Recognise most high-frequency words, know how to use common prefixes and suffixes, and know some homophones and generalisations for adding a suffix to a base word

1. Purple People Eater - Select all the words that say 'people'
2. Circle With Your Partner - Put the circle around the correct word
3. Heavy Words - Select the box with all words spelled correctly
4. Find the Words - Identify the words visible in the display
5. Choose Me! - Select all the words that say 'choose'
6. Select Me! - Click all the words that say 'select'
7. One, Two... - Select the correct word: singular/plural
8. One, Two... - Select the correct word: singular/plural
9. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly-spelled word
10. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly-spelled word
11. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly-spelled word
12. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly-spelled word
13. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly spelled word
14. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly spelled word
15. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly spelled word
16. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly spelled word
17. Circle With Your Partner....- Put the shape around the correct word
18. Circle With Your Partner....- Put the shape around the correct word
19. Circle With Your Partner....- Put the shape around the correct word
20. Packing Problems - Sort correctly and incorrectly spelled words
21. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly spelled word in each group
22. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly spelled word in each group
23. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly spelled word in each group
24. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly spelled word in each group
25. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly spelled word in each group
26. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly spelled word in each group
27. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly spelled word in each group
28. Word Find - Find the word 'hose'. Use arrows to link the letters.
29. Word Find - Find the word 'often'. Use arrows to link the letters.
30. Word Find - Find the word 'they'. Use arrows to link the letters.
31. Pick a Brick - Select the correctly spelled number words
32. Circle With Your Partner - Circle the correct word
33. Grocery Grab - Interpret list
34. Grocery Grab - Interpret list
35. Phoebe's Kitchen - Interpret recipe
36. Max's Bug Collection - Interpret descriptive text
37. Max's Bug Collection - Interpret descriptive text
38. Drag the correct word to finish the rhyme
39. Missing Words - Cloze activity
40. Missing Words - Cloze activity
41. Describing an object
42. Best step to fill gap
43. Information Report: Odd One Out
44. Information Report: Odd One Out
45. Word Recognition (*)
46. Match Up - Drag circles to identify matching CVCC words
47. Match Up - Drag circles to identify matching CVCC words
48. Match word sounds to words and pictures (*)
49. Match word sounds, words and pictures (*)
50. Match word sounds with words and pictures (*)
51. Match word sound with word and picture (*)
52. Match sound to word and picture (*)
53. Cloze activity - and/ but
54. Lvl4 alternative words (1)
55. Hollyword Oblongs: Snap words A
56. Hollyword Oblongs: Snap words A
57. Hollyword Oblongs: Snap words A
58. Hollyword Oblongs: Snap words A
59. Hollyword Oblongs: Snap words A
60. Hollyword Oblongs: Snap words A
61. Hollyword Oblongs: Snap words A
62. Match Sound And Words (*)
63. Drag each consonant digraph word to correct sound shape (*)
64. Match word and picture to word sounds (*)
65. Which word is correct? - Drag homophones to correct sentences (2)
66. Choose correct word for picture (1)
67. Missing Words - Cloze activity
68. Missing Words - Cloze activity
69. Build two compound words (*)
70. Match Sound And Words (2)
71. Match Sound And Words (1)
72. Build two compound words (2)
73. Build two compound words (1)
74. Match sound to word and picture (2)
75. Match sound to word and picture (1)
76. Match word sounds to words and pictures (3)
77. Match word sounds to words and pictures (2)
78. Match word sounds to words and pictures (1)
79. Match word sounds with words and pictures (*)
80. Match word sound with word and picture (3)
81. Match word sound with word and picture (2)
82. Match word sound with word and picture (1)
83. Old Man Poem 1 (1)
84. Scrumptious! - Follow instructions to complete picture
85. Drag each consonant digraph word to correct sound shape (1)
86. Drag each consonant digraph word to correct sound shape (2)
87. Drag each consonant digraph word to correct sound shape (3)
88. Build two compound words (*)
89. Build two compound words (1)
90. Build two compound words (2)
91. Build two compound words (3)
92. Match word and picture to word sounds (1)
93. Match word and picture to word sounds (2)
94. Match word and picture to word sounds (3)
95. Describing an object
96. Describing an object
97. Word Recognition (3)
98. Word Recognition (2)
99. Word Recognition (1)
100. Match word sounds with words and pictures (1)
101. Match word sounds with words and pictures (2)
102. Match word sounds with words and pictures (3)
103. Match word sounds with words and pictures (4)
104. Match word sounds, words and pictures (3)
105. Match word sounds, words and pictures (2)
106. Match word sounds, words and pictures (1)
107. Match word sounds with words and pictures (1)
108. Match word sounds with words and pictures (2)
109. Match word sounds with words and pictures (3)
110. Homographs - Drag correct word for definitions
111. Homographs - Drag correct word for definitions
112. Homographs - Drag correct word for definitions
113. Drag substitute word over word group
114. Drag substitute word over word group
115. Drag substitute word over word group
116. Over and Out - Write the missing letters from "over" and "out" (1)
117. On the Go! - Put a shape around the correctly spelled word in each pair (1)
118. Find and Fill - Find and write the correct word to complete the sentence (1)