing 10: Take 7 from 14
204. Boundary Bounce: Bounce in 2s from 10 to 0
205. Boundary Bounce: Bounce in 5s from 15 to 0
206. Boundary Bounce: Bounce in 2s from 14 to 0
207. Count back: Start at 16. Count back 5
208. Count back: Start at 16. Count back 6
209. Count back: Start at 16. Count back 4
210. Count back: Start at 16. Count back 7
211. Count back: Start at 16. Count back 5
212. Beyond 30 - 7 more than 39
213. Beyond 30 - 8 more than 35
214. Beyond 30 - 7 more than 37
215. Beyond 30 - 6 more than 38