Understand how to use spelling rules and word origins to learn new words and how to spell them

1. Mixed Doubles - Re-arrange the double letter groups so that each word is spelled correctly
2. Anna's Anagrams - Write an anagram for 'dam'
3. Anna's Anagrams - Write an anagram for 'who'
4. Anna's Anagrams - Write an anagram for 'end'
5. Anna's Anagrams - Write an anagram for 'eat'
6. Have Another Go! - Identify the small words in 'another'
7. Same Sounds - Write the homophone for 'brake'
8. Same Sounds - Write the homophone for 'plane'
9. Same Sounds - Write the homophone for 'war
10. Same Sounds - Write the homophone for 'threw'
11. Sorting? - Sort base words into rule groups for adding 'ing'
12. Sorting? - Sort base words into rule groups for adding 'ing'
13. Fair Go! - Write plurals for words ending in 'f'
14. Scrambled Words - Unscramble list words
15. Scrambled Words - Unscramble list words
16. Throw A Double - Click all the correctly spelled word groups
17. Word Find - Identify all the small words found in the bigger words
18. Word Find - Identify all the small words found in the bigger words
19. The Blue Lagoon - Letter Find
20. The Blue Lagoon - Letter Find
21. It's a Wonderful Life! - Add 'ful' to each word
22. It's a Wonderful Life! - Add 'ful' to each word
23. Can You Help Heath? - Remove one letter from each word to make another word
24. Can You Help Heath? - Remove one letter from each word to make another word
25. Can You Help Heath? - Remove one letter from each word to make another word
26. Can You Help Heath? - Remove one letter from each word to make another word
27. Can You Help Heath? - Remove one letter from each word to make another word
28. Think Inside the Square! Use letters from inside the square to make a word matching the clue
29. Le Crossword - Complete the 'le' words in the crossword
30. Juggling Compounds! - Make compound words
31. Juggling Compounds! - Make compound words
32. Wanted Words - Match word pairs/contractions
33. Words Within Words - Write small words from the clues
34. Words Within Words - Write small words from the clues
35. Words Within Words - Write small words from the clues
36. Words Within Words - Write small words from the clues
37. Like Mice to Cheese - Make compound words
38. Secret Word - Use clues to find the secret word
39. Opposite Land - Add prefixes to make opposites
40. Words Within Words - Write small words from the clues
41. Words Within Words - Write small words from the clues
42. Words Within Words - Write small words from the clues
43. Words Within Words - Write small words from the clues
44. Secret Code - Write words from clues
45. Car Accident - Onomatopoeia activity
46. Painful Prefixes - Choose correct prefix
47. Insufferable Suffixes - Choose correct suffix
48. Insufferable Suffixes - Choose correct suffix
49. Painful Prefixes - Choose correct prefix
50. Insufferable Suffixes - Choose correct suffix
51. Words Within Words - Write small words from the clues
52. Number Punching - Identify 'number' prefixes (uni, etc)
53. Good Better Best! - Write comparatives & superlatives
54. Good Better Best! - Write comparatives & superlatives
55. Good Better Best! - Write comparatives & superlatives
56. Good Better Best! - Write comparatives & superlatives
57. Good Better Best! - Write comparatives & superlatives
58. Good Better Best! - Write comparatives & superlatives
59. Good Better Best! - Write comparatives & superlatives
60. Good Better Best! - Write comparatives & superlatives
61. Good Better Best! - Write comparatives & superlatives
62. Where Did I Come From? - Write adjectives for countries of origin
63. Where Did I Come From? - Write adjectives for countries of origin
64. Where Did I Come From? - Write adjectives for countries of origin
65. Word Ancestors
66. Opposites Amass
67. level12+ 5. Word Origins (1)
68. Match prefixes A
69. Match prefixes 2
70. Match prefixes 3
71. Match prefixes 4
72. Match prefixes 5
73. Listen Carefully! - Identify incorrect ie/ei words (1)
74. Word Blends - Identify the 3-letter blend in each word (1)
75. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary! - Write letters in order to make a word (1)
76. This is How it Goes - Write plurals for words ending in "o" (1)
77. All About Science - Write "s" or "sc" as a word beginning (1)
78. Spell Stack - Write all possible list words using letters from the Spell Stack (1)
79. Recountable - Put a cross on every word needing correction (1)
80. The Normal Procedure - Put a cross on every word needing correction (1)
81. Take Your Pick! - Identify correctly spelled words (1)
82. Take Your Pick! - Identify correctly spelled words (1)
83. Think Inside the Square! Make a word from the clue (1)
84. Think Inside the Square! Make a word from the clue (1)
85. Caught Short - Write contractions from the list (1)
86. Caught Short - Write contractions from the list (1)
87. Two Ways - "Their" and "they're" (1)
88. Two Ways - "Your" and "you're" (1)
89. Changing Ways - Change one letter in each word to make a list word (1)
90. Changing Ways - Change one letter in each word to make a list word (1)
91. Word Chains - Change "bent" to "goat" in three moves (1)
92. Word Chains - Change "look" to "pack" in three moves. (1)
93. Thinking Small - Write the larger word that contains all the small words (1)
94. Thinking Small - Write the larger word that contains all the small words (1)
95. Exceptions - Add "ing" to "singe" (1)
96. Exceptions - Add "ing" to "canoe" (1)
97. Exceptions - Add "ing" to "age" (1)
98. Exceptions - Add "ing" to "dye" (1)
99. Changing Two - Write the plural of "mouse" (1)
100. Changing Two - Write the plural of "goose" (1)
101. Changing Two - Write the plural of "tooth" (1)
102. Words Within Words - Write small words from the clues (1)